Posts Tagged ‘M’

The Basics of Good Management is to keep on doing well the fundamentals and practise Continual Improvement so that things become Good to Great.

Many companies failed after gaining early success while others never achieved success or profits at all!Why?

From Ramli’s experience as an employee and company owner,Ramli realized the need by Top Management to understand the fundamentals of Good Management and what are they?:

  • Q-Quality is the cornerstone of Good Business. We must ensure our products and services meet to the requirements of our global and domestic customers.Customer Satisfaction must an important focus of companies and government agencies.
  • C-Cost.Top Mgmt must always produce products and services at economical prices so that customers can afford them and we also can beat our competition by offering value for money products and services.China is reputed to be the World’s Manufacturer where they can produce products at cheap prices,with quality and in abundance with a good delivery period.
  • D-Delivery.To produce quality and cheaper products is good but to produce them with good speed or fast delivery is better and love by the customers.If one were to wait longer than our competition than our customers will buy from them and not us!Delivery like those fast food delivery shops are loved by customers and they get repeat business.
  • S-safety or security.To make quality products is important but to work safely is also important both to the business and people.Companies like making hazardous or dangerous products like ammunitions,chemicals,health risks products,oil and gas industries all need to think safety first than quality!Only with good safety environment and management can people work safely,confidently and stress free.
  • M-morale.The morale of staff or good happy company culture will ensure talents remain and retained in the company.People like a harmonious and comfortable working environment and any “company politics” or poor management on people can make talents restless and they will soon find new jobs as at times it is more of an employee market where jobs are plenty and salaries are high.Companies must know what the Voice of Employee is and at current levels so that they can take immediate or remedial actions if something went wrong or about to happen.
  • E-environment.The environment nowadays also play an important role with companies,employees and stakeholders.They want to see that the company is practising good sustainable mgmt and all the green management.They want CSR actions are in line with Global Standards and sustainable mgmt are always being the norm and gaining stronger momentum in the organisation.
  • Others.Many other factors are also considered by companies so that with new mgmt knowhow and best practices,companies can actually survive the competition and marketplace.They can maintain their existence with continual good performamce and profits plus keeping their Talents loyal and improving the business with more innovations,creativity,team working and world class performances.
These are some fundamentals where companies big and small or micro must understand and practise with discipline and consistency.At least when your company grow bigger in size,with larger turnover and profits,you can at least assure your company can sustain the business well and good.
Any interested parties,please contact Ramli +6019-2537165 or email: for assistance to help build your business better,safer,faster,stronger,cheaper prices and respectable brand at the marketplace etc…