Posts Tagged ‘private’

Here are some sites for you to see and understand whats happening with Rest of the World and Malaysia’s QCC@ICC and KIK.

C:\Users\ramli\Desktop\all abt kik@icc\konvensyen kik kebangsaan 2011 – Google Search.htm

Since 1984,when Malaysia started her QCC Movement there was only a handful teams registered with the QCC Secretariat (administered by NPC (now known as MPC) and INTAN).In the first year of Malaysia’s QCC Establishment as Ramli can recalled the 1st QCC Convention was participated both by the Govt Sector and Private Sector.In the following year the Govt Sector decided to hold their separate QCC Convention and NPC was given the responsibility to promote and administer the Malaysian Private Sector QCC Convention till today (2012)

The Govt Sector later renamed or rebrand their KMK to be known now as KIK and NPC also rebrand their QCC to be known as ICC.

With the steady growth and increasing popularity and acceptance of these QCC@ICC and KMK@KIK activities,many govt depts,agencies,ministries and also private sectors have all tried to implement and get the benefits of these teambased activities and projects implementation.

Studying back the actual philosophy of QCC since was initiated in Japan in 1962,the Father of QCC,Prof.Kaoru Ishikawa stated in the QC Koryo Book that QCC is a small group activity in the workplace participated by all workers to help solve problems in their workplace using QC Tools & Techniques in a desired time frame agreed by all.

QCC when carefully studied,practise and continual improvement will enable to help unleashed the hidden talents of the members to infinite possibilities and will be good for the personal development,mutual development and organisation development to take place.QCC is a tool of management and properly applied will help make the company and employees better.

Malaysia is now in the 28th year of QCC@ICC and KIK@KMK existence since 1984 till now (2012).Many great changes have happened as Ramli analysed and some of the recent ones are “shocking”,”disturbing” and “far from the original philosophy of QCC”.Why?

If we really study and understand the QC Koryo,QCC is basically established with the members in mind and how best to get team members to work together,unleashed their hidden talents and solve problems or make “breakthroughs” for their section or process or workplaces.

Nowadays,its more about results and results but the process of QCC is never highlighted or thought of deeply! Why?

Problems are plenty at the workplaces and yes nowadays the focus is no more on problem solving projects but “breakthrough” or “penambahbaikkan” projects.We must now move to improvement modes and no more problem solving BUT processes still have problems happenings?So,we still need to do problem solving before we can move on to “breakthrough” projects.

Today,Ramli was shocked to hear that the KIK Presentation time have been set at 10 minutes rather than the usual 30 minutes duration ( 5 mins preparation,20 mins actual speaking and 5 mins for Q&A)

How come they decided to set at 10 mins?If that the case maybe no need to come for KIK Conventions anymore just submit the KIK DVD to the Panel of Judges and wait for the evaluation by the Judges based on the Project submission via DVD.Good or Bad way?

Ramli personally think its good to give time to the KIK to present their QCC Story in the 30 mins duration and only The best TEAMs will be presenting or taking part in the Final KIK Convention.Like now only the Best 2 Teams ( one each from Mgmt and Technical Team) from each state in Malaysia are invited as Finalists in the National KIK Convention held annually.

MPC this year 2012 will organise the ICQCC 2012 for the second time in history being the first one organised by NPC in 1996 in Kuala Lumpur (Ramli presented a paper at this ICQCC 1996)To know more please visit for details.

Finally,lets hope ICC and KIK still lives on well in Malaysia and do not forget the original mission or philosophy of QCC established in 1962.QCC is all about people and talents and how’s best to unleash these talents to infinite possibilities for personal,mutual and organisation development.

To assist YOU on this QCC@ICC and KIK Journey,please contact Ramli at +6019-2537165 or email:

Ramli have been involved in great depth and experienced with QCC@ICC and KMK@KIK including MQT since 1980 till now.See Ramli’s achievements in his Profile at

Tuesday June 28, 2011

Malaysia Airlines chairman says privatisation of MAS possible



PETALING JAYA: Malaysia Airlines (MAS) does not rule out the possibility of taking the company private or spin off its other divisions, according to chairman Tan Sri Dr Munir Majid.

“No options are off the table. It’s the shareholders’ call. We can put the option on the table but it is still the shareholders call,” he said after the company AGM that lasted for three hours yesterday.

On Monday, StarBiz reported that Maybank Investment Bank suggested that MAS be privatised but list Firefly Sdn Bhd, MAS Engineering, MasKargo and even its terminal services.

The research house in its report said the privatisation of MAS was not an outlandish idea and the shareholders might just warm up to the idea. More so since the analyst community had an overwhelming “sell” call on the carrier after the airline reported RM242mil in net loss for the first quarter ended March 31, 2011.

Malaysia Airlines managing director and chief executive officer Tengku Datuk Seri Azmil Zahruddin (left) and chairman Tan Sri Dr Munir Majid at the briefing after the AGM on Monday. – Starpic by Art Chen

“There are merits to a privatisation, it provides a shelter away from further downside volatility in the share price, while the company reshapes itself up for a re-listing in the future years,” the report said.

Munir said privatisation was not exactly a “brilliant or unique” idea but it remained an idea to be tossed with. He added that MAS would consider all options and make a choice that was best for the company, without elaborating.

At 5pm yesterday, MAS had a market capitalisation of RM5.2bil. Its share price had been underperforming so far, closing at RM1.56 yesterday. Year-to-date, the counter has lost 25.7%.

Separately, Munir explained that the board of directors had been fielding questions from shareholders at the AGM, thus it took such a long time. He said shareholders wanted to know particularly what MAS was doing to close the net loss gap and concerns on share price performance were also raised at the AGM.

“We showed shareholders what we have been doing and what will be done. We also showed a comparison with other carriers. We did quite badly no doubt … some airlines made profit while some saw their profit pared down. Luftansa made loss but it’s a cold comfort for us,” he said.

Managing director and CEO Tengku Datuk Seri Azmil Zahruddin said MAS had an aspiration to become the number one airline of customer choice which would in turn help to drive its profitability and boost revenue.

He said MAS would be taking delivery of more new planes that would help the carrier to reduce its fuel cost as newer fleet would be more fuel efficient. He added that the maintenance and operation costs would also be reduced due to its aging fleet.

Last week, MAS announced that it had exercised an option to acquire 10 more Boeing 737s aircraft from Boeing, in a deal said to be worth over US$800mil (RM2.4bil).

Azmil said the group had embarked on all initiatives, including improving its front-end business that saw an increase of 40% in the first quarter, front-end check-in counter transformation at KLIA, call centre transformation and continuous improvement on website.

“All these initiatives will bring a lot of benefits to the airline. We have also joined the oneworld alliance. We are optimistic as it can provide lots of value,” Azmil said.

Asked for an indication of its second-quarter performance, Azmil declined to comment saying it was against Bursa Malaysia rules.

However, he said, MAS might not expand its capacity too rapidly in the coming quarters due to volatility in fuel price.

“If we knew that there was going to be a crisis in the Middle East, we would probably not grow our capacity that much (in the first quarter) but we didn’t know.

“One of the things that we will have to do is pare down the capacity a little bit. We would probably see more of that in the third and fourth quarters,” Azmil said. “With current fuel prices, we can’t sacrifice too much.”

Separately, Azmil said there would be “no immediate impact” on MAS with the Government’s move to grant AirAsia X five key international routes, including Shanghai, Beijing, Osaka and Jeddah.



Monday June 27, 2011

A private Malaysia Airlines?



Maybank IB: The company can reshape for a re-listing later

PETALING JAYA: Privatise Malaysia Airlines (MAS) but list Firefly, MAS Engineering, MasKargo and even its terminal services, suggestedMaybank IB in a recent research report.

The research house in its report yesterday said the privatisation of MAS was not an outlandish idea and the shareholders may just warm up to the idea. More so since the analyst community had an overwhelming “sell” call on the carrier after the airline reported RM242mil in net loss for the first quarter ended March 31, 2011.

“MAS’ poor performance stemmed from its lowest yields and highest cost position against its peers. Most of the root causes were legacy in nature, having inherited the oldest fleet and the ill effect of substantially under-invested in the business in the past.

“(However), there are merits to a privatisation, it provides a shelter away from further downside volatility in the share price, while the company reshapes itself up for a re-listing in the future years,” the report said.

Think about it: Maybank IB says the privatisation of MAS is not an outlandish idea

In the past many companies have been taken private for some years and later re-appear on the local house and this is the suggestion of Maybank IB. Among those companies that have been taken private for various reasons include PLUS Expressways Bhd, United Engineers Bhd, Mox Bhd, Astro, Palmco Bhd, Bumi Armada Bhd and Maxis Bhd. Thus far, Maxis has been re-listed and Bumi Armada is making its way back on the local bourse. Even the shareholders of AirAsia was once upon a time thinking of taking the carrier private.

But some analysts do not share Maybank IB’s sentiments.

“MAS had gone through a lot of transformation programmes and going private means it is admitting defeat. That is not the kind of signals it should be sending to the market. With all these GLC open day and all the work that Tengku Datuk Azmil Zahruddin is doing to reshape MAS, we should allow it to remain listed.

“Today may be tough times for the carrier, but given time and the right strategy and its recent entry into oneworld global air alliance and the fact that it is buying new aircraft, MAS should be doing better next year onwards,” an analyst from a foreign-based research house said.

However, she said, if “you look at it from the shareholder perspective and since the share price has tanked backed to the 1990s level, it is absolutely value destruction given all the equity calls. On paper the privatisation looks good but I still do not think it is the best way for MAS.”

An aviation analyst from Singapore who requested anonymity felt that “it (MAS) is not run like a government-controlled company and if the Government wants to sell the remaining stake, it is the Government’s decision. Even if the Government feels it should sell, it may need to wait for market conditions to be right for such a sale.”

Maybank IB in its reports felt that the shareholders of MAS might warm up to the idea of a privatisation.

It said the principle shareholders of MAS were Khazanah Nasional Bhd(69%) and Employees Provident Fund (EPF) (11%) and both had acquired MAS at a substantially higher price.

Since MAS’ stock performance has been disappointing and considering potential headwinds ahead, its parent Khazanah may consider privatising MAS as the stock is trading at its lowest historical price and valued at only 1.4x book. At the current share price, Khazanah needs to pay less than RM1.5bil for the remaining shares it does not own. If it teams up with EPF, like their partnership for the privatisation of PLUS, it will cost just RM962mil.

Maybank IB also agreed that MAS management was doing a lot of work to reshape the carrier. From the fleet perspective, it was making the “right approach to rejuvenate its fleet; it currently has the oldest fleet age in the region and more crucially it has many obsolete aircraft (B737-400, first generation A330). We expect the fleet age to fall rapidly in 2012-13 as MAS inducts 15-17 new aircraft. This will greatly enhance operational efficiency and reduce cost substantially.”

The report said a successful airline was all about having an efficient cost structure that could withstand the ups and downs of the aviation cycle.

“We also believe when MAS has a young and trendy fleet, it is no longer handicapped against its peers and instances where MAS lags the peer group will be an issue of the past,” the report said.

Maybank IB said re-listing could extract more value and assuming that MAS was a privately-owned company seeking a re-listing, it could extract better valuation by fixing its operations to be sustainably profitable and “we think this can be achieved by 2012; wait for the next aviation up-cycle; and float pieces of the group as stand-alone companies.”

“For example, MAS can public list Firefly first as there is a strong appetite for low-cost carriers. This can be repeated for MAS Engineering, MasKargo and its terminal services,” the report said.

The benefits of breaking up MAS were there and that was also something Singapore Airlines had done years ago for SIA Engineering, Tiger Airways and SATS.

MAS’ share price rose eight sen to close at RM1.53 on Friday.


Related Stories:
A private Malaysia Airlines?
MAS’ delivery of first A380
MAS buys 10 more Boeing 737-800s worth US$800mil
MAS plans partnerships with oneworld members
Alliance to boost MAS bottomline

Ramli have thus published one book in the market titled “Revolusi Aksi” and made availabe at the newsstands on 24thMarch,2006 and now have 2 completed manuscripts at the Publisher (not knowing when economically or profitably they will decide to publish) plus another 3 almost complete manuscripts to be send to the Publisher for evaluation and publication.Ramli loves to write and he wants to see as many quality output of his on the newstands and in book stores in Malaysia as well as all over the World.(actually Ramli to see his book/s at the airport book shops,make him feel so good and “international”)

Ramli found out from his Publisher that Malaysia only produced about less than 10,000 books titled per year as compared to countries like Japan,China,Korea,Iran or even Indonesia.Why,so few books written every year?We have many thousands of PhDs’ and Professors in this country and they should be writing and putting their thoughts and findings of their research works way of publications so that the public or book lovers can buy them and read them as well as bringing great knowledge to the world at large.

What we have in Malaysia are the many translations made to overseas writers and these overseas writers tend to make huge profits from the “hungry” readers in Malaysia.Books like “Blue Ocean”,”Balanced Scorecard”,books writtean by Ms.Rawlings,Dan Brown and others also have many buyers and that allow them to earned millions of dollars as prolific writers!

Ramli thinks there are Millions of RM to be made from this business of book writings!If we can write books for the schools or universities then there is a captured market already and that bring lots of money to the writers.

Every PhD holder have the ability and capability to write a subject of his/her passion and if that productivity and passion is still intact then the Malaysian market will definitely see a HUGE Increase of available titles and that will improve Malaysia’s rankings as one of the leading book writing nations.

Malaysians also read so few books a year and based on Ramli’s infos,Malaysians only read 2 books on average per year maybe they read more newspapers and all those tabloids or entertainment magazines of much or hyped gossips and not beneficial for the intellectual prowess of our people.We NEED to read serious writings that can propel Malaysia to be a Great Nation and improve her per capita earnings to like USD 25,000 annually per person not living at poverty levels…

Ramli thinks Professors and all PhDs have this great responsibility to WRITE BOOKs just benchmarked with the likes of Royal Professor Ungku Aziz,Datuk Samad Said,YABHG Tun Dr.Mahathir,Lillian Too of the Fengshui fame,Adibah Amin,Karim Raslan,and so many other Malaysian writers who have found their works into the Book stores like MPH,Popular,Times and many others…

Ramli think the important roles of the Publishers must also be noted and cared for.These Publishers are the ones who ensure our Malaysian books are made available everywhere and anytime we want them.At times,you can be disappointed that the book you want to buy are not available at the Book Shops or even at the local libraries.Who’s at fault here?

Maybe these suggestions by Ramli can help Malaysia to be a Knowledge Nation and a Greater Performing Nation as it is now:

1.Encourage Malaysian Writers to write as many books as possible with special incentives like free tax breaks,entitlements for discounts from Malaysian Airlines,KTM,telephone,water or electricity bills…this will spur the passion and productivity of writers better..

2.Give book coupons to the Rakyat to purchase books that are listed as Malaysia’s Must Buy Books

3.Give awards like Penulis Malaysia or Top Malaysian Writer awards for writers that have excel and made great contributions for knowledge for Malaysia and Malaysians

4.and many others (please consult Ramli,call him at hp:019-2537165 or email:

Hopefully,we have more and more books written by Malaysians about Malaysia and all her many “syok” stories such as:

1.the tale of the Teh Tarik Millionaire

2.the romance of a Malay man and his Chinese lady as Teachers in School

3.The wonderful tastes of Malaysian Hawker Food and Drinks

4.Why I became a MP (Member of Parliament)

5.Living to become a Doctor and only spending RM 5 a day at the University

6.and many more…also contact Ramli

Lets always pray to Allah SWT for HIS many Blessings and Mercy so that we Malaysians can build a Better Knowledgable Malaysians.Read (Iqra’) thats the first word reveal in the Quran-then after reading and understanding,we must write for others to read also and so on…



shah alam

Ramli have written his book titled “Revolusi Aksi” or Action Revolution in 2006 and the book actual released to the Malaysian market was on 24thMarch,2006 during the KL International Book Fair held at PWTC in KL.

Ramli have written many articles and have tried many ways to promote,teach and build communities of Revolusi Aksi practitioners especially in Malaysia.

Now,Ramli once again want to emphasised the importance of the 3Es’ factor in this Revolusi Aksi Philosophy and Methodology of making sure we get the RIGHT Results with the RIGHT Actions!

The first of the 3Es  is EXCELLENCE.

To achieve Excellence in our work and play we must aim for the best always.Normally Leaders must possess this attribute of becoming an Excellent Person ie.a person with Great Mind,Great Action,Great Dynamism,Great Preseverance,Great Leadership and many other attributes of a Great Leader.

To achieve Excellence we must also know what is World Class Performance ie.the best among the best in the World.Like in Ramli’s teaching of World Class Performance,Ramli stressed the World Class Performance is like participation in the Olympics where you must be the best of the best atheletes to reach the FINAL of the particular event.Only when YOU are in the FINAL can you consider as the best in the world and if you win the Final race then you become the Champion or No.1 in the World!

Motorola is a World Class Company because it strieve so hard in 1982 when one of the Directors mentioned that “Motorola Quality really stinks” and so Motorola decided that they must improve towards Excellence!

So,Motorola initiated their many actions in this 6Sigma Journey of Excellence and through the 10 years or so,Motorola finally achieve “their quality that smells like perfume where they now tolerate only about 3 defects per million production” and that have helped them to improve their business,their reputation as far as quality of their products and services are concerned and also quality of the people or talents.

Excellence must be a passion especially among Leaders and if Leaders do not go for excellence then don’t be a Leader just be a Follower!

Excellence must be a Prerequisite for Top Management candidates and only with this excellence in whatever they do can move the organization to that World Class Levels of Performances.

Next of the 3Es is Excitement.

All people must show excitement in their work and play.Excitement is all about being happy and enthusiastic because something good is going to happen at your workplace or at home!

Once the Top Management have introduce the Business Plan of the Year,all Middle Management must show their support by actively and enthusiastically promoting and stressing the contents of the Business Plan to their many subordinates especially the workers level.

Excitement must now be a prerequisite for Middle Managers levels so that together with Top Management Excellence and Middle Management Excitement then we can achieve many things we want in our business or family since the Revolusi Aksi is now moving full steam ahead and will work as planned!

However without the application of the last of the 3Es ie.Enthusiasm especially from the Workers level then it is so difficult to achieve World Class because we need all 3 levels of commitment,cooperation and collaboration to work in any company or entity concerned!

Ramli once read from Tan Sri Konosuke Matsushita’s teachings that with enthusiasm a worker that is not smart or have higher education qualifications can still outperform others around them because their enthusiasm will become like a “magnet” that attracts all the “iron fillings” (people) around them and that moves the organization to World Class Performances also.

So,all workers must possess this Enthusiasm together with Excitement (among Middle Managers) and Excellence (among Top Management).

All these 3Es can also be possessed by all levels of Management in a company through training and practice preferably through projects based but like Ramli have emphasized earlier each strata of Management have their core competencies to achieve and with these 3Es of Revolusi Aksi at least attaining World Class Performances is no more a dream but a Road of Hope and Certainties assured.Inshallah.

For training and consulting work on these subjects like 3Es of Revolusi Aksi,World Class Performances,Corp U,TQM,all the QCDSME+I factors,Team Based projects like MQT,ICC@QCC,KIK@KMK and others,please contact:

Ramli Abu Hassan-Principal Consultant

Diversified Promotion & Service Sdn.Bhd.

