Posts Tagged ‘legacy’

Leaving behind a legacy of something good to your children,family,community,country or to the world like what Steve Jobs have done all through his lifetime is a noble mission and for a Muslim only Allah SWT Knoweth’s how best to Blessed YOU and Have Mercy on You!

Every small tiny good thing you do will be rewarded and any small bad thing you do will also be accounted for and punished at the Hereafter!No wonder Muslims are always encouraged to pray everyday and seek Allah SWT Blessings and Mercy.

You can do all the bad things on earth and “escaped” from being punished and if you live a life of 60 years old with all sorts of crimes and sins then “watch out” at the Hereafter where you have to answer to God Almighty for all the bad things you have done and why you did not listen or obey to God Almighty Commands?

If anyone believe in God Almighty then all his work or doings on earth must be good and free of sins but if he or she do not believe at all in God Almighty then all the negative things he or she have committed will be recorded and to be answered for!

Leaving a Legacy of good achievements is our noble mission and if we are not smart like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates then looking after our children from small to adults are the best legacy we can leave behind and be proud of!

We like in Malaysia have many children who lacked parental love,guidance and support.Maybe money is an issue or no opportunities are the other but as a Good Father we will seek all ways to ensure our children are never lacking with good caring,education,noble values,discipline and fear of God Almighty.With these efforts of continual progress and monitoring we at least can expect our Children to Grow Up as Responsible,Intelligent,High Noble Value,Confident and Successful Individuals that will continue Life Process of doing the same to their children and children’s children…

So,like Steve Jobs reminder “dont be worried that you are not a Millionaire or Billionaire BUT always measure your success by the good things you have done well like loving and caring for your children all the time!If only all parents try to become Good Parents then this World will become a peaceful,harmonious and prosperous place to live by all.


The memory of Steve Jobs still is strong in Ramli’s mind and heart.Why?

Ramli really loved his life’ story especially about his passion and mission to bring joys to the world especially in areas he knows best through products and softwares plus all the benefits people can get using his inventions.

Jobs as a Business Person have his ups and downs and ups again if you study his beginnings and till his dead bed.He started Apple Inc left for a while,started other projects and came back to Apple which he loved so much and made Apple one of the most powerful company on earth as well as satisfying the shareholders many times over.

Imagine 1 person can impact billions of lives across many continents with his inventions,innovations and ideas!Jobs have learned the art of knowing whats NEXT and with some Think Different mindset Jobs have given us all the Macs Pcs,ipods,iphones and ipads not forgetting the productions at PIXAR and also others (which we may not been informed)

Truly wonderful to lead such amazing,challenging and wonderful life and Jobs must surely feel like a Rock Star or MegaStar for all the “crazy” fans or admirers who “worship” him,admire,talk about always and wanting to know more and more about him even when he have gone already!In Islam,we always offer our prayers and read Surah Yassin for all our loved ones that have passed away so that Allah SWT will Blessed and Have Mercy on our souls.Inshallah.

Steve Jobs have made billions of USD as a Business Person for sure and now his family and all that he loved may enjoy his wealth that they may inherit from him.Thats important for us to remember to work hard and smart always so that we leave our loved ones with some wealth so that life can go on with no worries or pained!

As Ramli have mentioned every morning as we wake up from bed we now will check our mobile phones and notebooks plus switch on the TVs or Radios to listen to news reports as to what had happened while we were sleeping soundly?

The techno gadgets like ipod,iphone and ipad will be one of these tools in our hands in these early mornings and as we hold these gadgets we may start to remember that “hey Steve Jobs” did all these and how nice of him to brighten our lives or give us these tools that we never knew we wanted what more use it all day!Thats what Steve Jobs have done to the World by giving all these tools of technology that we so needed so much and can help us explore new discoveries ourselves in our work,play,living and learning modes.

Many things to write on the impact or Legacies of Steve Jobs and Ramli will try to that in the coming days..Inshallah.

Contact Ramli at +6019-2537165 or email at :

Ramli lives in Shah Alam,Selangor Darul Ehsan,Malaysia and you can check it on your google maps by using your iphone now!Good Day always!

Some of the products that Steve Jobs introduced to the World: