Posts Tagged ‘restaurants’

Do you realized that World Class Companies have this Policy that among others “any food that are not eaten or consumed at their F&B Outlets like Restaurants,Buffets,Functions,Events will or must be THROWN INTO THE DUSTBINS,Why we allow or tolerate this wastefulness?

Many reaons are given like:

  • Its company policy
  • we only want FRESH food to be seryved at all times to our guests or customers
  • we do not want our staff to bring back our hotel food back home and may cause dishonour to others by way of hotel left over food also consume by outsiders
  • we want to keep our Brands or reputation intact and do not allow for reseller at any levels or locations
  • and many other “stupid”reasons or “just cannot understand” reasons as far as Ramli is concerned….

So,whats the Big Deal or Problem actually?

At times hotel unconsumed food due to accesses or not consumed well by Guests will become Big Wasters and just plain wastes of the worst kind!

Like in some Fast Food Companies if their doughnuts are not consumed by end of the day the F&B Outlet Manager must discard the unconsumed doughnuts to the dustbins and do not allow any staff to take away or bring back home.Why they practised like that day in day out everyday?many people are still poor and they surely can consumed those left over food and still consider to be eatable and good to eat!

Even unconsumed Roast Chicken can be dumped into the dustbins if they are not sold or consumed when business hours end.Can you name such organisatiions that you have relazed practise this kind of Food Keeping Policy?

So what can we do to make our Living more Realistic,Ideal,Fair,Justice,Tolerable and Non Wasters?

Sure we can!We need to revisit these Unkind Policies and Become more humane and Good Citizens to the World not as it is but the way it should be like or practised with RESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOUR.

Hotels and Fast Food Companies as part of the CSR Movement MUST Meet Welfare Homes,Old Folks,Poor Communities so that a System of Handover of Unused or Unconsumed Food & Drinks can be rightly or fairly distributed or handed over to them as and when available even if its an everyday affair!Can we do it?

So many more things to thnk and do on this matter of importance and urgency.The Faster and Rightly we act the more we SAVE and not become BIG WASTERS or do discredit to our Food and Drinks where others or those in need can consumed well and with great satisfaction!

Lets see if we can change all these Negative Ways to More Positive Ways of Living and Doing Business the Right Way that Allah SWT or God Almighty expects from us all human beings….

Contact Ramli at HP:+60192537165 / +60355450975 and email: for any suggestions or assistance on the above subject.

Have a Great Positive Life!

In the Malaysian Food Business scenario nowadays especially in Greater KL we find that the Mamak Restaurants both medium and large sizes are really reaping great profits all the time as compared to Malay based,Chinese based or Indian based types,why?

From Ramli and your own personal experiences you have realized the Good Points of the Mamak based Restaurants like:

  • Friendly atmosphere
  • Fast services
  • Favourable prices (most of the time lah)
  • Flexible arrangements like in air con rooms,ceiling fans rooms or pedestrian walkaways areas (outdoor style)
  • Variety of menu even western,thai,minang,rtc..are offered

So,not only you can find Pure Authentic Mamak based menu but “rojak” menu available,why?

Mamak are so fast forward,business conciuous business people and they seek new ways or ideas to make sure their daily revenues are good,rising and lead the market,,,,

Mamak restaurants are also being so patience with their investment and can afford to stay on until that particular area or zone have good consistent and heavy traffic flow,,,,,

Nowadays Mamak based restaurants like the famous SYED,Hameed,Khulafa,Darul Ehsan,Mahbob,Rafi and others have a great business model that can quickly replicate their business set up by establishing one outlet after another and all are popular and good business,So,why especially the Malays can’t achieve taht feat as these Mamak Tycoons have done many times over?

From Ramli’s oberservation and personal experiences Mamak restaurants or owners have these important traits or characteristics that are:

  • Frugality in the early set up stages like only drinking”air suam” and not all the kinds of drinks their shop offers…
  • NO high style fashion or lfe style just plain simple ordinary person
  • income earned for keeps or next business growth plan and no unnecessary spending
  • build up client based all the time
  • paksarela all family members to help out and reduce operation or labour costs
  • they become expert in recycling food but maintain food quality and excitement
  • and many more good points

Why Malay based restaurants are weak?

So like the main heading Mamak Restaurants may no more be a Pure Mamak Food Centre but a kind of 1Malaysia (rojak style) of having all kinds of food offerings that meet the tastebuds or Malaysians wherevet they maybe,all the time….

Maybe Mamak Bosses know the importance of being practical,effective and profit making business entities and keep on building their empire bigger and better by introducing new business approaches,adaptive,workable and economically priced food and drinks offerings,…

more on Mamak Restaurants Excellence and Ramli’s QCD Factor effect to Malaysian businesses just like the successful Mamak based bsuinesses…..

Contact Ramli at hp:0192537165 or email:


The local economy like in many ASEAN countries are run by small businesses,local entrepreneurs and small capital investments…as time goes by these small or micro business set ups become bigger and move to the levels of SMEs’ and Medium size companies….and eventually Large Companies with listing in the local bourse and even overseas markets…
However like in Malaysia,to start a small business set up need to abide to all legal requirements like

registering the company,open bank accounts,establish representatives for matters of legal,tax and co secretarial matters etc…SO all these need some money and thats what hampering small businesses since money they have are all needed to make the business start and grow the lesser money available as working capital will mean a harder time to make the business move and grow and survive the early hardships of running a business set up…
LIke in Indonesia which Ramli was able to realize the small businesses are so plentiful and well encouraged to start and spread all over the 33 PROVINSI,349 KABUPATEN and 100 KOTA (CITIES)
You will noticed many kinds of products and services are made available for the more than 300 million population and as such with continual innovations and creative work to meet to the high competetive business environment,small businesses offer great new products thorough new inventions,innovations,modifications or just copy from existing such the consumers have lots of choices and businesses will grow,thrive and support the LOCAL Economy better than if there was lots restrictions in terms of business set ups,registrations,legal conformance and other not-so-important pre conditions as far as small micro businesses are concerned…
Like the Americans Lemonade Stands many decade years ago,these small start ups have allowed the Local US Economic activities to grow and thrive due to the good business conditions that allow small business to start selling their products and services and with good leadership and management,these small businesses become World Class companies like A&W,McDonalds,KFC,WalMart,Coca Cola and many more….
In Malaysia we have these small stall set ups that now become BIG Restaurants like SYED,Hameed,Khalifah,Nelson,Marrybrown and others…
What Ramli wants to suggest further are:
1.Allow small businesses like these Lemonade Stands to start and grow without much hindrance from the local city authorities or town councils….
2.Issue easy to get license or permits for small micro business set ups
3.Encourage drop outs,unemployed graduates or any inspiring and hard working persons to start this small “Lemonade Stands” and assist them where and when necessary
4.Upon their business prosper then make a review and qualify those into the SMEs’ rank and all these prerequisites or conditions to abide to…
5.Small start ups are necessary before they become Large Cos’ to spur the Local Economy more and more…
thats for sure…

For more infos,contact Ramli at hp:019-2537165 or email: