Posts Tagged ‘parliament’

When will Malaysia General Elections 2012 or the 13th in the series comes along?A politician informed Ramli that the 13MGE must be completed by March 2013 constitutionally.

So do we still wait till March,2013 or anytime sooner?

Who is most anxious about this 13MGE?Is it the Politicians or the Rakyat?

For the politicians it means a continual presence in Parliament and State Assemblies.They can get their allowances,prefrences,positions and all the perks and benefits as a serving Politician of the Country and State.

Their monthly salaries or allowances is not available now to inform you but surely it must be over RM10,000 or more per month and if you add all their perks and privileges that figure can become more than RM 50,000 a month.Salaries or remunerations of CEOs or Top Govt Officials are now easily above RM 50,000 to RM100,000 ++ a month.A GLC CEO is reportedly to be about RM1 Million per month.

So this 13MGE is also about earnings to all Politicians who managed to win their seats in Parliament as well as States Assemblies.

For those who seek more money due to GREED or Miss Use of Power than they can earn many RM Millions in their 5 year term of Office more so if they are the Ruling Govt in Power?However if they fear Allah’s Wraths then they will become Good Politicians and do not practise any wrongdoings,mischiefs and greed for more money.We hope we have a Clean Govt with Clean Politicians in Power.

For the Rakyat,they too want a better future with good opportunities,clean govt,right strategies and actions that will make Malaysia better,stronger and a nation of great respect,growth and hope for the future generations.

To some rakyat they just hope all the nation opportunities will go their way by hook or crooked ways.They dont care how you do it but as long as they get what they want!These are the dangerous Malaysians who can destyoy their country dued to their continual greed,poor values,bad ways and no fear of Allah SWT (God Almighty)

So now do Malaysia have many Good Malaysians or Bad Malaysians?Do Malaysia have Good and Clean Politicians or Bad and Greedy Politicians?These are what Malaysians must think and do it right always before they start voting in the coming 13MGE!

The results of the coming 13MGE all reflect the characters,beliefs and the way Malaysians think,act and get the results they want.Whether they are the Right Way or Wrong Way all depend on the above important factors.

for enquiries contact Ramli 0192537165 or email:


The coming 13MGE is or maybe just a few days,weeks or months ahead!

Like PM Najib said “those who are non performers better quit and allow better ones to lead” and so too the other Political Parties all of them want to ensure their Party win this 13MGE.

The Opposition with their Pakatan brand wants to takeover Putrajaya and form the New Federal Govt while the incumbants BN wants to maintain their stronghold and be in power esp the Federal Govt.Losing the majority in PARLIAMENT will see the “goodbye” of BN as the Ruling Govt and allow Pakatan to elect the New PM and Cabinet!Can it happen?

Yes Pakatan can if they have the RIGHT MOVES and No if they make “stupid blunders” with the WRONG POLITICIANS AND DISLIKE BY THE VOTERS!

Maybe its better to have a clear majority winner in this coming 13MGE than a 50:50 winner where the management of the Federal Govt will see many “unnecessary” stoppages or hiccups due to political debates,arguments and all those non productive and non proactive actions from the political parties involved.

It goes to say,if a party win by more than 1 seat than the party is a majority winner and not a winner with the slimmest winning seat!Can it be done or accepted?

Why wastes?Why wastes lots of time politiking rather than WORK,WORK,WORK for the country and achieve her many important aspirations to become a Great Nation and Great Prosperity for the Rakyat ?

Ramli heard there are still Malaysians who do not possess clean water,ample lighting and food&shelter to their families and Malaysia already been Merdeka for 54 years ?

Malaysia have many cases or Corruptions as the Highest Levels,Divorces at “crazy” rates daily,sex crimes,CBT crimes,drugs and gangsterism and what have you?Malaysia Boleh as what people all say about Truly Malaysia!

So,who should WIN this 13MGE?

YOU Pikr lah?

for more insights about being a Great Malaysian,contact Ramli at hp:019-2537165 or email:

Photos which Ramli have taken a long time ago:

here are the B&W photos:

Every Malaysian General Elections once in 4 years will see “old faces” and “new faces” being elected to positions as Members of Parliament (MPs) and Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri(ADUN) or State Representatives.

The “old faces” are basically those incumbants and have been in office for many cycles and maybe have felt that they have their rightly places in the govt and their own political parties concerned.Many of these “old faces” are also Senior Ministers and Ministers and Deputy Ministers in the Federal Govt and State Govts.They are Top Party officials like President,Deputy President,Vice Presidents,Secretary Generals and Top Exco members.Due to this high profile posts,the “old faces” are elected again and again as candidates in their preferred constituencies both Parliament and State seats.Normally these are considered “safe seats” and many will win and continue their political existence and presence.Is this a good thing or bad practice?

In USA,Ramli think each US President can be in power for only 2 terms ie.8 years in maximum.After the mandatory 2 terms,although their popularity is still good and important,they MUST relinquish their position as President of USA to the new Presidential candidates concerned normally coming from the Republican or Democrat Candidates!

So,does it mean giving or imposing a 2 terms maximum for Top Govt Officials is good or bad?Maybe there are pros and cons?Tun Dr.Mahathir rule Malaysia as PM for almost 21 years and same like Mr.Lee Kuan Yew,the ex-PM of Singapore who have built their respective countries to World Class achievements and bring great prosperity to the economy,culture and people generally in terms of per capita income and job opportunities etc…

This coming 13MGE which indications showed can be held anytime sooner than 2012 will be a very important one for all Malaysians alike.However are all Malaysians “smart enough” or “knowledgable enough” to know who are the RIGHT Candidate and which is the RIGHT Party to vote to power?The political happenings and strong tactics of political parties plus many long years of party “moves” and party sentiments and “politik wang” matters can “make results happen they way they want” or can be results that are not the best for the country-nobody knows these facts or “autar” except those die hard politicians and experts political analysts!

For the Gen Y(16 to 30 years old) voters who maybe voting for the 1st time like Ramli’s 3 grown up children already above 21 years of age will now have to learn to cast their votes and select the candidate of their choice and also political party.Do you think all new voters know what to do with their votes and will they select the RIGHT Candidate and Right Political Party concerned?

Ramli just hoped as always Allah SWT will guide all Malaysians to the straight path and bring greater Peace,Prosperity and Harmony to all Malaysians and more so for the coming generations who need to be assured of a Better Malaysia all the time.Inshallah.

Whats in store for all Malaysians in the Budget 2011?

This Announcement of Budget 2011 by YAB Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak  is now (currently) on air at most Malaysian TV Networks and we will know the details maybe by 7 pm today ie.15th October,2010.

Here’s Ramli’s thoughts and suggestions about the best way to present this Budget 2011 to the Malaysian Rakyat-what are they?

1.Malaysia have about 60-65% Muslim population so this Budget Presentation should best be done in the morning at 9 am to 12 pm noon.

This will enable all Muslims to perform their daily prayers without failed.Now,this Budget is presented starting at 4pm and may end before 7 pm,so most of the Member of Parliaments (MPs) and all at Parliament and all at home may missed their Asar prayers which starts at 4.17 pm today for Klang Valley areas.This is bad image for Islam and Muslims alike!Thats why Malaysian statistics show that almost 80% of Muslims never pray their daily prayers.

The Muslim time management must seriously consider the prayer times as to all events to be held and any event held that effect the Muslim Prayers then they must adjust and adhere to the actual Muslim prayer times.Usually after Suboh or Fajr prayers ,it is the longest time available for any event to be held because Zohor prayers start at 1.15 pm.So,you have almost 7 hours to organise any events in this time from Fajr to Zohor.


2.The Budget presentation can also be presented not in one day but maybe in 2 days for better “digestion” and “understanding” by all concerned.

We can do it in a Part 1 and Part 2 session.All the Budget facts and notes can be better debated,understood and follow up by all.The Budget 2011 is not a thin document but a thick book full of notes,facts and datas with charts and diagrams.


3.Budget 2011 effect all Malaysians so more time,focus and people are encouraged to understand and agree to all the facts presented by YAB PM.

4.and many others

this is a good statement “the measure of any society is not what it knows but what it does with what it knows” by Warren Bennis.






The  12thMGE which was held on 8thMarch,2008 saw many new MPs and ADUNs both from the BN and BA taking control of the Federal Govt as well as the State Govts.

The BA (Opposition to BN) won many seats and also took control of the states like Selangor,Penang,Kedah,Perak (later won back by BN-long storylah) and maintained their stronghold of Kelantan.The BN actually suffered a great loss in terms of Parliamentary seats and State seats as compared to the results of the 11thMGE which really favoured the BN.

So,what’s going to happen this coming 13thMGE?Are they going to meet “Paul the Octopus” to know the results or some Malaysian Parrots to pick the right cards (either BN or BA)?

Ramli being an active voter since he turned 21 (in 1977) have always cast his ballot as a responsible citizen of Malaysia like many more millions of Malaysian come Election Day!Have all of you above 21 years of age registered as a Voter with the SPR?

If we study the demographics of the Malaysian population,we will realized the growth of the GenY especially ( ie.Malaysians above 21 and below 30 years old) and with Gen X (above 30 to 45 years old) their votes will actually help determine the winning Political Candidate either on the BN,BA or just an Independant candidate?

The Baby Boomers (above 50 to 65) and Senior Citizens (above 65 years old) of Malaysia will also be a force to determine the winning party to become the New Govt either at Federal and State levels.

Who will win this 13thMGE?

Will Malaysians vote for the quality political candidate or quality political party?Can Independant become the chosen one of the Rakyat?

Malaysia is still a long way towards 2020 (almost 10 years more..maybe with 2 more General Elections the 15thMGE) so hoping that Malaysians become knowledge voters who “fear no one” and “will vote for the right person with great values,character and personality” may not be the case yet but who knows,Malaysians can create that Change,Malaysia Boleh!

Now is the time for all incumbants Politicians to start reviwing their progress since 2008 and make a detailed study and assessment of what they have done,what are the results,what are their strong points and also weak points so that come 13thMGE they are ready to inform their constituents of their SCORECARD based on their last Manifesto and all the promises they made along the way to the Rakyat esp their voters.

However maybe not all Incumbants MPs or ADUNs will be reselected for reelection due to decisions made by Top Party Leaders and also due to their poor performances as seen in the SCORECARD!

Who can be the real political candidates for the coming 13MGE?

For the Independants aspirants,they must ready with lots of CASH and loyal supporters and campaigners.They must proof their worth and able to deliver results as good or even better than those from BN or BA!Any Independants so far have shown this Great Performance in Malaysian Politics?Any Independants around the World have shown this political success to help govern their constituencies?

Maybe the focus and impact still come from the Big Boys of Politics like BN,BA or any other political entities?

Ramli do not know yet whats coming ahead this 13MGE but Ramli hoped Malaysians will elect GREAT LEADERS who are HONEST,BRILLIANT,SINCERE,BRAVE,CHARASMATIC,NON CORRUPT,WILLING TO JIHAD FOR MALAYSIA and many other values and professional skills and knowedge….(is it a dream to get these kind of Leaders or is it realistically possible?)

Ramli hoped more excitement will come in the coming days towards this Journey of 13MGE and most important Malaysia will become greater especially by the rise of knowledge voters and greater progress,prosperity,peace and harmony of all Malaysians and anyone living in Malaysia…


You can contact Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or email:

note: Ramli only belief in the Powers of Allah SWT and not Paul the Octopus since at anytime Paul can become a great menu for all that love to eat squids and seafood dishes…

The recent tabling of the 10thMalaysia Plan in Parliament on 10thJune,2010 by Prime Minister Datuk Seri  NAJIB RAZAK signalled the official start of the many actions to be made in order to achieve all the goals or objectives of the 10thMalaysia Plan(10MP) or RMK-10.

The development allocation of RM230 Billion will be made to achieve the goals of the 10MP!

Let’s study and recoqnized all the highlights of the 10MP:

  • The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth of 6 % per annum over the next 5 years if the 10MP is to be realized in full and on time.
  • Gross National Income per capita is projected to rise to USD$12,139 (about RM40,000) by 2015 from USD$8,250 in 2010.
  • Private Investment to grow 12.8% pa.Needs RM115Billion of new investment pa.In 9MP private investment only grew by 2% pa and totalled RM 356.1Billion in 9MP of which 72% was domestic and 28% FDI
  • Private Consumption expected to grow 7.7% pa and employment to grow 2.4% pa to create 1.4 million jobs.Share of GDP to grow from 53.6% in 2010 to 58% in 2015.Achieve high income economy by 2020.Target employment at 3.1% in 2015.
  • Public Investment only rose 6.2% pa in 9MP.Govt revenue expected to increase from RM158.6Billion in 2009 to RM 216.7Billion in 2015.Budget deficit target to reduce to 3.8% of GDP in 2012 and 2.8% in 2015.Federal Govt debt:RM362.4Billion in 2009,expected to rise to RM593.9Billion in 2015.Federal Govt overall deficit to fall to 49.9% of GDP in 2015 from 52.9% in 2010.
  • Exports to grow 10.6% pa as compared to 3.2% in 9MP.Import of consumption goods to grow 11.5% pa.Trade surplus of RM142.4Billion expected in 2015.
  • and many more govt plan of actions to be taken to realize this goals of 10MP….

Based on Ramli’s assessment,its all about Malaysia possessing the World Class Quality People including Leaders,Professionals and Workers to make this 10MP a Great Success!

The plan to establish the Talent Corporation in the 10MP is also a right decision and right step towards acquiring,developing,motivating,retaining World Class Talents for Malaysia.

Malaysia have almost 10 Million workforce in service both in the govt and private sectors and only with a Talented World Class workforce can we realistically unleashed their talents and help realized all the projects identified.

People are the main factor to help achieve 10MP and the Wawasan 2020(W2020)!Leaders are more critical to the 10MP and W2020 to ensure with the Right and Great Leaders can all the policies,decisions and strategies be put to work effectively and efficiently.The challenge for our Leaders are plenty and with the right personality and character plus their professional will and personal humility only then can we expect our Leaders to lead with great dynamism,optimism and great hope or assurance for success come 2015!

Like Leaders the Followers are equally important asset and they too must emulate their Leaders with all the right dedication and discipline so that all orders or command given will be carried out with great accuracy,success and satisfaction to meeting all the objectives of the 10MP.Inshallah.

Lets develop the Right 1Malaysians before We can produce the Right Results for 10MP-our tagline as far as People Development is concerned in this 10MP.

To know more,please contact Ramli Abu Hassan at mobile:+6-019-2537165 or email:

The recent HS P94 By Elections held on 25thApril,2010 was finally won by Barisan Nasional Candidate’s Mr.P.Kamalanathan with a majority of 1,725 votes.Kamalanathan received 24,997 votes while Datuk Zaid Ibrahim won 23,272 votes.The voter turnout was 48,935 ( 76%) while the electorate was 63,701 perssons.

Now with all the high action packed events that residents of HS have seen for the last 10 days before the polling day yesterday.they are now back to normal and life continues for most of them while all the make shift tents,posters,banners will now need to be cleaned up before they become eyesores to passing motorists or visitors to HS.

Ramli think many of the residents in HS are now consolidating and getting all the facts right as to all the election promises,assurances and money pledged for HS development either for their towns,schools,places of worships,recreation areas,youth development,old folks caring and many others..

To some many have got “instant angpows” like the Felda settlers that got their arrears paid after so many areas of non payments,old folks who got immediate support and poor residents who need instant help.Actually any help or cash provided to people in need is a great blessing!When you are so hungry and suddenly someone provide you with food and drinks you will feel so happy and know that now you can eat and rest after a full stomach!When you have a long standing non payment by someone and suddenly you know that you are going to get paid in a big sum of money,you will definitely feel excited and jump with joy!

However it also goes with the person involved whether he/she is a person of high moral values and high principles of life.They will want to know if the money they received are Halal or Haram acts!They also want to know if there is a “catch” or “udang disebalik batu” kind of intentions for all these favours?These are people who knows that anything that comes from a Haram source or Haram intentions will not be a right way and they will abstain from such offers since that kind of actions will bring “black stains” in their lives and reputation of people with clean hearts and Allah SWT forbids such kinds of actions and “dosa” to the giver and receiver!So,it is interesting to know how many people in HS or in Malaysia as a whole come from this category of “clean and pious” type?

Like a saying Ramli always use ” there is enough for people in need but not enough for people in greed” can help us understand why people in Malaysia have gone from bad to worst as far as managing their principles of living where cases of corruption,cheating,manipulations,price fixing,hoarding,insider trading and all bad practices are now so common that you can read it in all Malaysian newspapers daily!Salaries of executives are now escalating to amounts like RM150,000 per month,some RM 2 million per year and a few RM100 Million a year incomes.For those that live with “undertable” money than that amount can be greater monthly or yearly?

So,taking into consideration of the HS P94 By Election,to Ramli’s mind is all about evaluating our sense of high principles and moral values of living!Many political sides said there are money politics involved and some said there are “dirty tactics” and bad practices being applied!If these are true then the “giver” and the “receiver” are in the wrong and they will face the consequences is truth is revealed or prevailed if not just wait for the day of judgement where Allah SWT Knoweth’s Best!

Is it possible to build great values and high principles in the Rakyat?If we study the status of disciplines at our schools this mission maybe impossible since we hardly can achieve at the primary or secondary school levels what more at adult stage?

We need to have more emphasis on building our Great Malaysian Values and Principles to a level that is so satisfying and assuring then only can we expect a Great Nation to evolve with High Income and High Standard of Living can exist not for a few people but for the majority of Malaysians alike!Inshallah.

More to think and write on these subjects later……

To know or write to Ramli,please contact hp:019-2537165 or email:

You can also offer Training or Speaking opportunities to Ramli.See his Profile:

For Philantrophists,please bank in to Ramli Abu Hassan Bank Acc at Maybank Acc No: 164173649135.

As of today,we hear voices,leaders and all things from the government in power ie.BN and also Pakatan Rakyat and the opposition ie.the Pakatan Rakyat and BN….

The NGOs maybe in between of the 2 Power Blocks but some or infact many NGOs are also pro Govt and pro-Opposition.

Hot Issues like “using the word Allah” by non muslims,churches being damaged(slightly),selling alcohols drink like in shah alam shops and many more need also the VOICE of the Rakyat who are neither pro Govt or pro-Opposition!

Ramli called this the 3rd Voice or Force that will help many ways in Malaysian Politics or Harmony in Malaysia like:

1.The 3 rd Voice can be free to support or oppose any of the 2 main factions ie.govt and opposition side if they think neither is right in making a good Govt “think” the opposition is responsible for the problem happening but the opposition thinks the govt are the culprits to the problem!So,here the 3rd Voice will state the facts and how they recommend to fix or solve the problem rightly,in time and in full….

2.Everyone can join the 3rd Voice including all Govt and Opposition members…as long as they are in the 3rd Voice status or mode of operandi

3.The 3rd Voice is independant force and should have no worry of others or fear to speak up and make their stand…

4.and many others (to be informed)Inshallah

This is Ramli’s thoughts about how he thinks life in Malaysia must be managed and the ultimate benefit is for all MALAYSIANS to live in peace,harmony,prosper,respect,responsible and think rightly as people of “world class values” and have integrity and respect for each other beliefs…all good things are from Allah SWT and any bad doings are the weakness of ourselves as humanbeings….so we must learn well and reduce the “kurang ajar” as well as being a hypocrite and living in greed all the time.

The World is Enough for People in Need BUT Not Enough for People in Greed!

Wassallam 1Malaysia


shah alam
