Posts Tagged ‘pkr’

Ramli have been thinking hard about what will be the outcome of this 13MGE?

BN the ruling govt definitely wants to still be in power or control of the govt!They still want a great majority of their MPs and ADUNs to stay in power by retaining their seats so that BN can win and remain in Power!

However with the great rise and importance of the Pakatan Rakyat they too want to retain their power in the state govts like Kelantan,Selangor,Kedah,Perlis and Penang and have great ambition to win new states,increase their majority and ultimately “kick out” the BN and become the New Ruling Govt esp of the Federal Govt or a majority of seats in Parliament?

The Malays who are represented both in BN amd Pakatan Rakyat components parties namely in UMNO,PAS,PKR all will now come face to face and compete for their places both in Parlaiment and State Constituencies.Who will win big in this 13MGE?

Once upon a time,Ramli remembers that UMNO took the initiative to invite PAS to join them and form a coalition and not compete with each other in the polls and during that moment in time they did cooperate to work together,join forces,have a common mission and objectives and nost important made a win-win situation for all concerned.This kind of brotherly coalition and coming together and working together have made the Malays overal stronger,better,more harmony,common purpose and enriched each other but that did not last and UMNO and PAS later went their own ways again till today.Why?

Is it so hard to find a perpetual or ever lasting Malay solidarity and brotherhood?Always the Malays have this PHD (perasaan hasad dengki) in them and that brought more downfalls,loss of economic footings,wasted opportunities,allow non Malays to gain more power as far as economy,education,politics and etc…

Can the Malays come together again for the sake of Malay Unity,Power,Solidarity,Future Generations and all good things….?

Ramli have seen the good and bad sides of both UMNO,PKR and PAS especially and if we can add up all these components maybe we will get 1+1+1 = more than 3+ then the Malays will gain more and become more powerful race than what they are now!

If we study the progress and downfalls of the Malays then maybe the Malays have shown more downfalls than what the Chinese or Indians especially have achieved these last 54+ years of Merdeka?

If we continue to have 3 voices of the Malays rather than 1 solid voice then the Malays must be ready to face more challenges,hardships and troubles within them and outside of them?

Islam is the KEY to Malays future like what have been planned and thought of by the Great Prophet Muhammad pbuh and all the Malays Wali2…if only Malays become more PIOUS and devout Muslims then the Malays who are predominantly Muslims and many by birth will enjoy greater blessings,hope and  knowledgable to lead a life of bliss,respect and harmony with Allah SWT,the Sunnah of the Prophet pbuh and with themselves and humanity likewise.

Islam is a way of life of clean living and respect on what is halal and haram practices.If we live the Islamic way and get rid of all kinds of corrupt practices,bad values,inhuman acts,stupid or nonsense management and leadership styles then the Malays will become a Super Race that can help lead the World’s Future and Progress to infinite possibilities.Inshallah.

So coming back to the co ming 13MGE will the Leaders of UMNO,PAS and PKR that these options of:

1.Unite Together and seek a common mission and achieve all their agreed objectives.They need to discard all Bad Practices and Bad Politicians for the sake of the Common Good.Can they agree on that?

2.Agree to Disagree by making sure Malay rights,importance and power are maintained,We compete for a better Malay not on a win-lose or lose-lose way.We want a win-win way.How to do it?

3.Lets do what we want our way!Let the best Malay win?Can we do it?what will be the after effects?

So based on the 3 options,Ramli still think Unity by the Malays is so important a mission and although they have many diversity in the ways of achieving their mission,the best way is THINK RIGHTLY,ACT RIGHTLY AND SELECT THOSE WHO ARE REAL MUSLIMS WITH GREAT MUSLIM AND MALAY MISSION with them all the time!

The problem with the Malays is that there are too many corrupt practices and examples of poor leadership,greed and the highest levels and arrogant or nonsense leadership and  management styles far too long and become a “pain in the neck and getting worst”Maybe the greatest problems or challenges to the Malays are some personalities who want the wealth all for themselves and their families and cronies while forgetting the needs of all other Malays and the mission to make Malays Greater and a Powerful race with great respect,honour and blessed by Allah SWT.

If only the Malays really study and follow the path of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh and his 4 Pouis Caliphs,then the Malay Muslim race will never fall apart,what more disintegrated and possess all the negatives rather than all the positives this world provide!Lets hope Allah SWT will Blessed and have great Mercy to all the Malays now and this 13MGE will bring all Malaysians a BETTER,HAPPIER,STRONGER,PROSPEROUS AND GREATER MALAYSIA for all.Inshallah.

Ramli Abu Hassan can be contacted at hp:+6019-2537165 or email:



Antara berpuluh ribu kedai2 Riba’ (seperti Along dan Bank2 Komersial) yang memperluaskan bzns Riba’ mereka.Yang akan musnah adalah orang Melayu juga termasuk Cina,India dan lain2…..ada kes rompak dan rogol oleh remaja Melayu baru2 ini di Shah Alam akibat tidak ada wang hendak bayar pinjaman Along jadi mereka buat rompakan dan rogol pada mangsa gadis Melayu yang baru hendak pergi kerja di stesyen komuter shah alam.Siapa yang salah?

Foto2 yang Ramli ambil kedai2 Along di Shah Alam yang sangat banyak dan nampak tanpa kawalan dan “menjadi2” pada hal MP Shah Alam adalah kawan baik sekolah Ramli dulu!STOP RIBA’ Practices NOW!Itu lah Jeritan Rakyat yang Ramli ingin ketengahkan.Allah SWT sangat benci akan sesiapa yang anjurkan Riba’,gunakan Riba’,biarkan Riba’ dan semuanya akan hal2 Riba’ ini…kes rompak dan rogol di atas adalah akibat Riba’ yang berleluasa sekarang.PAS dan UMNO dan juga PKR-hapusan Riba sebelum Allah SWT hapuskan kamu semua!

(all videos from YouTube):

and many more..

Persidangan Parti UMNO sedang giat berjalan di PWTC dan akan akhir dengan Resolusi2 dan Action Plan!

Sebelum kita bersidang selalunya elok atau wajar kita buat REVIEW akan pencapaian kita akan Action Plan pada persidangan dahulu!Adakah kita dapat Gred A atau Gred F (jika tiada apa2 yang berlaku atau pencapaian)

Setelah kita pasti akan pencapaian kita pada Action Plan dahulu maka barulah mula dengan membuat Plan terbaru.Ini semua kita belajar dalam KIK iaitu Putaran PDCA iaitu Plan,Do,Check dan Action.

Pengurusan yang efektif perlu ada metodologi ini dan dengan bekerja secara disiplin,amanah,fokus dan komitmen barulah kita boleh melonjak atau melangkah kearah Transformasi yang Baik lagi Berjaya!

Kalau kita datang dengan “kepala kosong” ke Seminar atau Mesyuarat atau tanpa apa2 penjelasan akan Action Plan dahulu maka kita hanya akan:

  • Buang Masa kerana tidak ada agenda spesifik dan hanya akan berfikir bila datang ke Seminar
  • Perbincangan akan jadi cetek dan tidak bernas atau mendalam dengan Research2nya serta Study2nya
  • Kita membuat atau bertindak lebih emosi daripada berfikiran rasional dan bijak pandai
  • Kita pasti akan gagal kerana Action Plan baru hanya dibuat dari aspek emosi dan secara spontan bukan atas dasar kajian mendalam dan penuh analisa
  • Kita hanya membuang masa,duit,opportunities dan beri peluang untuk pihak lawan senang menewaskan kita

Sikap Melayu adalah Agenda Utama kita.Kenapa?

Sikap Melayu Mudah Lupa,Melayu Mudah Takut,Melayu suka Takpe2 adalah yang membuat kita Bangsa Mundur,Lemah dan Tak Kaya Raya!

Kita perlu anjakan minda,revolusi aksi dan fikir akan RESULTS based bukan Cakap2 atau buat macam Action Plan sahaja.Hanya Results akan menentukan Transformasi kita sebenarnya!Kita perlu merasai Transformasi itu dan menikmati hasil2nya.Untuk dapat Results kita kena lah ada pengorbanan atau Sacrifice.

Kita perlu sacrifice BLOOD,SWEAT AND TEARS.Kenapa?

Mencapai hasil yang menakjubkan perlu Korban akan masa,wang dan juga nyawa!Ibu bapa perlu korban segala apa yang ada untuk menghasilkan anak2 yang berjaya bukan hanya pelajaran tetapi minda,akhlak,sikap dan berjiwa besar seperti Sahabat2,Tabiin dan Tabiin2 bukan hanya menjadi Billionaire atau Millionaire tapi akhlak dan agama atau iman hancur dan porak poranda!

Melayu bertamaddun bukan lah begitu lama seperti Cina atau India jadi kita perlu sedari yang kita perlu banyak belajar dan mencari pengalaman atau Best Practices & Wisdom yang terbaik supaya kita tidak mudah lupa akan sesuatu perjuangan itu seperti Wawasan 2020 atau Melayu Menjadi Bangsa Global yang Berjaya,Terkaya dan DiHormati!

Mungkin kurangkan sikap2 atau tabiat2 ini untuk Melayu lebih efektif dan berjaya:

  • Suka Belajar
  • Suka Bertanya
  • Suka Networking
  • Kurang Ketawa
  • Kurang Makan
  • Suka R&D
  • Hapuskan Perasaan dan Hasad Dengki (PHD)
  • Jangan Membazir
  • Jangan Buang Masa
  • Lebih Passionate pada Perjuangan Bangsa
  • Melayu Bersatu -Matlamat Sebenar
  • Jimat Belanja
  • Jangan sifat tamak
  • mcm2 lagi….

Ramli harap Melayu akan Menjadi Bangsa Yang Berjaya dari Peringkat Global dan Lokal serta Kuat Iman dan Taqwa.

Berjaya di Dunia dan lebih2 lagi di Akhirat.


Hubungi Ramli di HP:019-2537165 atau emel: jika ada apa2 pertanyaan atau komen.

The coming 13MGE is or maybe just a few days,weeks or months ahead!

Like PM Najib said “those who are non performers better quit and allow better ones to lead” and so too the other Political Parties all of them want to ensure their Party win this 13MGE.

The Opposition with their Pakatan brand wants to takeover Putrajaya and form the New Federal Govt while the incumbants BN wants to maintain their stronghold and be in power esp the Federal Govt.Losing the majority in PARLIAMENT will see the “goodbye” of BN as the Ruling Govt and allow Pakatan to elect the New PM and Cabinet!Can it happen?

Yes Pakatan can if they have the RIGHT MOVES and No if they make “stupid blunders” with the WRONG POLITICIANS AND DISLIKE BY THE VOTERS!

Maybe its better to have a clear majority winner in this coming 13MGE than a 50:50 winner where the management of the Federal Govt will see many “unnecessary” stoppages or hiccups due to political debates,arguments and all those non productive and non proactive actions from the political parties involved.

It goes to say,if a party win by more than 1 seat than the party is a majority winner and not a winner with the slimmest winning seat!Can it be done or accepted?

Why wastes?Why wastes lots of time politiking rather than WORK,WORK,WORK for the country and achieve her many important aspirations to become a Great Nation and Great Prosperity for the Rakyat ?

Ramli heard there are still Malaysians who do not possess clean water,ample lighting and food&shelter to their families and Malaysia already been Merdeka for 54 years ?

Malaysia have many cases or Corruptions as the Highest Levels,Divorces at “crazy” rates daily,sex crimes,CBT crimes,drugs and gangsterism and what have you?Malaysia Boleh as what people all say about Truly Malaysia!

So,who should WIN this 13MGE?

YOU Pikr lah?

for more insights about being a Great Malaysian,contact Ramli at hp:019-2537165 or email:

The coming of the 13th Malaysia General Elections (13MGE) anytime from Nov 2011 is key to the Malays especially.Why?

The Malays being about 60% of the Malaysian Population of 28 Million people MUST get their act together sooner the better.The current situation witness the following traits of the “destruction” of Malay Unity such as:

  • Breakup of Malay Unity with existence of UMNO,PAS,PKR especially
  • Breakup of Malay Mindset,Hearts and Actions as a result of philosophies of UMNO,PAS and PKR
  • Wasted resources like money,time,opportunities,people and so many others as a result of different decisions and actions of these 3 Puaks of UMNO,PAS and PKR
  • ISLAM is the Unifying Factor and luckily we have a common Muslim Cemetery if not YOU will be buried in a UMNO,PAS or PKR cemetery!
  • ISLAM MUST be the KEY REASON for Malay Muslim Unity and to achieve that we need some creative and innovative solution that can satisfy this 3 Puak!
  • Malays are now breaking up their  60% majority and that means 20:20:20 and that equals to the Chinese 20% and Indian 11% population (as the Msian stats indicate)
  • Malays are Muslims and only Real Islamic Practises can protect Malaysians from more sinful crimes,build quality ummah,Blessed by Allah SWT and many more that Islam can offer and assure.Inshallah
  • Malays must take the lead in making Malaysia a Blessed,Prosperous,Peaceful,Harmony and Intelligent nation together with almost 1.4 billion Muslims all over the world.
  • Melayu Tak’an Hilang DiDunia is the key message by our Forefathers and lets make sure we upkeep those Words of Keramah and also our future generations.Inshallah.
  • Malays must love each other and only with this love thy brother can Malays hope for continuity of Power and Prosperity and anything less is Doomed for the Malay Race!
Hidup Melayu,Bersatu Melayu,Melayu Islam,Melayu Tak’an Hilang di Dunia dan Tanah Melayu Tanah Tumpah Darah Ku!
Building 1Malaysia is never easy -why?Ramli’s next article….please follow this blog always….

The Malays comprise about 60% of the Malaysian Population and when you split them into UMNO:PAS:PKR you now have a ratio of 20:20:20 % and thats almost equal with the Chinese or Indians population %.

If the Malays are UNITED like pre-1957 then The Malay Majority is a force to be reckoned with and a sure way to maintain a Malay Majority in as many Parliament and State seats!

Why Malay Power is so important in Malaysia?

The reason or rationale is simple-Malays make up the majority population like Javanese in the Indonesian Population breakdown based on ethnicity.So with almost 60% Malay Population then Malays must be well represented in the country or else the common Malays will “shout and get angry” as to why a Malay majority area have a Non Malay as their Rep at Parliament and State?

When will Malaysia become a Truly 1Malaysia?Ramli thinks it will not be next year or 10 years from now and maybe not also in 2020!Why?

If we travel around all the Malaysian towns you will be surprised the many local Malaysians still do not speak Malay very well although they have lived in Malaysia as 1st Generation or 2nd Generation Chinese or Indians Malaysians as we called our people.Malaysians still prefer to state that they are Malay,Chinese,Indians or natives rather than Malaysians FIRST and ethnic SECOND..thats the KEY Problem or Factor for Malaysian Real Unity!

We still live in our own ethnic culture except the few minorities that have inter married with the Malay Muslims especially….

Like Indonesia they are STRICT right from the start of their INDEPENDENCE.They want all Indonesians including all ethnic Chinese,Indians or others to possess INDONESIAN NAMES,SPEAK INDONESIAN AND LIVE THE INDONESIAN WAY!

With this discipline and Panca Sila in place Indonesia have successfully integrated their CITIZENS to become PURE INDONESIANS who all can speak fluent Indonesian,possess with great pride Indonesian Names and live the Indonesian Way all through their lives…even the Japanese that goes to Indonesia to work with GOBEL (an Indonesian JV company with Matsushita (now known as Panasonic) all need to study to speak Bahasa Indonesia and all the Japanese can speak fluent Indonesian after only a few years there.Remember Barrack Obama-The US President can also speak Indonesian as a result of his early schooling days in Jakarta and Obama is happy and proud to speak Bahasa Indonesia if the need is there like chatting with President Indonesia Pak SBY.

So,Malay UNITY is no more a choice BUT a neccessity for Malays to be still in majority power and we must DO IT NOW!Can we or do we want to?Who to lead?Maybe the Leaders must be the Malays themselves-yes,of course at this present times!

In fact there is no more thinking that Malaysia is for Malays since we have many new generations of Malaysian Born Chinese,Indians and other races even Indonesians,Bangla Deshi,Pakistani etc…all have their children borned in Malaysia and they too soon one day will have only Malaysia to live,work and die and their children and children’s children all will make Malaysia their homes except those Malaysians who prefer to migrate and even handover their Malaysian Citizenship back and prefer to take new citizenship in foreign lands where they think the “grass are greener” and have lost confidence in Malaysia!To these people including many Malays,let them be and may Allah SWT give great guidance and love to them always!

Lots of things to write and also debate as nowadays maybe real living as Global Citizens are a reality to some BUT as it is NOW,Malays NEED to UNITE for the sake of Malaysia’s Security,Progress and Peace!Inshallah.

Please contact Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or emailed :


Cakap tak serupa bikin!

Itulah ungkapan yang boleh di tuju kepada Top Mgmt di UMNO dan PAS dan PKR dll…

Peratus Melayu Islam yang lebih cenderung pada tanggung jawab mereka seperti solat 5 waktu,tak main(ambil skim) riba’,bermoral dan nilai murni nampak nya dalam porak puranda.Sungguh banyak cerita benar Melayu Islam yang buat hal dan kes jenayah setiap hari.Penceraian antara muda mudi dan tua bangka pun makin menjadi.Di Selangor DE dianggarkan berlaku perceraian 5-10 pasangan setiap hari.Bayangkan jumlah setiap tahun dan itu Selangor DE sahaja!

Ramli ingin syorkan agar Islam di ambil berat dan TRANSFORMASI kan lah sebaik2nya.

Jadikan peratus Melayu islam ramai kan masjid dan surau.Penuhkan saf dan solat waktu sama ramai seperti solat Jumaat!Boleh Ke?

Apa guna kita berekonomi tinggi tapi perangai dan iman macam “setan” atau macam bukan orang Islam pulak nampaknya.

Biar kita hidup penuh kesederhanaan tapi ilmu,iman dan amalan yg terbaik,istiqamah dan terbaik di “pandangan” Allah SWT!

Fikir2lah dan Renung2lah.Jangan berangan2 sahaja tapi REVOLUSI AKSI untuk kecemerlangan hidup sebagai orang Islam.


Jika berminat,hubungi Ramli di hp:+6019-2537165 atau email:

Read this article from Star Online about Sultan Selangor decree to make Masjids to be free from any political purposes or campaigns.

Tuesday May 11, 2010

Sultan Selangor snubs Zaid


PETALING JAYA: Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah is unlikely to grant PKR leader Zaid Ibrahim an audience.

“At present Sultan Sharafuddin sees no reason to grant Zaid an audience as the latter is not an elected representative in Selangor or a Datuk from Selangor,” a source said.

In that context, there is no reason for the Sultan to grant an audience, the source said.

“So far, the only indication from Zaid is through the newspapers and no formal request has been received and also, according to the newspapers, Zaid only wants to explain and not apologise,” the source said.

Zaid courted controversy when he questioned the Sultan’s directive to disallow mosques in Selangor from being used for political purposes.

He drew more flak from various quarters when he posted in his blog ( a claim that the Sultan’s order for mosques not to be used as a political stage was the Sultan’s personal opinion and was not a decree.

Selangor Islamic Religious Council Chairman Datuk Mohamed Adzib Mohd Isa had said in statement that the directive by Sultan Sharafuddin was a decree.

He referred to Section 12 of the Selangor State Syariah Crime Enactment which stated that an order by the Sultan was a decree and was effective and could be implemented without first being gazetted.

The Selangor Islamic Religious Council (MAIS) had on Oct 6, last year issued a circular to all mosques in the state about the directive by Sultan Sharafudddin barring the use of mosques for political purposes.

Last year, the Sultan of Selangor had consulted MAIS, JAIS and the state Mufti’s office before the circular was distributed.

The circular (MAIS Bil 4/2009) also states that no ceramah is allowed by any unauthorised persons without first obtaining accreditation from MAIS.

The circular also stated that MAIS would not hesitate to enforce the provision of the law against anyone who disobeyed the Sultan’s directive

Wawasan 2020 is just 10 years away and the clock is ticking like normal but now since we launched Wawasan 2020 (Vision 2020) almost 20 years ago,the clock seems to tick faster since the deadline is encroaching and coming!
Billions of RM have been spent to make this Vision 2020 a reality and great achievement for all 1Malaysians and many PMs have come and go and the PM that reign in 2020 will be the one that benefit from all these sacrifices and hard work by all Malaysians concerned ever since Wawasan 2020 was launched by the then PM YAB Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad in 1991.
Some infos on Wawasan 2020:
Wawasan 2020

Dasar ini mula Diperkenalkan Tun Mahathir pada 28 Februari 1991, pembentukannya bertujuan meletakkan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara maju, berdikari, progresif dan berdaya saing.

Dasar ini mempunyai rangka strategi yang kukuh dan amat kehadapan dalam perancangannya. Wawasan 2020 yang kita sentiasa sebut itu diperkenalkan melalui satu teks ucapan Tun Mahathir Mohamed yang bertajuk “Malaysia: The Way Forward”.

Ucapan pertama Wawasan 2020 ini telah didengarkan pada Majlis Perdagangan Malaysia di Kuala Lumpur.
Tun Mahathir memulakan ucapannya memperkenalkan wawasan 2020 dengan berkata …

“Kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk mengemukakan kepada tuan-tuan beberapa pandangan tentang arah masa depan negara kita dan bagaimana kita patut berusaha mencapai matlamat membangunkan Malaysia menjadi Negara Perindustrian.”

Can we achieved all these targets of Wawasan 2020 or only some of the targets?Are we still having the great passion and compassion to make this Wawasan 2020 really work!
The many “whistle blowers” that Malaysia experienced or possess maybe happy for all the actions taken as a result of their “making noise” of what is not good in the Malaysian administration or government policies and execution.Some maybe so disappointed that no action are taken or maybe some just being ignored as the problem highlighted by these whistle blowers are “takde apaapa” kind of thing and not urgent or necessary to take any action at all.
From the Auditor General Reports made yearly,maybe there are so many major problems faced by the Malaysian Government incharge including all the MInisteries concerned.What more if there are problems but the Auditor General people did not notice since there are so many not easy to “gather” all facts and happenings at one time or in one calender year.What if the problems are the useful many and not the vital few ones as taught by Dr.Juran in his Pareto Diagram of prioritising the major and minor problems that constitute the overall problems in any organisations or companies.
The best way to build quality in organisations are not by CHECKING or Auditing methods but more of PREVENTIVE and ProACTIVE measures where quality is build from the start of the business process and to build QUALITY ORGANISATION YOU NEED QUALITY PEOPLE!
Is the Malaysian Civil Service or the Malaysian Government in Power or some of the State Governments in the control of the PAKATAN RAKYAT of Quality Management with Quality People?Are they truly effective and efficient ie.doing the right things right all the time!
If you read the Malaysian Newspapers nowadays,so many stories involving fraud,cheating,bad management,Criminal Breach of Trusts,white collar kind of crimes,bribes,illegal dealings,unlawful use of government assets etc…are reported and the Rakyat knows that Malaysia is still so weak and not yet a Great and World Class Nation like other countries who seems to regularly Top the Rankings as far as Clean Govt,Per Capita Income levels,Crime free,honest leadership and many other parameters set aside by the surveys or study groups.
Ramli think 2010 is a great year to think differently as Einstein once stated as such “it is foolish to hope for some new results if you are doing the same actions repeatedly” So for Malaysia to move up the Rankings of a Great Nation or World Class Levels,we need to act differently and that need a great political will,good budget,good planning and execution BUT maybe the most Key Factor is Right People who will perform the Right Actions and that will produce the Right Results without fear or favour and that also means some sacrifices of some Great Malaysians since nothing come “Cheap” or “Easy” if there is no Blood,Sweat&Tears!
Malaysia have to do all these actions like it or not and like what we all scream always “Malaysia Boleh” and with that Great Spirit together with our faith and Doa to Allah SWT(God Almighthy),Yes Maybe (Inshallah) We Will Achieve our Wawasan 2020.
For more infos or enquiries,please contact:
Ramli Abu Hassan