Posts Tagged ‘putrajaya’

In this coming 13MGE will the Rakyat vote for a new set of Govt in Power ie.from BN to BA?Will Putrajaya see a new Ruling Party or BN still remained in power with a better majority or lesser ?All these will be in the voting hands of the Rakyat come 13 MGE which many say will be in March 2012 during the coming School Holidays?

Ramli have 3 children who by age limit qualify to vote for the first time in this 13th Malaysian General Elections.Ramli thinks his eldest son who is now 26 years did not vote in the last 12MGE although he qualify being above 21 years old.Hopefully all 3 of Ramli’s children will vote for their favourite party and condidates in this 13MGE.

In life there is only Right and Wrong !There is only Heaven and Hell to go and there is only Male and Female origin ..

When we tend to steer away from the Truth we seek to go either the wrong way (False) or be in the middle (cannot decide) and thats worst!

In this 13MGE the Rakyat must know what to vote and they must be smart enough to know whats is Right and Wrong in voting the Political Candidate to be in Power for the Next Govt from 2012 to 2016.

Malaysia must by now have Loving Malaysians who love their country more than their race or original roots.Malaysia is now their “tumpah darah ku” and all Loving Malaysians must be ever ready and willing to sacrifice their lives for their country,people and rights!

If Malaysia possess these kind of Loving Malaysians then maybe any kind of race be it Malay,Chinese,Indians,Ibans,Dayaks or other Malaysian minority tribes can become a PM,DPM or other high ranking positions because they are True or Loving Malaysians!

In reality,Malays still compose 60% of the total Malaysian population and majority are Muslims so in Ramli’s thoughts Malays still have a dominant role to play to upheld,upkeep and safeguard Malaysia’s interests for a long time to come.Economically Malays are still way behind than the other races especially the Chinese so lots of work need to be accomplished by the Malays to be at par or even be in control of at least 60% of the Malaysian economy as in line with their population majority.When can this be achieved?

So,in this 13MGE if the Rakyat feel that BN have failed to deliver their promises and enriched the minds,wealth and hope of the Rakyat then they must be voted out and replace with a more able,dynamic and aspiring new Party ie.BA to take over and rule the New Govt from 2012 to 2016 period.If the Rakyat think BN have done well and is still relevant then BN must be voted back in power and deliver all their promises to the Rakyat!

The Biggest Problem is the Politicians who are GREEDY,POWER CRAZY,GOOD FOR NOTHING AND POOR MORAL VALUES these are what the Rakyat must eliminate by not voting them anymore!Can the Rakyat do that?Lets see in this coming 13MGE we have the Right Party,Right Politicians which the Rakyat have voted Rightly?Inshallah.

Contact Ramli if interested at hp:+6019-2537165 or emailed at :

The coming 13MGE is or maybe just a few days,weeks or months ahead!

Like PM Najib said “those who are non performers better quit and allow better ones to lead” and so too the other Political Parties all of them want to ensure their Party win this 13MGE.

The Opposition with their Pakatan brand wants to takeover Putrajaya and form the New Federal Govt while the incumbants BN wants to maintain their stronghold and be in power esp the Federal Govt.Losing the majority in PARLIAMENT will see the “goodbye” of BN as the Ruling Govt and allow Pakatan to elect the New PM and Cabinet!Can it happen?

Yes Pakatan can if they have the RIGHT MOVES and No if they make “stupid blunders” with the WRONG POLITICIANS AND DISLIKE BY THE VOTERS!

Maybe its better to have a clear majority winner in this coming 13MGE than a 50:50 winner where the management of the Federal Govt will see many “unnecessary” stoppages or hiccups due to political debates,arguments and all those non productive and non proactive actions from the political parties involved.

It goes to say,if a party win by more than 1 seat than the party is a majority winner and not a winner with the slimmest winning seat!Can it be done or accepted?

Why wastes?Why wastes lots of time politiking rather than WORK,WORK,WORK for the country and achieve her many important aspirations to become a Great Nation and Great Prosperity for the Rakyat ?

Ramli heard there are still Malaysians who do not possess clean water,ample lighting and food&shelter to their families and Malaysia already been Merdeka for 54 years ?

Malaysia have many cases or Corruptions as the Highest Levels,Divorces at “crazy” rates daily,sex crimes,CBT crimes,drugs and gangsterism and what have you?Malaysia Boleh as what people all say about Truly Malaysia!

So,who should WIN this 13MGE?

YOU Pikr lah?

for more insights about being a Great Malaysian,contact Ramli at hp:019-2537165 or email:

Ramli telah di jemput oleh pihak Pengurusan JPV untuk menjadi ahli Panel Juri Konvensyen KIK JPV yang telah berjaya dilaksanakan pada 14hbJun,2011 di Dewan Serbaguna,Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asastani Malaysia di PutraJaya.

6 KIK telah membuat persembahan termasuk KIK Jemputan iaitu KIK B-13 yang telah berjaya menjadi Johan KIK Kebangsaan Sektor Awam pada 2010 Bahagian Teknikal.6 KIK tersebut adalah untuk Kategori Pengurusan (3 KIK) dan Kategori Teknikal (3 KIK).

Setelah dinilai oleh 3 orang Panel Hakim maka keputusan nya seperti yang diumumkan pada keesokkan harinya adalah seperti berikut:

Johan Bahagian Pengurusan : KIK VISA (Pulau Pinang)

Tajuk Projek KIK: Pengawalan Pencemaran Bau dan Lalat di Ladang Ayam

Johan Bahagian Teknikal : KIK Fortu (Perak)

Tajuk Projek KIK: Operasi Pengawalan Anjing Terbiar di Lapangan Merbahaya dan Berisiko Tinggi

Untuk keterangan lanjut akan projek2 KIK tersebut harap layar halaman web JPV atau hubungi urusetia KIK JPV sendiri.

sila lihat foto2 yang Ramli berjaya rakamkan:

The above Forum was attended by almost 200 professionals mainly rthose in town planning professions as well as environmentalists and leaders of business and govt agencies.

This above Forum also was made possible by the launch of Datin Miriam Mohd Yusuff Sustainability Governance Endowment Fund.The ceremony of this launch and cheque presentation was made by Dato’Ghazali Dato’Mohd Yussof (Chairman of Nusatek and son of the late Datin Miriam) to Prof Dr Mazlin-Director of LESTARI.

There was many papers being presented by the Panel of Speakers including the Keynote Address by Emeritus Prof Dr.Terry G. McGee- a world reknown expert on Geography and Sustainable Mgmt etc..

For details of Forum agenda,please log in to

Here are some photos that Ramli have taken during the day:

Konvensyen KIK 2010 bagi peringkat Wilayah Persekutuan bagi Sektor Awam telah berjaya dilaksanakan di Dewan Serbaguna KWPKB Putrajaya pada 4hb dan 5hbOgos,2010.

Kategori Pengurusan (14KIK) dan Kategori Teknikal (8 KIK) telah layak dan berjaya ambil bahagian di peringkat akhir untuk memilih wakil WP ke Peringkat Konvensyen KIK Kebangsaan yang akan diadakan bulan Oktober,2010 ini.Hanya yang menjadi Johan diperingkat WP bagi kategori Pengurusan dan Teknikal akan mewakili WP di Peringkat Kebangsaan nanti.

Ramli sekali lagi telah dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menjadi Ketua Panel Hakim bagi Kategori Pengurusan bersama dengan Tuan Hj.Tahir (Perunding Bebas) yang banyak pengalaman dan masih aktif dalam Dunia KIK@KMK ini.Tuan Hj.Tahir juga adalah bekas Pegawai di INTAN.

Seperti dalam Ulasan Ketua Hakim yang di persembahkan oleh Ramli telah di beritahu pada semua yang hadir termasuk Y.Bhg.Dato Haji Ahmad Phesal Bin Talib-Ketua Setiausaha,Kementerian Wilayah Persekutuan dan Kesejahteraan Bandar (KWPKB) iaitu KIK pada masakini perlu menghasilkan prestasi atau “outcome” yang Prestasi Tinggi (Kelas Dunia) dimana proses atau perkhidmatan di Jabatan2 Sektor Awam akan lebih inovasi dan kreatif dan penglibatan bukan dari kumpulan sokongan sahaja tetapi dari kumpulan pengurusan (pegawai2) juga.

Di Konvensyen KIK KWPKB,sebanyak 14 KIK telah membuat persembahan mereka dan 8 KIK dari kategori Teknikal juga membuat persembahan didewan yang berasingan dengan kategori Pengurusan.

Banyak pengajaran dan pengalaman yang diperolehi oleh KIK2 yang mengambil bahagian dan bagi KIK yang telah membuat persiapan projek dan persembahan yang terbaik mereka telah berjaya mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang dimana akhirnya KIK yang dinobatkan sebagai Johan kategori Pengurusan dan Teknikal adalah tersebut:

Johan Kategori Pengurusan

KIK: Kumpulan Evolusiterra

Jabatan:Jabatan Kastam DiRaja Malaysia,Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur

Tajuk Projek:Kesukaran Mendapatkan Data Data Pengimpotan Precursor Chemical Bagi Tujuan Pemantauan

Johan Kategori Teknikal

KIK:Kumpulan B13

Jabatan: Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar Malaysia

Tajuk Projek: Mengurangkan Kadar Bebiri Tempang

Sila lihat foto2 yang Ramli telah ambil di Konvensyen tersebut: