Posts Tagged ‘malaysian civil servants’

Ramli who have been involved in the areas of consulting,training and writing on subjects like Project Teams (QCC,ICC,KIK,MQT,QIT,WIT.TCS) have realized many years ago on the importance to UNLEASH THE HIDDEN POTENTIAL OF HUMAN CAPITAL through the active participation and completion of their inhouse project/s where teams are established with Management support and cooperation and these teams will embarked on their projects with a duration of 4-6 months tenure and they will have a mission to:

  • improve their current performance to a higher level in areas of quality improvement,productivity gains,cost reductions,waste eliminations,safety improvements,enhanced morale in workplace and also areas of better and cleaner environment.
  • work as a team and apply quality tools or teachniques to make improvements at their workplace or at times work cross functionally with other teams
  • record all their progress and report their findings and results to management for approval and institutionalisation
  • and many more

While the 1.4 Million strong Malaysian Civil Servants are now enjoying their new pay scheme and see their monthly salary increases they too have an important duty to the nation and the Rakyat.They can ensure their commitment to continual excellent service,integrity,honesty at work,responsible at all times and always seeking for ways to improve their performance.One of the best ways is in the active participation of Project Teams like Kumpulan Inovatif & Kreatif or KIK.

KIK will be the best vehicle to allow active participation of all govt employees and being 1.4Million  people they can form almost 140,000 KIKs around the country in the over 35 Ministries concerned.KIK is best to have about 4 to 10 persons in a team.

So,with 140,000 KIKs (a 100% participation achievement) the Malaysian Civil Servants can do so many projects and that means:

  • 140,000 projects of problem solving or Breakthrough results can be realized by the Govt
  • if 140,000 projects succeessfully completed will helped saved about RM 1,000 per project per KIK that  means RM 140,000,000 (yes RM140 Million) is saved per KIK calender (about 4-6 mths tenure).Imagine the IMPACT to the Ministries and Nation?
  • 1.4 Million people will now gained new knowledge,better teamwork,cooperation,expert in their work and many other tangible and intangible benefits

So,the DRIVE FOR REAL TRANSFORMATION in the Malaysian Civil Service is to really promote,register and ensure the 1.4 million malaysian civil servants are participating in this KIK and ensure all their projects are completed as scheduled in their PDCA Cycle and meet or exceed their targets of improvement or problem solving.

Can they do that?They must since they have received salary increases and better perks and its fair that they too become more productive,better quality and do all their KIK projects with great success,determination,teamwork and service to the Rakyat and Nation.As almost 90% of Malaysian Civil Servants are Malays and Muslims they too have a duty to serve Islam and Allah SWT.

Please contact Ramli Abu Hassan at hp:+6-019-2537165 or email: for assistance.