Posts Tagged ‘masjids’

Ramadan Al Mubarak is now just 3 days more in balance and soon we will celebrate Hari Raya Aidil Fitri or 1st Syawal,1432Hijrah.

For those that have “graduated” with excellence where they did all these duties of a Muslim like:

  • Fasting for the full month of Ramadan
  • Perform all their daily prayers on time and in full preferably in their local Masjid or Surau
  • Perform the Terawih and Witr prayers everynight of Ramadan
  • Perform the Qiamulail especially in the last 10 days of Ramadan with greater zest!
  • Gave some money or lots of money to charities like Mahad Tahfiz,Poor&Needy,Breaking of Fast and Morey to the Masjids or Suraus
  • Pay their Zakat including Zakat Fithrah
  • Attended all the Tazkirahs (Knowledge sessions)
  • Attended all the Majlis Tahlil
  • Most important to be a “clean and pious” person by safeguarding what you see,say,do and stay away from all kinds of sins and vices!
  • Have great passion to seek for Lailatul Qadar (the rewards of 1000 months of Ibadah from Allah SWT especially in the last 10 days of Ramadan.Inshallah)
  • and many more…
Really,like what Ramli experienced in his home based Masjid An Nadhah Islamiah in Section 18,Shah Alam is always filled with great events to uphold the tagline of Ramadan as the month of Knowledge just like a University or Madrasah Ramadan!For those that are serious to become a Good to Great Muslim Person than all the Tazkirahs are filled with lots of knowledge on Islam especially like:
  • The Importance of Puasa
  • The many benefits one can acquire in Ramadan
  • the dos’ and donts’ of Ramadan
  • the ways of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh especially his ibadat in Ramadan
  • the seeking of Ramadan Blessings in the 1st Phase(1-10 day),2nd Phase(11th and 20th day) and 3rd Phase(21st and 29th day) of Ramadan
  • The significance of Lailatul Qadar
  • The great events of Islam in Ramadan
  • the many annoucements of seeking funds and sedeqah to all Muslims Tahfizs School,The Poor and Needy,Wakaf and Scholarships for Muslim students etc…
  • Tadarus Al-Quran -all the many sessions and ceremonies
  • The many prayers in Ramadan and why they are so important
  • and many more…
So,Ramadan is today just left 3 more days and as expected maybe Raya Fitri will be on 30th Aug,2011(Tuesday) after having fasted for 29 full days.
Hopefully this Eid Festival or Raya Fitri will be held on the same day all over Malaysia,ASEAN,ASIA and in fact the whole wide world so that Muslim Solidarity,Togetherness and Brotherhood will be at its PEAK,SUPERIORITY,PEACE AND ONENESS  TO ALLAH SWT.Only with this great understanding,peace and act as one will the Rest of the World see the POWER OF ISLAM 2 BILLION MUSLIMS AND A GREAT FORCE THAT HAVE THE SUPPORT,BLESSINGS AND GUARANTEE FROM ALLAH SWT (GOD ALMIGHTY)
Ramli will surely missed Ramadan and when 1st Syawal comes along Ramli will visit his mum and dad’s graves and also all his loved ones that was unable to experience and feel this Ramadan Al Mubarak 1432 Hijrah.AL-FATIHAH to All of Them!Really missed my loved ones!
Ramli,Maimunah and his 5 children wished all of YOU Muslims “A Happy Eid Festival or Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 1432 Hijrah”
May Allah SWT Blessed all of Us and Grant His Mercy to Us All!
You can contact Ramli Abu Hassan at mobile:+6019-2537165 or email:

In Malaysia we all started to fast from today ie.1st Aug,2011 and last night we performed our Tarawih & Witr prayers.Like all months,Ramadan will surely helped filled the mosques and suraus usually in the beginning days of Ramadan but may fizzle out slowly and slowly by the 2nd and 3rd week and finally back to the status quo of the masjid or surau attendance where maybe 1 or 2 safs remained!Why must this be so?Why?

Ramli heard in Middle Eastern countries the last 10 days of Ramadan is the MOST PACKED OR JAMMED with worshippers who all want to seek or be rewarded with LAILATUL QADAR (BLESSINGS FROM ALLAH SWT THAT EQUALLED TO 1000 MONTHS OF IBADAH ie.about 83 years and 4 months)Why is it so much different between the Middle East nations as compared to Malaysia?In Malaysia as most of us can see the Malaysian Muslims will be busy more at the marketplace than the masjids because their mindset have been always get ready for Hari Raya and make all the cakes,buy all the clothings and make beautiful their homes and surroundings.Ramadan is just a fasting month and we just dont eat and drink from dawn to sunset,thats it!This is the wrong mentality!

Muslims in Malaysia must now be more learned,experience and understand the whole significance or blessings of Ramadan to them.They must aim for the best blessings and not just getting a 10% or 20% of the blessings of Ramadan but must strieve and dream of the full blessings of Ramadan namely to be pardon by Allah SWT of all our sins and evil deeds plus all the wrong doings we have done knowlingly and unknowingly.Thats the greatest blessings we must get and pursue so that the gates of Heaven will be open for us in the Herafter.Inshallah.

So many things to write about Ramadan and hopefully Ramli can do so in these 29 or 30 days of Ramadan in balanced!

Ramli also read and heard that once the Prophet Muhammad pbuh have stated as such “if you only realized the significance of Ramadan and her blessings,you will want all the months in your calender to be Ramadan!”thats how important Ramadan is to Allah SWT and the great rewards Allah SWT Bestows in Ramadan.

So,lets start our early Ramadan with perfection in mind and actions and Inshallah the coming weeks and last 10 days of Ramadan will be so worthwhile,full of bliss,memorable moments,great acts of charity and the reward of LAILATUL QADAR to you and your loved ones.AMIN.


Contact Ramli at hp:019-2537165 or email:

Ramli remembers about his long years working with MNC like Matsushita (now known as Panasonic) and also Affin Bank.Ramli was an employee for these 2 companies from 1975 to 1996 before he became an Entrepreneur at the age of 40 on his birthday 1stNov,1996.

As an employee,we must abide by the Terms&Conditions of  the company and thats why you must signed your Letter of Employment as to indicate your agreement to the above T&C.When you already signed the T&C you must abide all that the company states and any wrong doings or refusal to abide to the T&C can made you redundant or sacked from your post!

As a Muslim person,we need to get assurance that we can perform all our Muslim Rights like Solat both our daily and Jumaat prayers.Ramli remembers how some Malaysian Companies including the MNCs have informed their employees that they must take turns to perform Jumaat Prayers and its OK to miss 1 Jumaat Prayers as long as it is not 3 in a row!How ridiculous and inconsiderate these companies are or better still the Top Management thinking or actions?

Then there is the problem of NO Proper Suraus or peaceful place to pray for the Muslims?Again,what the heck do these companies think they are doing in Malaysia?Malaysia is a Malay Land just like England-a land of English or Finland a land of Finns and so on….

We must ensure (till Today) that all companies MUST have proper,peaceful praying place for Muslims.Some build Suraus and some even build Masjids…Praying is So Important to Muslims and if a Muslim do not pray then his Road to Hell is assured!

Muslims in Malaysia is really heading to the decay,why?

Here are some facts about Muslims in Malaysia and they must ACT FAST to repair all those “damages” and poor performance:

  • only 20% Muslims pray 5 times per day
  • many companies have small praying place for Muslims like only good for 5 people when the company have 500 employees and majority are Muslims
  • Some 5 star hotels and MNCs have poor surau locations like “disregarding” the high status of Islam in Malaysia eg,Suraus at Lower Ground Levels,near store rooms or hot stuffy areas,poor access to staff and public,no proper pipings and toilets and many more…actually so disgusting when you think of all the 1malaysia,ETP and GTP efforts of making Malaysia the Best!
  • no encouragement at all for Muslims to pray while at work – A good muslim is a great asset to a company -thats a fact
  • and many more (please have a good dialogue with Top Mgmt and Muslim Staffs about how to make Prayers impact the Business Performance and Bottomlines)
In this era of 2011-we all want to TRANSFORM TO BECOME GREAT TO GREATEST  but with this old bad habits and mistreatment of Muslim Rights or ignoring them with consciousness,Ramli think these kind of Companies owned by Malaysians and Foreigners MUST BE CLOSED and if guilty JAILED THE TOP MGMT TO TEACH THEM WHAT ISLAM IS ALL ABOUT IN MALAYSIA!
Ramli will always JIHAD for Islam and like the Hadiths once stated that:
If you see anything bad against Islam use your hand to beat it, if not use your mouth and the least just keep in your heart that you saw a bad act to Islam and thats the lowest of Faith (Iman) in Islam!
Islam is SUPREME  and all Muslims must have Great Faith in Islam and the Quran and Hadiths are always here for YOU till Qiyamah….
Allah SWT have stated that Islam have been made PERFECT   and we just need to follow it all the way through without doubts,worries or “chicken out”.Read,understand and apply what is written in the QURAN AND HADITHS,the rest is all up to ALLAH SWT TO BLESSED AND HAVE MERCY TO ALL OF US.INSHALLAH.
contact Ramli at +6019-2537165 and

Read this article from Star Online about Sultan Selangor decree to make Masjids to be free from any political purposes or campaigns.

Tuesday May 11, 2010

Sultan Selangor snubs Zaid


PETALING JAYA: Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah is unlikely to grant PKR leader Zaid Ibrahim an audience.

“At present Sultan Sharafuddin sees no reason to grant Zaid an audience as the latter is not an elected representative in Selangor or a Datuk from Selangor,” a source said.

In that context, there is no reason for the Sultan to grant an audience, the source said.

“So far, the only indication from Zaid is through the newspapers and no formal request has been received and also, according to the newspapers, Zaid only wants to explain and not apologise,” the source said.

Zaid courted controversy when he questioned the Sultan’s directive to disallow mosques in Selangor from being used for political purposes.

He drew more flak from various quarters when he posted in his blog ( a claim that the Sultan’s order for mosques not to be used as a political stage was the Sultan’s personal opinion and was not a decree.

Selangor Islamic Religious Council Chairman Datuk Mohamed Adzib Mohd Isa had said in statement that the directive by Sultan Sharafuddin was a decree.

He referred to Section 12 of the Selangor State Syariah Crime Enactment which stated that an order by the Sultan was a decree and was effective and could be implemented without first being gazetted.

The Selangor Islamic Religious Council (MAIS) had on Oct 6, last year issued a circular to all mosques in the state about the directive by Sultan Sharafudddin barring the use of mosques for political purposes.

Last year, the Sultan of Selangor had consulted MAIS, JAIS and the state Mufti’s office before the circular was distributed.

The circular (MAIS Bil 4/2009) also states that no ceramah is allowed by any unauthorised persons without first obtaining accreditation from MAIS.

The circular also stated that MAIS would not hesitate to enforce the provision of the law against anyone who disobeyed the Sultan’s directive

This is a great video telling us the greatness of Allah SWT-where all the Muezzins around the world will recite the Azan (Call for Prayers) everytime of the day-five times (fajr,zohr,asr,maghrib and isha’) and this is done around the world based on the locations,time zones and muslims population.