Posts Tagged ‘malay first’

Recently there are lots of hoo haa on this subject about Who are U first,a Malay or Malaysian also a Chinese first or Malaysian second and also an Indian first or Malaysian second!

One thing for sure,if you answer I am a Chinese first and China second or Indian first and India second then you are a confirmed “Pendatang” or Alien to Malaysia.

Why Ramli said “I am monkey first and pet second” is because when you are not domesticated to be a PET you were your original self that is a monkey that is free to swing from tree to tree and you are free to roam the jungle or forest.Once,you are caught or tamed to be a PET like those in the circus,you act now more like a PET than a monkey because you are not free as you suppose to be originally or destined in your life!

Like all 1Malaysians we are just like the monkey,we are free to live anywhere we like since our great great forefathers maybe like Nabi Adam as who was moved from Heaven to Earth due to his act of disobedience of wanting to eat the forbidden fruit with Hawa as as a result of Satan’s continual persuasions.

So,once you decided to move to a country like Malaysia from China or India then you are still a Chinese or Indian first and Malaysia second no more a Chinese first and China second since now Malaysia is your home but you are still a Chinese first or Indian first then Malaysia (your new homeland) just like the Malays who emigrated from Java or Sumatra to Malaysia and now known or brand themselves as Malay first or Java first and Malaysian second!If you want you can still migrate to Canada and become or profess to be a Bangali first and Canadian second if not the Canadians will not like it and treat you as an Alien just like other countries!

The great beauty about Religion is that when you confess you are a Muslim then wherever you go,you want to be treated as a Muslim first then a Malay second or Iranian second because Islam is universal and everyone is proud to be a Muslim first and Malaysian or Iranian second.Why?Its all about FAITH and you and I know that Allah SWT is the Greatest and who else can be FIRST only ALLAH SWT is always FIRST and Muhammad pbuh is His Messenger.The rest is not important at all whether you are a Malay,Chinese,Indian or whatever as long as you know that WE are from the same roots or beginning that is from Prophet Adam as unless YOU want to believe you originate or are a decendants of the MONKEY or APE!

Ramli loves Malaysia very much and have represented his state Selangor Darul Ehsan since Std 6 as Selangor 200metres sprinter at the MSSM sports meet in 1968 and also many other events like his Pro-Boxing promotions by representing Malaysia as the Promoter of the World Class Championship Boxing involving countries like Japan,Korea,Thailand,Philippines and Indonesia.

Maybe,let not confuse ourselves with asking ourselves whether we are a Malay,Chinese or Indian first and Malaysia second since thats what we are from our early history or roots and the only thing we must really ask ourselves is “ARE WE A GOOD MALAYSIAN FIRST OR BAD MALAYSIAN” there’s no second here because WE only want 1st Class Malaysians not 2nd Class or No Class!


Ramli Abu Hassan



twitter: @pramleeelvis