Posts Tagged ‘hj abdullah’

Everybody who live will soon die when our time have come,as determined by Allah SWT.

Muslims belief there is life after death and all the good deeds  we do on earth will be rewarded with great Blessings by Allah SWT in the Hereafter.

All the bad deeds or dosa will grant us a place in Hell or Neraka.So,it is a good thing to remember that LIVING ON EARTH MUST BE FILLED WITH GREAT DEEDS,ZERO DOSA,PIOUS CHILDREN,SHARE OR GIVE OUT YOUR WEALTH AND POSSESS A POSITIVE PERSONALITY.

My late brother in law Hj.Abdullah is a kind man,great father to his children,always ready to help and have done great service to his kariah or neighbourhood or community.He suddenly fell ill and after about 4 months of pain,laying in bed and slow deterioration of his health finally death comes knocking and Abang Man passed away peacefully in Seremban Hospital on Friday about 1.45 noon and later was burried at the Muslim Cemetery just next to his Sepang House where Ramli found out that Abang Man was also one of the grave diggers at that cemetery.Abang Man was also driving some school chikdren to school in his car daily.

Here are some photos Ramli snapped in memory of Abang Man last night: AL-FATIHAH