Posts Tagged ‘ceramah’

Semalam seperti setiap hari di Masjid AnNadhah Islamiah (masjid khariah Ramli) di Jalan 18/42 Shah Alam,kuliah agama bersama Ustaz Uda Kassim telah memberi pengajaran yang baik akan apa kita perlu laksanakan atau beri tumpuan dalam hidup kita agar kita menjadi Ahli2 Syurga pada Kiamat nanti apabila Allah SWT menghisab atau mengukur amalan2 baik kita seperti pahala2 yang ada,amal jariah sedeqah kita,mendidik anak2 yang soleh dan banyak lagi amalan2 positif daripada negatif?

Ustaz Uda Kassim adalah antara satu2 nya Ustaz di Masjid Nadhah ini yang mengajar secara bersiri setiap minggu dengan berpandukan Kitab Fi Zilalil Quran (di bawah bayangan Al-Quran) karangan AsSyahid Syed Qutb-Jilid 17.

Ramai jemaah yang istiqama menghadiri kuliah2 Ustaz Uda Kassim yang sentiasa mengajar penuh semangat,dedikasi,banyak membawa cerita2 Rasulullah dan Sahabat2 serta pengajaran2 yang kita boleh dapati dari memahami Kitab ini.

Semalam Ustaz menceritakan bagaimana Allah SWT tidak memandang berat akan hal2 dunia pada hamba2nya malahan hari akhirat adalah apa manusia perlu fokus dan samada bekalan2 untuk akhirat mencukupi untuk segala ujian2 akhirat nanti.Jika banyak pahala atau amalan baik didunia maka Inshallah lah akan selamat kita dalam hisab akhirat nanti.Bak kata sehari di akhirat adalah selama 50,000 tahun di dunia!

Ustaz juga mencerita kes Madrasah nya dimana Ustaz telah berjaya mendidik seorang muridnya yang tidak pandai langsung mengaji kitab dan hal2 agama dan setelah bertungkus lumus selama 2 tahun mendidik penuh kasih sayang seperti anaknya sendiri akhirnya murid ini yang telah berjaya qatam belajar kitab dan boleh pula mengajar telah MENGHILANG DIRI (LESAP) DENGAN IBUBAPANYA dan tidak langsung beritahu Ustaz akan pemergiannya itu!

Ini lah yang membuat Ustaz sedih dan seperti kata Ustaz “masih berdarah dalam hatinya” akan betapa sedihnya murid kesayangannya telah pergi sekelip mata tanpa apa sebab yang sebenarnya!Ustaz berharap agar situasi begini tidak akan berlaku lagi pada dirinya dan berharap agar ibubapa akan lebih bersifat tanggungjawab dan hormati Ustaz2 Madrasah atau dimana2 tempat pengajian pun.

Ustaz juga mengatakan betapa benarnya Manusia sekarang hanya lihat kebendaan atau materialis sahaja dan jika mahu mencari menantu mereka lebih suka mendapat menantu yang berduit,kerja pangkat tinggi,kereta besar2,rumah besar2 dan macam seorang Ustaz atau Hafiz tidak lah laku atau di gemari!Sungguh malangnya nasib umat2 sekarang yang meletak harta kemewahan dari iman dan taqwa dalam fomus hidup mereka.Itu lah sebab manusia mengejar apa yang mereka lihat atau nampak bukan yang tidak nampak seperti akhirat,pahala,iman,taqwa dan budi baik.

Dunia ini BUSUK bagai bangkai!

Dunia ini tidak ada apa2 pada Allah SWT maka tumpuan lah kepada Akhirat!

Seperti kata2 nasihat Imam AlKadir Jalani yang pernah menyebut:

Wahai ahli2 dunia

Kamu kejar Dunia,

Dunia yang kamu kejar

sedang kejar Ahli2 Akhirat!

Semoga Allah SWT menganugerahkan kita Hidayah dan Keselamatan Dunia dan Akhirat!

Salam dari Ramli +6-0192537165 atau emel:


Ramli is so fortunate that his Masjid or Mosque is just 150 walking steps from his home.During the Azan by the Muezzin,Ramli and his nearby folks can hear the Azan so clearly and as always Ramli will pray with the Congregation rather than alone at home.The Prophet Muhammad pbuh have once stated that to pray in the Masjid with the Jemaah is actually 27 times better than alone at home.In fact Prophet Muhammad pbuh is really angry and will burn down the houses of people who refuse to pray in their Masjid as the importance of the Masjid and all prayers performed there is really blessed and have great impact to Muslims and their future.

Last night at the daily ceramah or lecture,my Ustaz mentioned about the importance of knowing our ownself as humans.Only Allah SWT knows us well because HE is our Creator and we do not know ourselves well because we are not our Creator,we are just human beings…

Later my Ustaz Farid Hashim in his own unique way of teaching,also informed us that what humans want is HIDAYAH ie.the Blessings of Allah and only Allah can give us this Hidayah.If we are graduates of Al Azhar in Egypt but if Allah SWT do not grant us Hidayah,we will still “be in darkness” and do not know the difference between a stone and a diamond!

Later,Ustaz also informed that Prophet Ibrahim a.s. also prayed to Allah SWT so that all Prophets and Rasul originate from human beings and not jinns or angels,why?Jins are Allah SWT creations where they can be good but at times can be bad like humans and vice versa.Angels are all obedient creations of Allah SWT and they will pose a problem because then they will be times that they dont want to marry or eat or sleep since they can be so discipline that they refuse to marry so that they can serve and pray to Allah SWT always.A Prophet need to be like all humans where they will marry,eat,sleep,pray and do all humane acts so that all humans can follow them and their best practices.

If humans cannot follow the ways of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh for example,then its difficult for Islam to be accepted and become a Great Religion of all people.

Next,Prophet Muhammad pbuh was brought to the world to teach 3 Main Focus that are:




All the above knowledge really mean a lot to us Muslims and all humans.These are so important and relevant because by practising all the knowledge of the Quran and Hadiths ,we can have great assurance and certainty that our lives will be BLESSED BY ALLAH SWT and we live in great peace,harmony and prosperity.Inshallah!

Eg.Akhlak or character must be emphasised to all people especially when they are young so that when they grow older they become good adults and well mannered and disciplined.Nowadays,with modern teachings,people become “worst human beings” with poor values and no sense of discipline or responsible persons.

We need to ponder,revisit and unlearn-relearn-learn all things about ISLAM and her Teachings of all those mentioned by my normal Ustaz at my Masjid everyday…Its all up to us to seek knowledge and practice them to get good results and become Good Muslims!

Contact Ramli at +6-019-2537165 and email:

Dalam Surah Al-‘Alaq ini terdapat beberapa perkara yang penting untuk perhatian seluruh manusia iaitu:

  • Ajakan untuk membaca dan belajar
  • Allah SWT mampu mencipta manusia daripada asal kejadian yang lemah
  • Allah SWT juga akan mampu mengajarkan manusia menulis dan mengajarkan sesuatu yang belum pernah manusia ketahui
  • Allah SWT lah yang mengajarkan ilmu kepada manusia
  • Mengingatkan kita bahawa kekayaan dan kekuasaan ada kalanya mendorong manusia melanggar hukum dan ketentuan Allah SWT’
  • Manusia akan pasti kembali kepada Allah SWT
  • Mematuhi dan melaksanakan perintah Allah SWT dengan mendekati diri dengan melakukan ketaatan kepada Allah SWT daripada sikap para pembangkang dan pendusta
  • menyeru manusia mencari kepandaian melalui membaca dan menulis
  • menerangkan bahawa manusia itu sering menjadi sombong apabila mendapat kekayaan

Lihat juga vidio2 YouTube akan kehebatan Surah Al-‘Alaq ini:


Read this article from Star Online about Sultan Selangor decree to make Masjids to be free from any political purposes or campaigns.

Tuesday May 11, 2010

Sultan Selangor snubs Zaid


PETALING JAYA: Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah is unlikely to grant PKR leader Zaid Ibrahim an audience.

“At present Sultan Sharafuddin sees no reason to grant Zaid an audience as the latter is not an elected representative in Selangor or a Datuk from Selangor,” a source said.

In that context, there is no reason for the Sultan to grant an audience, the source said.

“So far, the only indication from Zaid is through the newspapers and no formal request has been received and also, according to the newspapers, Zaid only wants to explain and not apologise,” the source said.

Zaid courted controversy when he questioned the Sultan’s directive to disallow mosques in Selangor from being used for political purposes.

He drew more flak from various quarters when he posted in his blog ( a claim that the Sultan’s order for mosques not to be used as a political stage was the Sultan’s personal opinion and was not a decree.

Selangor Islamic Religious Council Chairman Datuk Mohamed Adzib Mohd Isa had said in statement that the directive by Sultan Sharafuddin was a decree.

He referred to Section 12 of the Selangor State Syariah Crime Enactment which stated that an order by the Sultan was a decree and was effective and could be implemented without first being gazetted.

The Selangor Islamic Religious Council (MAIS) had on Oct 6, last year issued a circular to all mosques in the state about the directive by Sultan Sharafudddin barring the use of mosques for political purposes.

Last year, the Sultan of Selangor had consulted MAIS, JAIS and the state Mufti’s office before the circular was distributed.

The circular (MAIS Bil 4/2009) also states that no ceramah is allowed by any unauthorised persons without first obtaining accreditation from MAIS.

The circular also stated that MAIS would not hesitate to enforce the provision of the law against anyone who disobeyed the Sultan’s directive