Posts Tagged ‘lead’

Mother’s Day have just passed by and we all rejoice as to what a Great Mother (and Father) we all have all this while.

However the facts and datas never lie and we have now in Malaysia as well in the world,such facts as:

  • poor discipline among youths of GenZ and GenY even Gen X
  • criminal cases happening everywhere involving these new kids
  • smoking,drugs-are all common usage among these kids
  • sex without barriers are frequent among them
  • now-even the President of USA approve Gay Marriages-what is happening?is it so important for being elected again?
  • parents have just no power or authority among their children
  • school children are behaving rudely and “worst kind” to teachers and fellow students
  • babies being discarded as a result of sexual relationships without marriage
  • Mat Rempit
  • Minah Bohsia
  • and so many more…..really many…

Ok,so what to do or take good actions?

Its the PARENTS really the Biggest Problem,why?

They have forgotten their real roles as Parents in areas or responsibilities like:

  • upbringing of their kids from baby to teen and adult
  • instilling good discipline in their kids all the time
  • respect and have noble values in their kids
  • produce kids with great character although the family is not rich or have all the things in life
  • learn to excel and work hard and smart for a great future
  • reprimand their kids when something wrong is done and not to do it again
  • benchmark with the best around
  • and many more..really many more…

With all the above constraints and problems,surely we cannot produce our Young Gen Z or Gen Y to become Great Kids or Great Teens and Great Adults.Only Great Children can help make a Great World to LIVE by ALL.

So,if we failed and make hopeless or nonsense managment in our Kids Live then we will help create hopeless and nonsense youths of the world which is what is really happening now all over Malaysia and Rest of the World.

With lack of Religious education and guidance we also create youths that forget the Powers of Allah (God Almighty) and they blatantly disobey Allah’s SWT Commands and Prophet Muhammad pbuh teachings etc..

Islam is a Religion of AdDeen and Great Success if only all the Muslims abide to the Quran and Sunnah.Since Muslims are also divided in more than 73 sects except the Sunnah Wal Jamaah then Muslims will also be following not the straight path and will definitely join Iblis (satan) to the Hellfire (Neraka)

Parents Role is ultimate now and most important then all the AGENDAS of the world like Economic Growth,Sustainable Development,Poverty Eradication,Global Warming,Techonology Development etc..If we ignore and dont do our 100% efforts to make Parents Right then the World must be ready for more disruptions,disorders,indiscipline,poor values,and poor results with millions or billions of spoilt kids!

Parents are so important to help the World Survive and become Better all the time!

Lets do our Parental Role right,all the time and any where we are!Its our salient and rightful responsibility not to our kids only but to Allah SWT and also from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad pbuh.Inshallah.

contact Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or email: