Posts Tagged ‘bumiputra’

Listen to this song as sung by Allahyarham Datuk Zainal Alam -Malaysia’s “Bob Hope” as some called him and this song is very remarkable and important because it was sung in Malay,Chinese,Indian and English…
How many Malaysians can really speak what more write in this 1Malaysia components of people,language,beliefs etc…Diversity but In Unity…..
1Malaysia is a noble mission and everyone who loves Malaysia including all the “Foreign Aliens” legal or illegal must understand what 1Malaysia really means….A Peaceful Malaysia will be the result of 1Malaysia and Peace we get Prosperity,Harmony,World Class Performance,Trust and Become Greater Malaysians…..Inshallah…

Sunday December 21, 2008
For a great future

THE thoughts and suggestions on the important subject of Ketuanan Melayu must be looked seriously by all stakeholders (ie, we Malaysians) so that everyone can understand where they stand in this country now and in the future.
I am 52 years old and was fortunate to be born before Merdeka and enjoy my growing up years after Merdeka. As far as Huzir Sulaiman’s article is concerned (A middle class Malay perspective, Wide Angle, StarMag, Dec 14), it is a good idea to interview the children of the so-called “middle and upper class” Malay families, but I think we need to be more global and seek the views from all sectors of the Malaysian population.
Actually, we should not classify ourselves based on wealth on but our thoughts and intelligence.
To me, very simply, Malaysia is a land of plenty for all. That’s why many Chinese and Indians were brought here from China and India or came here by their own efforts to seek wealth in a new country, build their families, etc.
As with immigrants everywhere, adjusting to life in a new country needs adherence to the country’s laws, customs and procedures. Fortunately – or unfortunately – Malaya at that time was ruled by a foreign power so there were no real laws put in place for immigrants except those the colonials drew up.
When Malaya gained independence – an effort spearheaded by the Malays and with the great assistance and cooperation of the Chinese, Indians and all other races – a new Constitution was drafted. Whether that Constitution was made with perfection was left for future generations to debate and decide.
My thoughts on a future “great Malaysia for all Malaysians” are as follows:
If you are a Malaysian,
1. love Malaysia till you die.
2. Abide by the Constitution (with continual amendments, of course).
3. Be willing to sacrifice for your beloved country.
4. Tell yourself I am a Malaysian first, and then only think about your race
5. Remember that the Malays were the first original settlers of the land together with the orang asli.
6. Be proud that you are Malaysian wherever you are in this world.
7. Enrich the country with your thoughts, wealth, cooperation, and whatever value you can add to it.
8. Seek peace, prosperity, and happiness for all.
9. Always remember not to make greed a way of life.
10. You must be able to speak Malay at all times.
11. Remember there is only one Malaysia so let’s pray to Allah (God) for His Blessings and Mercy on us all.
Ramli Abu Hassan, Shah Alam, Selangor