Posts Tagged ‘ptp’

Salam to all Malaysians!

Today (25thJuly,2011) Ramli just read the Sinar Harian newspaper especially the Front Page or Headline news where the SPR study have shown that using the Biometric System can enable to deter voting twice rather than the use of the permanent ink system for the elections!

Why need all these extra precautions when we should be performing or doing our work or action with an attitude of Right The First Time meaning we do things the right way or natural way no need many checkings,precautions or “i dont trust you” situations!

When we have an environment of mistrust,no confidence or “i dont believe you” type then everything we do need roadblocks,checkings and more checkings.Like what SPR are doing they want to ensure the voting are done with great honesty,no cheating or foul plays.When you have people who dont trust each other then everything SPR does are not right and need scrutiny to the extent of assessing the election process to the “nitty gritty” stuff so that no wrong doings or election “cheatings” are happening!Because Malaysians behave such Negative ways it is normal that all these appraisal costs are incurred and that means more loss of money due to all the checking processes involved where equipment,system,people,training&education,other resources need to be provided and that involved lots of RM and SPR have to get such money to pay for all that expenses.IF ONLY MALAYSIANS ARE HONEST PEOPLE then NO Need all these extra costs just doing what is natural ie.go to the voting station,show your IC and Vote Your Candidate!Thats simple,right?However like in Malaysia what can be so simple is made to become so complicated and wastes of public funds..really…

Many examples like:

  • roads are always being repaired for all kinds of reasons when those in charge must ensure they think and plan well ahead and not bring chaos to traffic with all the jams and time delays
  • public toilets are always broken,dirty and unhealthy to visit due to no civic conciousness and also poor maintenance management by the Local Authorities.The Public also have this vandalism mentality for many “donkey” years
  • Public Telephones are better not build at all since almost 9/10 are unusable or badly maintained.YOU cannot even dial a “999” emergency call!
  • Drivers are more reprimanded by Police for holding their mobilephone while driving rather than those driving recklessly like lorries and buses on the roads which danger more people!
  • Food & Drink are sold at “crazy” prices when they can be sold at economic or reasonable prices!These are at pasar malam and food courts!Imagine a cup of soyabean or sirap drink now costs RM1.20 – rm1.50 per cup with lots of ice and less jus…Ramli think the actual cost of that drink is only less than 20 sen!
  • As far as Top Leaders and Senior Govt Servants they waste and waste a lot of public funds on their more than needed travels both domestic and overseas with a ROI under performance level.They travel not because they must but because they want…maybe..God Knows!
  • Lots of wastes are created when we implement projects with Great Bang but with Poor Results or No Results at all….
  • Our Malaysian Culture is not a Great Cuture yet to the eyes of the world but seem to be deteriorating with more crimes,indiscipline,corruptions,greed,poor performance,gangsterism,drugs,prostitution,gamblings etc etc..
  • Malaysian Politics is more of hatred,back biting,nonsense mgmt styles,wastes and no passion to work together for a Greater Malaysia.It is more of “when I can be in Power” type….Power means a chance to make money not a chance to serve the Rakyat well and with missions accomplished.
  • The quantity of GOOD LEADERS,HONEST,SINCERE is getting lesser everyday and thats BAD FOR MALAYSIA’S FUTURE..what to do,then?
These are some little examples of wastes we created in Malaysia and if we ignore all these small wastes soon they become bigger and later become so big that can even destroy Malaysia’s economy,peace,harmony,future and hope!
Malaysia yes must transform not so much in the govt as like GTP or economy just like ETP but PEOPLE MINDS AND ACTIONS where a People Transformation Program is much needed to move them from a 3rd Class Mentality to 1st Class levels…Inshallah..
call Ramli for more infos or or