Posts Tagged ‘MRT’

In managing a country,company or family we  always need to identify problems,study the causes,take actions and hold the gains (so do not repeat the problem again.)

We need problem solving skills and breakthrough mindset.

We need a project by project approach in managing all these matters.We need a dedicated team to focus and take responsibility to solve the problem/s.

All this things are taught by companies either by the Managers or Consultants hired to help them.

In Malaysia especially in Klang Valley or the new focus of Greater KL,there seem to be no Best Solution yet to end the Traffic Jams madness and escalation?

Millions of commuters in cars or public transports like buses or trains are caught in this traffic jams and if you add these time wasted of all people involved it can totalled up to millions of hours everyday and if you multiply by wastes of time in Ringgit it can become Billions of RM ?

How many billions of RM do we lose due to these nagging problems eversince Ramli lived in Shah Alam 26 years ago till today?

The MRT solution is still underway underconstruction and underperformed till now and the NKRA for Public Transportation is still in progress and yet having a clear definite solution or action?

Millions of people get annoyed,frustrated and disappointed with the flow of actions to get this Traffc Jams solved once for all!

The sale of cars is always aiming for the peak like 500,000 cars a year and the finance companies are giving out car loans at even ZERO deposit payment and you can drive your new car?Roads and highways are being built rampantly that you at times do not know that these highways existed until you start paying the TOLLS?

So we keep on WASTING OUR PRODUCTIVE AND QUALITY time everyday till some get immune and say “thats life in KL”?

No,thats not KL life or quality living!We need to solve these massive traffic jams and get our priorities right and meet our mission.We need to spend minimal time on the roads and spend maximum time on our work and produce results!

We need to achieve all our KPIs and GTP and ETP but if we are not working right and in our cars or trains and buses wasting our time than we will not achieve all these grand goals and targets just dreaming and more dreams!

Lets eliminate all the wastes of waitings or traffic jams and get our time savers working right all the time.

How to do?

Contact Ramli at +6019-2537165 or

Ramli have lived in Shah Alam Section 18 since the birth of my first child in 1985 and Ramli’s neighbourhood was a new developed one at that time almost 26 years ago.

In 1985,Shah Alam saw the growth and development of new housing areas or estates where terrace and apartments are being build as fast as they are “snapped” by new house owners or property “players”.These are the the results of many thousands of factories both big,medium and small ones being build or operating in Shah Alam -the new industrial area after Petaling Jaya and Klang plus Kuala Lumpur esp those termed as Free Trade Zones (FTZs)

Workers by the thousands come to Klang Valley like Shah Alam from the outskirts or kampungs to work here in search of new found jobs,happy living,fed up of slow kampung life and many more….

So,as a result Shah Alam grew tremendously and still growing as of today…Ramli thinks Shah Alam is now having almost over 600,000 residents to a 1 Million if we also include the new designated residential areas or zones in the MBSA jurisdictions or control.

So,what about the CARS PROBLEM in Shah Alam?

If you just travel around Shah Alam many sections almost from Section 1 to 28++,you will find each house like terrace or bungalow having 1 to 8 cars per household!When Ramli started living in his terrace 3 room hosue in Section 18,the houses were designed with a 2 cars maximum occupancy maybe with 1 more car parked outside the gate of the house.So,it means each house can parked or filled with 1-3 cars (maximum) tolerable.NOW,the scenario is CRAZY,WHY?

Each house in many or almost all of Shah Alam neighbourhoods are filled with cars,bikes,lorries,small trucks,big buses..named it…So many hundred thousands of people lived in Shah Alam and they are of diversed backgrounds in terms of profession,wealth,hobbies,families etc…

With the growth of more education centres like IPTA,IPTS,secondary,primary schools,factories big and smes all have made the influx of people and cars CRAZY!

If you visit UiTM Campus in Shah Alam (which Ramli often goes) there is hardly any car parks to park your car around that Huge Campus ground,why?The answer is everyone there including Academic staff,Teaching staff,students,visitors,vendors all drive there with their cars,vans,bikes,lorries etc…So the number of designated car parks is so minimal as compared to the vehicles of four wheeled,two wheeled or multiple wheels coming in!What they do in UiTM then?

They parked in parallel to each others cars and some even triple rows!Crazy right,but is true!So,they palced their handphone numbers on the cars windscreen and hope people will called their cellphones if they want to exit their vehicles from the car park areas!Thats life now in UiTM and what can theydo?Actually a task worst then getting their students get Honours in their Degrees!

So,Ramli thinks Shah Alam must go for SUSTAINABLE STYLED OF LIVING where the environment,people,business and growth MUST BE MADE TO COMPLEMEMT THE BEST WAYS POSSIBLE  before  A MELTDOWN of social unrest,neighbourhood squabbles or wars and worst of the worst or lose-lose scenarios due to the high congestion or traffic in Shah Alam….yes very serious situations now..maybe soon in whole Klang Valley…

Cars are being sold like MAD and now the stats shows like over 500,000 cars are being sold every year in Malaysia.Roads are build all the time BUT the number of cars filled them even before the tolls are started!You can now even buy a car without any deposit and pay even up from 9 years or over…such great plans by these Cars Salesman and all connected to the Auto Industries….WHO TO BLAME?

The Government in Power is to be BLAME AND THEY ARE THE CULPRIT!Yes or No?

Policies are set by Govts in Power both maybe Federal and State Govts.So,if this kind of over populated vehicles problem happening in cities like Shah Alam then the State Govt must take actions to Stop this Madness!

Singapore may have done it right all along and the quantity of cars are CONTROLLED AND MONITORED.You pay a levy if you want to buy a car and with all the taxes included,maybe people think 3-4 times before they decide to purchase a car!Best use the Public Transportation System like the MRT or buses for their daily commuting to work and pleasures of the weekends or holidays.

The status of Klang Valley now more known as Greater KL esp for KL folks is basically gone “kaput” and due to poor planning of minds and money,Klang Valley Public Transport is never Good or Best just plain Poor and more hardships to KV residents since KL was declared a city in 1972!

So,looks like Malaysia need GREAT TALENTS OF COUNTRY PLANNERS where QUALITY IS BUILD AT THE DESIGN STAGE not after cities like Putra Jaya are being build but the rails or public transport are forgotten,not done yet or all the excuses available until the future tells us we must do it after all….now Putra Jaya still have no MRT or Komuter plying tru the streets..what the hell ( to be more critical)

So,Shah Alam need to be REPLANNED,REDESIGNED,REBUILD to become a Greater Sustainable City where humans,vehicles,locations,businesses and thinking become harmonised,peaceful and live prosperously for all in future!

Can Shah Alam do it? The way to ask is Can Shah Alam afford not to do it?Try living in chaos then?

Contact Ramli Abu Hassan at +6-019-2537165 or emailed at