Posts Tagged ‘music’

Let’s see and listen some great Violinists and their great style of playing it:

some photos to remember on Ramli’s Musical Journey (so far…)

contact Ramli at +6019-2537165 or

Ref: YouTube Videos.

and many more…

YouTube Videos:

Ramli is a great fan of Elvis since Ramli was a kid and Ramli have many memorablias of Elvis Presley:

see the memorable photos of Elvis Presley below (Elvis died on 16thAugust,1977)

here are the music videos:

Ramli had his industrial manufacturing training at Matsushita Japan plants in 1985 for almost 4 months and experienced a lot of whats going on in Japan at that time as compared in Malaysia.One of the major  insights as far as Japanese lifestyles Ramli witnessed was the popularity of the “singing machine” called KARAOKE.

Almost all Japanese cafes and homes owned Karaoke Machines that have become a phenomenon and HIT with all Japanese and Aliens that come and visit Japan at that time.Many kinds of cassettes tapes are made available at music shops and everyone can sing along using their favourite tapes and lyrics made available.Now,after almost 26 years we have DVDs,CDs,MP3 and all kinds of digital formats plus direct from YouTube website to choose our favourite songs to sing.The rest is history as far as Karaoke Mania in Malaysia and Rest of the World.

Listen and sing along Ramli’s Popular Karaoke Hits made available from YouTube:

listen to Ust Asri singing and creativity-Al-Fatihah to Ustaz Asri: