Posts Tagged ‘globalization’

Like Christopher Columbus,Marco Polo,Zheng He,Ibn Battutta,Francis Light,Vasco Da Gama,Genghiz Khan and many other Explorers the World possessed,we experienced the discoveries of new far away lands and made humans or citizens of the world closer either by peaceful means or by horrible warfares and conquests.The map of the world were redrawn many times as a result of these discoveries and conquests.Malacca was more widely known than Malaysia as a country and traders from all over the world know Malacca as an international port where trading of products like spices,silks,gold and precious stones,potteries,timber are all made available here.

Likewise in the modern world after World War 2,new discoveries are found not in discoveries of new lands but more for technology,inventions of new machines,medicines,processed food and beverages,equipment both small and big sizes,automobiles and aeroplanes and so many others.

With better communication,transportation and networking of people from distant lands we now embraced globalization  like “hell” and once where we use to be so far away can now communicate and collaborate in just a matter of short time and businesses are made to flourish easily and everywhere.Trade are expanded and business grow and  grow to unprecedented heights!

Products like Facebook or Yahoo Mail have created many hundred of millions of users on a daily basis like eg.Facebook where they reported a daily traffic or active users about 850 million people!Imagine the marketing opportunities and trading that can be created when you have 850 million users everyday!

Only challenge that we humans still faced is TIME factor!We live all over the world with time zones of GMT 0.01 to GMT 24.00 like London having a GMT of 12.00 and Kuala Lumpur a GMT of 20.00 (a difference of +8 hours)

So if we are having a meeting at 9 am in London then it is 5pm in Kuala Lumpur and we will definitely feel different since the daylight conditions are different,our body conditions too plus a host of other differences when time is concerned!

When we have a “LIVE Telecast” of a football match in Tokyo at 8 pm then it will be morning time in time zones like in Europe?The good thing we are able to see the football match at the same time (same viewing) but not at the convenient time we actually prefer.During the “good boxing days” of Muhammad Ali or World Cup Fever,TV viewers may have to watch their Live TV at odd hours where some at dinner time,some at breakfast time,some at lunch time and some at early hours of the morning or night!

Maybe that we cannot change at all and thats why we also said “the only thing that is constant is change” and time is always on the move and once lost we will never get it back again.Thats life and as time goes by we too get old or aged!

Globalization is Great but make Globalization with Harmony,Peace,Prosperity for all Humans.Only by constantly adding value in our lives can Globalization really bring the benefits to all humans no matter where they live or in what time zones they are having!