Posts Tagged ‘BA’

In this coming 13MGE will the Rakyat vote for a new set of Govt in Power ie.from BN to BA?Will Putrajaya see a new Ruling Party or BN still remained in power with a better majority or lesser ?All these will be in the voting hands of the Rakyat come 13 MGE which many say will be in March 2012 during the coming School Holidays?

Ramli have 3 children who by age limit qualify to vote for the first time in this 13th Malaysian General Elections.Ramli thinks his eldest son who is now 26 years did not vote in the last 12MGE although he qualify being above 21 years old.Hopefully all 3 of Ramli’s children will vote for their favourite party and condidates in this 13MGE.

In life there is only Right and Wrong !There is only Heaven and Hell to go and there is only Male and Female origin ..

When we tend to steer away from the Truth we seek to go either the wrong way (False) or be in the middle (cannot decide) and thats worst!

In this 13MGE the Rakyat must know what to vote and they must be smart enough to know whats is Right and Wrong in voting the Political Candidate to be in Power for the Next Govt from 2012 to 2016.

Malaysia must by now have Loving Malaysians who love their country more than their race or original roots.Malaysia is now their “tumpah darah ku” and all Loving Malaysians must be ever ready and willing to sacrifice their lives for their country,people and rights!

If Malaysia possess these kind of Loving Malaysians then maybe any kind of race be it Malay,Chinese,Indians,Ibans,Dayaks or other Malaysian minority tribes can become a PM,DPM or other high ranking positions because they are True or Loving Malaysians!

In reality,Malays still compose 60% of the total Malaysian population and majority are Muslims so in Ramli’s thoughts Malays still have a dominant role to play to upheld,upkeep and safeguard Malaysia’s interests for a long time to come.Economically Malays are still way behind than the other races especially the Chinese so lots of work need to be accomplished by the Malays to be at par or even be in control of at least 60% of the Malaysian economy as in line with their population majority.When can this be achieved?

So,in this 13MGE if the Rakyat feel that BN have failed to deliver their promises and enriched the minds,wealth and hope of the Rakyat then they must be voted out and replace with a more able,dynamic and aspiring new Party ie.BA to take over and rule the New Govt from 2012 to 2016 period.If the Rakyat think BN have done well and is still relevant then BN must be voted back in power and deliver all their promises to the Rakyat!

The Biggest Problem is the Politicians who are GREEDY,POWER CRAZY,GOOD FOR NOTHING AND POOR MORAL VALUES these are what the Rakyat must eliminate by not voting them anymore!Can the Rakyat do that?Lets see in this coming 13MGE we have the Right Party,Right Politicians which the Rakyat have voted Rightly?Inshallah.

Contact Ramli if interested at hp:+6019-2537165 or emailed at :

Yes,the 13MGE is rumoured to be in Nov,2011 but with no official announcement from the current PM and later the SPR Boss,the 13MGE remains anyone guess!

Lots of issues can be debated,analysed and focus upon by the Rakyat as to whether the ruling parties are doing their job RIGHT!If the scorecard shows an excellent performance of Grade A+ or A then YOU can reelect them to power BUT if the scorecard or performance is having a Grade B+,B or C+ then it’s time to rethink and consider a better candidate or alternative.Finally if the grading is C,C- or D then just dont vote them anymore otherwise you will have another miserable 5 years of poor administration of the state and country.If your grading was F then YOU have made a serious error in the last 12MGE by voting the wrong candidate and wrong political party.Its your fault because your vote helped determined the final result of the election.

The 13MGE need the Rakyat to think smarter,act wiser and vote the Right Candidate and the Right Political Party.To do that we need good knowledge,smart assessment and excellent commitment to vote Rightly without Fear and Favour!

Can YOU do that?Ramli think YOU have too,thats YOUR RIGHT!

Semasa Ramli menunggu hendak menunaikan solat asar di masjid khariah Ramli yang hanya 150 langkah dari rumah Ramli,ada terfikir akan perkataan2 ini iaitu “bukanlah UMNO itu jahat sangat dan  PAS itu baik sangat”.Mengapa terfikir begini?Apakah mesej sebenarnya?

Ramli baru saja menerima pelawaan dari Y.Bhg Datuk Izat Emir untuk menjadi ahli groupnya di UMNO PJ Selatan  di FB dan Ramli telah pun klik bersetuju untuk menyertai laman blognya itu.

Di Shah Alam,Ramli juga mempunyai kawan karib semasa sekolah menengah lagi iaitu SASPJ dimana Y.B.Tuan Hj.Khalid Samad adalah Ahli Parlimen Shah Alam yang mewakili Parti PAS.

Jadi apakah perkara yang penting disini?

Y.Bhg Datuk Izat dengan UMNO nya dan Y.B.Tuan Hj.Khalid dengan PAS nya!

Sebagai Orang Melayu,Ramli perlu menjaga kepentingan Orang Melayu yang mempunyai hampir 60% penduduk Malaysia dan jika Orang Melayu tidak memahami kepentingan peratus majoriti ini maka agak susah lah pentadbiran negara yang perlu dikuasai oleh Orang Melayu kita selama ini.Adakah Malaysia sudah bersedia untuk membenarkan seorang pemimpin Cina atau India atau lain2 kaum di Malaysia yang sebenarnya berhak untuk menerajui Kerajaan jika majoriti rakyat memilihnya!Ini adalah seperti Barrack Obama dimana kaum putih telah bersedia untuk menerima Presiden baru mereka walupun Obama asal usulnya adalah dari kaum hitam atau pihak minoriti AS.

Di Indonesia,Ramli fahami iaitu pihak bangsa Jawa adalah majoriti dan pihak lain2 seperti Minangkabau,Aceh,Batak,Bugis dan lain lain adalah pihak minoriti.Jadi seorang Bangsa Jawa adalah perlu menerajui sebagai Presiden Indonesia kerana mewakili bangsa majoriti Indonesia khususnya seperti Presiden Sukarno,Presiden Suharto dan yang lain2 itu termasuk Bapak Presiden terkini.

Adakah patut kita gelar UMNO bukanlah sangat jahat dan PAS bukanlah sangat baik?

Marilah kita lihat fakta2 nya dan bukan auta2nya!

Faktanya adalah kerana Rakyat tak puas hati dengan pentadbiran pihak BN khususnya pihak UMNO maka PRU12 telah menyaksikan banyak negeri “tumbang” dan jatuh ketangan BA seperti Selangor,Perak,Kedah,Pulau Pinang!Kelantan tetap dimenangi oleh pihak BA itu PAS.

Pada PRU13 yang akan datang ini,adakah banyak lagi negeri akan tumbang dan diambil kuasa oleh pihak BA khususnya pihak PAS?Adakah PM baru akan dari Pemimpin Atasan PAS?Ini semua adalah perkara2 yang hanya Allah SWT ketahui sahaja!

Jadi apa perlu dibuat jika hendak kekalkan Orang Melayu memimpin Malaysia?

Melayu perlu bersatu dan memberi sokongan padu dan kekal agar Pemimpin Melayu dipilih sebagai Wakil Rakyat (MP) dan ADUN!Tetapi adakah MP dan ADUN sekarang orang yang berwibawa dan bukan jenis “rasuah” atau pentingkan “poket sendiri” sahaja?

Gaji MP dan ADUN mungkin antara RM 25,000 atau lebih sedikit sebulan tetapi bila kita lihat dengan mata sendiri mereka mempunyai aset2 yang berjuta2 atau sangat banyak maka banyaklah tanda tanya atau syak wasangka akan berlaku?Dimana datangnya kelebihan wang atau aset2 ini?apakah biznes mereka?adakah mereka melantik “kroni2” atau “balachi2” mereka untuk mengaut harta yang sungguh banyak dan lumayan ini?Ini mungkin fakta atau hanya auta sahaja?

Jadi yang penting SEKARANG ialah orang Melayu perlu diberi keyakinan dan penjelasan yang baik agar mereka boleh percaya akan kewibawaan PEMIMPIN2 MELAYU baik dari UMNO atau PAS akan ketulusan dan kewibawaan mereka sebagai MP atau ADUN atau yang akan dipilih untuk calon MP dan ADUN nanti d PRU13.

Apa akan jadi jika tiada tersohor mana2 pemimpin Melayu yang di lihat dinamik,prestasi tinggi dan wibawa?Adakah Orang Melayu akan pilih calon2 bukan Melayu seperti orang Cina atau India atau lain2 bangsa di Malaysia ini?

Bolehkah kita percayai “nawaitu” yang baik akan bangsa2 lain ini memimpin Malaysia?Seperti Saudara David Teo-seorang Cina tetapi berjaya mengaut banyak untung hasil dari penerbitan filem2 Melayunya atau boleh juga dikenalpasti Filem 1Malaysia nya?ramai artis2 Melayu ingin sangat bekerja dengan Saudara David Teo mungkin kerana layanan sangat baiknya dan ingin berkongsi keuntungan syarikatnya apabila filem2 nya mengaut berjuta2 Ringgit dari tayangan2 nya diseluruh negara dan mungkin luar negara juga.Rumah2 besar serta kereta2 mewah dan lain2 lagi telah dihadiahkan oleh Saudara David Teo pada pelakon2nya dan krew2 filem nya yang terlibat.Itulah kelebihan seseorang yang baik dan pandai menjaga hati pekerja2nya termasuk penonton2 dan pihak kerajaan!

UMNO sangat jahat dan PAS sangat baik adalah ungkapan sahaja yang penting nya SEDARLAH DIRI SEKARANG sebelum terlambat dimana segala auta2 menjadi fakta2 yang benar dan boleh dipercayai yang ungkapan2 itu betul dan suatu realiti!

Semua yang terlibat perlu SEDAR DIRI DAN TRANSFORMASI KEARAH KEBAIKAN DAN MENDAPAT RESTU ALLAH SWT supaya kita akan dianugerah segala kebaikkan didunia dan diakhirat nanti.Inshallah.

banyak lagi nak diceritakan oleh Ramli,harap tunggulah apabila Ramli kembali selalu dari Masjid menunaikan Solat2 waktunya!

Adakah anda sudah bersolat waktu dan ditunaikan setiap hari sampai mati…jangan lupa,Ustaz sudah berpesan iaitu MATI ITU SATU KEPASTIAN so…jadilah Manusia yang BERILMU,BERIMAN,BERAMAL agar ALLAH SWT akan anugerahkan kita dengan Jannah atau Syurga yang terbaik.INSHALLAH.

Hubungi Ramli di 019-2537165 atau emel:

Yang Baik Dari ALLAH SWT dan yang tak baik adalah kelemahan Ramli sendiri.



This coming 13thMalaysian General Elections (13MGE) will surely be “full of thrills and spills and what have U” because the government in power (BN) and the opposition parties are all trying to keep their seats and states BUT what is the Main Event is who is going to run the show at PUTRAJAYA!

Thats the whole thing at stake now -the PEOPLE IN POWER AT PUTRAJAYA aka the Federal Govt!

So,the 13MGE will soon make the person in the street the local rakyat a VIP aka very important penggundi again after 4 years ..hahaha

So,who you want to vote and which party you want to vote?

Ramli was thinking without any boxes that why not we vote the party we really want and not what we have now?Can we really do that?Maybe no because all voters can vote the parties that are registered officially and no “haram” parties are allowed to be involved in the 13MGE,thats a fact!

Like ordering your pizza or ala carte meal,you can specify what flavour you want and also how much spices or add ons you want so that you can enjoy your meal so deliciously!In this 13MGE you vote what is in store or announced to you including all the incumbant parties and new parties just created either to be a serious contender or just some “proxies” to some bigger parties..hahaha

So,if you want you can also relax and stay at home and watch your favourite TV programs or surf at pramleeelvis’s blog if you think the candidates and their parties are just not what you want or not suitable to your tastes etc,,,,

So,the 13MGE is Really Important to all concerned but do that also means YOU (as the voter)?

If YOU are so important VIP then lets see if your “order for the best meal” is made ready for you?Let’s see?

Contact Ramli at 019-2537165 or email:

Tidak lama lagi Rakyat Malaysia akan didedahkan dengan Manifesto Pilihanraya baik dari Parti Yang Memerintah dan Parti2 Pembangkang.Manifesto PilihanRaya akan dipenuhi dengan janji2 yang akan di kota (dilaksanakan) oleh parti2 politik tertentu dan rakyat perlu bijak menganalisa dan meniliti samada Manifesto itu boleh dilaksanakan atau hanya hayalan semata2 je!

Isi kandungan setiap Manifesto Parti Politik akan menjangkau beberapa subjek pembangunan negara yang akan membawa manfaat kepada Rakyat,Negara dan Antarabangsa.Pembinaan Modal Insan akan juga menjadi fokus dan pembelaan nasib Rakyat dari aspek ekonomi,sosial,agama akan juga ditegaskan dan banyak usaha2 akan dibuat oleh parti2 politik tersebut dalam menyakinkan Rakyat jelata akan berjaya mereka melaksanakan semua janji2 ini jika mereka dipilih oleh Rakyat untuk memerintah negara dan negeri2 di Malaysia.

Berjaya kah semua janji2 dalam Manifesto Parti BN dan Pakatan dilaksanakan pada PRU12 dahulu iaitu tahun 2008?Kita perlu teliti Manifesto 2008 ini dan jika baiknya prestasi itu maka adalah penting Rakyat memilih kembali Parti2 tersebut.Maknanya apa yang mereka cakap mereka laksanakan atau bikin!Janji dikota!

Rakyat juga perlu bijak dimana adakah kandungan dalam Manifesto dalam PRU13 terbaik,padat dan berbaloi untuk Rakyat?Jika mereka fikir Manifesto PRU13 itu yang terbaik maka pilihlah parti politik yang mereka fikir baik itu.

Bilakah PRU13 nanti?


Ini adalah Manifesto BN pada PRU12 pada 2008:

BN’s Manifesto Promise Security, Peace And Prosperity

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 25 (Bernama) — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi today launched Barisan Nasional’s (BN) progress report and election manifesto, themed “Security, Peace and Prosperity”, which contains a clear mission and vision to bring Malaysia towards a more glorious future.

Eight main topics form the thrust and pledge of the manifesto which was accompanied this time by a progress report outlining what the coalition has done from 2004 to 2007.

The topics are economy, balanced development, education, law and public safety, public service, combating corruption and enhancing administration, religion and unity and foreign policy.

Under economy, the BN pledged to:

* raise the country’s productivity, revenue and competitiveness;

* tackle price increases to ensure quality of life for the people;

* enhance the role of the private sector as the primary engine in generating economic growth;

* Nurture and help one million small- and medium-scale companies and entrepreneurs in five years;

* generate more than two million jobs in five years;

* reduce the country’s fiscal deficit to enable more funds to be used for development, without raising taxes;

* implement development plans for all the five economic corridors to generate growth, investments and job opportunities nationwide;

The progress report for the economy, entitled “Generating Strong and Sustainable Growth”, for 2004 to 2007 says that:

* The gross domestic product (GDP) grew from RM427 billion to RM504 billion;

* All sectors showed growth including new activities like modern agriculture, biotechnology, ICT and Islamic banking. Visit Malaysia Year 2007 recorded the highest number of tourist arrivals of 21 million people;

* International trade rose 26 per cent from RM881 billion to RM1.11 trillion;

* The average monthly household income rose from RM3,249 to RM3,617;

* Price control on essential goods was maintained and RM43.4 billion was spent in the form of subsidies (2007) to tackle price increases;

* 1.3 million jobs were created;

* Programmes to transform government linked companies (GLC) succeeded in increasing profits and giving higher returns to unit trust shareholders and Employees Provident Fund (EPF) contributors;

* Over 204,000 SMIs had been developed since 2005 involving the disbursement of RM107 billion in loans and the implementation of 402 programmes;

* Five economic corridor development plans were launched to generate and bring growth to all corners of the country;

* The Malaysian Bourse Composite Index rose to its highest level in history and there was a 161 per cent increase in capital market from RM460 billion in 2003 to RM1.2 trillion in2007;

* Foreign exchange reserves rose 130 per cent from US$44 billion to US$101 billion;

* Malaysia’s ranking in the Global WEF Competitiveness Index rose from 25th in 2005 to 21st in 2007;

Under Balanced Development, the BN pledged to:

* eradicate hardcore poverty and reduce overall poverty to 2.8 per cent by 2010;

* increase incomes and opportunities for quality jobs in the rural areas;

* improve service and facilities for low-income households in urban areas, including for migrants from the villages to the towns;

* enhance the provision of quality houses at affordable prices;

* increase access to modern and quality health services;

* improve public transport service in the towns and reduce traffic jams;

* improve road development in rural and other less developed areas;

* Upgrade rail and air services;

* Increase coverage of electricity supply in the rural areas in Sabah from 81 per cent to 90 per cent by 2010;

* Increase coverage of water supply in rural areas in Sabah and Sarawak to 70 per cent by 2010;

* Continue with efforts to narrow the digital divide and enhance the penetration of broadband Internet service through the National Broadband Plan;

* Continue with the implementation of the New Villages Development Master Plan;

* Ensure balanced distribution of quality chances that can generate income, employment, business and education nationwide;

* The “New Kelantan, Progressive Kelantan” approach aims to ensure quality development and a better life for the residents of Kelantan;

Under the same topic, the progress report from 2004-2007 underlined the topic on Narrowing the Gaps:

* Reduced hardcore poverty from 1.2 per cent of population to 0.7 per cent and reduced overall poverty from 5.7 per cent to 3.5 per cent;

* Reduced rural-to-urban income ratio from 1:2.11 to 1:1.99, exceeding the 2010 target;

* Increased agriculture incomes; e.g padi farmers mean monthly income increased 27 per cent to RM1.549; rubber smallholders increased 34 per cent to RM1,727;

* Delivered 178,000 low-cost homes;

* Opened 14 new hospitals, 22 new `Klinik Kesihatan’ and 64 new `Klinik Desa’;

* Expanded electricity supply to over 74 per cent in Sabah and 83 per cent in Sarawak;

* Built 12,190km of village roads;

* Built three new airports, including a low-cost terminal, and upgraded five existing airports.

BN’s pledge in the education sector is to:

* Raise teachers’ minimum qualifications and provide more training opportunities;

* Continue to make national schools the school of choice by, among others, expanding the teaching of Mandarin and Tamil;

* Safeguard the position of national-type schools;

* Enhance national unity by fostering student interaction;

* Provide more scholarships at the undergraduate level for poor but deserving students regardless of race;

* Identify apex universities and provide more autonomy and resources for public institutions of higher learning to attain world-class standards;

* Raise investment in science and technology particularly in indigenous R&D.

In the education progress report for 2004-2007, BN has enhanced access and standards by:

* Launching the Education Blueprint 2006-2010 and the Higher Education Strategic Plan to raise education standards;

* Expanding `Skim Pinjaman Buku Teks’ to all primary and secondary school children;

* Removing school and examination fees;

* Allocating RM3 billion for scholarships and essential items to lower-income group students;

* Providing RM12 billion to improve rural schools;

* Raising special allowance for 12,000 teachers and teaching assistants serving in rural areas;

* Allocating RM174 million for fully-aided Chinese primary schools and RM65 million for fully-aided Tamil primary schools under the 9th Malaysia Plan;

* Allocating RM100 million for partially-aided Chinese and Tamil primary schools under the 9th Malaysia Plan;

* Ensuring at least one public university or one UiTM branch in every state;

* Expanding community colleges from 34 o 53, doubling enrolment to over 115,000;

* Increasing number of JPA undergraduate scholarships at local universities from 5,000 to 10,000 annually; raising allowance for JPA students in overseas universities;

* Raising investment in science R&D, including sending the first Malaysian into space.

BN’s promise in the implementation of law and order:

* Bring down the country’s crime index;

* Tackle drug abuse and other social ills;

* Address the issue of illegal immigrants;

* Add 60,000 police personnel by 2011;

* Set up more than 150 new police stations and beat bases to increase presence in more neighbourhoods;

* Improve safety in schools, playgrounds and public areas;

* Enhance community policing via partnerships with non-governmental organisations, the private sector and local community;

* Upgrade police communications technology, armaments, vehicles, technical aids and training;

* Focus police operations and resources in crime hot-spots across the country;

* Redelineate police districts to better match police resources with community security needs.

Efforts to make the police more dynamic and the progress attained from 2004 through 2007:

* Established the Royal Commission to Enhance the Operation and Management of the Police, leading to over 85 per cent of the Commission’s proposals being carried out;

* Increased salaries of police and armed forces personnel by 9 to 42 per cent;

* Doubled development allocation in 9th Malaysia Plan to RM3.8 billion and allocated an additional RM5 billion in PFI funding to modernise the police;

* Increased recruitment of police personnel, brought back newly-retired police officers, set up more police stations and expanded use of CCTVs;

* Launched more intensive police surveillance and operation in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Penang, the Kinta Valley and the Iskandar Development Region;

* Established an Independent Commission in response to public concern on police body search procedures;

* Raised road user awareness and enforcement, notably reducing injuries and deaths per population from road accidents.

BN’s promise on Public Services:

* Speed up implementation of e-government initiatives;

* Complete overhaul of all land offices and district offices;

* Speed up issuance of licences and permits;

* Establish rating system for local authorities to improve performance;

* Tie civil servants’ promotions, rewards and penalties more closely to performance targets;

* Increase ethnic diversity in the public sector;

* Have a three to seven-day response time by all government agencies to all public queries and complaints;

Progress in the public services from 2004-2007 takes on the topic “Moving Towards World-Class Levels”:

* Automatic refunds for overpaid income taxes; refunds paid within 14 to 30 days for online tax submissions;

* Passports issued within three hours at major Immigration Department branches;

* MyKad issued within 24 hours at major National Registration Department branches;

* Cleared 70 per cent of backlogged land cases via “flying squads”;

* Reduced time taken for payments to government contractors and suppliers to 14 days;

* One hour to register business and 15 minutes to renew business registrations;

* One-stop centres at local authorities to reduce time to approve building plans;

* Replaced Certificate of Fitness for Occupation (CFO) with industry-issued Certificate of Completion & Compliance (CCC);

* Set up PEMUDAH, a public-private task force to reduce the cost of doing business in Malaysia;

* Increased civil service salaries, reintroduced cost of living allowance and allocated more than RM6 billion for government quarters.

BN”s promise in reducing corruption and improving governance:

* Continue to enforce anti-corruption measures without fear or favour;

* Strengthen monitoring and enforcement by agencies such as the ACA, Customs, Inland Revenue and local authorities;

* Establish an effective Special Complaints Commissions to act on complaints of misconduct in enforcement agencies;

* Continue to foster a culture of integrity and high ethical standards through the National Integrity Plan.

The progress report for 2004-2007 for “Creating First Class Institutions” in reducing corruption and improving governance:

* Raised awareness on fighting corruption, leading to a 25 per cent increase in the number of reports lodged (2003-2007);

* Increased number of corruption-related arrests by 72 per cent from 318 arrests (2003) to 546 (2007);

* Increased conviction rate for corruption-related cases from 50 per cent (2004) to 74 per cent (2007);

* Doubled the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) operating budget to RM154 million and committed RM372 million for development under the 9th Malaysia Plan;

* Increased the number of ACA officers including specialists such as forensic auditors, and established the ACA Academy;

* Launched the National Integrity Plan and established the Malaysian Institute of Integrity;

* Established and enhanced eight Parliamentary Select and Special Select Committees to increase checks and balances;

* Enhanced transparency and accountability in the annual Auditor-General’s Report;

* Established a Commission of Inquiry into the video clip of alleged interference in judicial appointments.

BN”s pledge on religion and unity:

* Build a better understanding of Islam among Muslims and non-Muslims through Islam Hadhari;

* Enhance appreciation for diverse cultures among Malaysia’s multiethnic people;

* Expand the teaching of J-QAF to more schools;

* Ensure provision of reserve land for places of worship in newly-developed areas in accordance with developed guidelines;

* Facilitate construction, consolidation and relocation of all places of worship via state government mechanism, co-ordinated at federal level, that will protect the interests of all communities;

* Increase dialogue on inter-faith issues through the Department of National Unity and National Integration;

* Improve unity programmes, especially in schools and institutions of higher learning.

The progress report on religion and unity from 2004-2007 under the topic “Building Bridges, Deepening the Faith”:

* Established 10 principles of Islam Hadhari, an approach of progressive Islamic civilisation;

* Upgraded Islamic education in schools by introducing the Jawi-Quran, Arabic and Fardu-Ain (J-QAF) Programme;

* Improved welfare of religious officers, including provision of RM450 allowance for imams;

* Maintained cost of Haj pilgrimage despite rising prices;

* Guaranteed the right to worship for all Malaysians;

* Develop guidelines that ensure the provision of reserve land for places of worship of all communities in newly-developed areas;

* Encouraged inter-faith understanding via forums such as the National Unity Advisory Panel;

* Promoted inter-ethnic unity via the School Integration Programme and National Service Training Programme.

BN’s promise on foreign policy:

* Continue to play an active, principled and impartial role in international affairs;

* Expand trade and investment linkages;

* Advance the economic agenda of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) through capacity-building programmes in less-developed OIC countries;

* Promote strategic partnerships between the West and the Muslim world to advance the economic agenda of the Makkah Declaration 2005;

* Continue to build bridges between the Muslim world and the West through continuous dialogue;

* Contribute towards a development agenda for the world’s poorest countries.

The progress report on foreign policy from 2004-2007 under the topic: “Demonstrated Strong Malaysian Leadership”:

* Showed steady leadership in the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and OIC;

* Hosted the historic first East Asian Summit, providing the platform for closer co-operation between ASEAN and China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand;

* Secured new markets and enhanced linkages via high-level visits. Trade with all major trading partners expanded rapidly, with fastest growth recorded for China (65 per cent increase), OIC countries (54 per cent) and ASEAN (29 per cent);

* Strengthened Malaysia’s voice in the international arena by championing the developing world’s economic and social interests;

* Highlighted international injustices, in particular Israeli aggression in Palestine;

* Enhanced NAM’s role, including establishing the NAM institute for the Empowerment of Women and NAM News Network;

* Put an economic face to the OIC via the Capacity Building Programme to reduce poverty and through the World Islamic Economic Forum to enhance trade and investment;

* Played a key role in promoting dialogue between the West and the Muslim World;

* Continued to promote cooperation, peace and stability in ASEAN.

Manifesto dari pihak BA pada PRU12 -2008

“Sebarkan Manifesto BA!!!”

21 02 2008

assalamua’laikum dan salam sejahtera.

Keduak Luak

Mon | Feb 18, 08 | 12:26:27 pm MYT

Saudara Pengarang,

Berikut disampaikan manifesto Barisan Alternatif sempena pilihan raya umum ke-12 untuk dihebahkan. Bagi menuju ke arah pembinaan sebuah negara berkebajikan, PAS menawarkan; sebuah kerajaan yang Adil, Bersih dan Beramanah.

1. Menegaskan penghayatan Islam sebagai Ad-Deen bagi ummat Islam di negara ini.

2. Memperkasakan amalan ‘Pemisahan Kuasa’ Legislatif, Kehakiman dan Eksekutif, supaya Demokrasi Berfungsi dan Berkesan serta tidak dicerobohi dan dipintas oleh pihak Eksekutif.

3. Menyegerakan kelulusan ’Rang Undang-Undang Hak Mendapatkan Maklumat’ bagi memperkasakan rakyat bermaklumat dan berpengetahuan.

4. Memperkasakan amalan ‘Pemisahan Kuasa’ Legislatif, Kehakiman dan Eksekutif, supaya Demokrasi Berfungsi dan Berkesan serta tidak dicerobohi dan dipintas oleh pihak Eksekutif.

5. Memperkukuh agensi-agensi (Watchdog) ’Pemantau’ seperti Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR), Ketua Audit Negara, Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia (Suhakam) dan Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR).

6. Menjamin perlaksanaan peruntukan-peruntukan Islam sebagaimana termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan serta mengatasi konflik perundangan.

7. Meminda dan/atau menghapuskan Akta-Akta Zalim yang menyekat Hak dan Kebebasan Rakyat seperti Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA), Akta Rahsia Rasmi (OSA), Akta Hasutan, Akta Polis, Akta Percetakan dan Penerbitan, Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti.

8. Menjamin sistem Pilihanraya yang Bebas, Adil dan Bersih dengan reformasi sistem dan proses Pilihanraya secara menyeluruh seperti yang dituntut oleh Gabungan Pilihanraya Bersih dan Adil (BERSIH)

9. Meningkat amalan urus-tadbir kerajaan berpandukan amalan terbaik (Best Practice) di jabatan-jabatan awam, agensi-agensi serta syarikat yang berkaitan kerajaan serta mengamalkan tender terbuka khususnya dalam projek mega dengan penubuhan Badan Tender Bebas di bawah kuasa Parlimen.

10. Meletakkan PETRONAS di bawah seliaan Parlimen (dan bukan lagi di bawah Perdana Menteri) seperti ‘trend’ terkini di beberapa buah negara atas perkiraan ketelusan dan pertanggungjawaban.

11. Menumpukan kekayaan hasil minyak untuk pembangunan potensi insan serta penyelidikan dan pembangunan R&D termasuk sumber tenaga alternatif.

12. Menekankan pembangunan seimbang mengikut prioriti serta yang menjana pekerjaan dan faedah kesan berganda bagi memangkin pertumbuhan yang berterusan. (sustainable).

13. Menubuhkan segera dan memperkasakan Suruhanjaya Bebas Salah-Laku Polis dan Komplain–IPCMC serta menolak Rang Undang-undang Suruhanjaya Aduan Khas (SCC) yang membelakangi 125 cadangan-cadangan Suruhanjaya Pembaikan Polis.

14. Menjadikan PDRM sebuah Pasukan Keselamatan yang profesional, mesra-rakyat, bebas dari pengaruh politik serta meningkatkan kemampuan membenteras jenayah dan mengembalikan keselamatan kepada rakyat.

15. Menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Kehakiman di bawah Parlimen yang bertanggungjawab melantik Hakim-Hakim berdasarkan merit dan integriti serta menambahbaik pengurusan bagi meningkatkan kewibawaan institusi Kehakiman dengan menguatkuasakan etika kehakiman yang saksama.

16. Memastikan Masjid dimakmurkankan oleh masyarakat tempatan dan tempat-tempat ibadat tidak boleh dimusnahkan tanpa perundingan dan kelulusan masyarakat setempat.

17. Memperkasa perlaksanaan etika media massa di kalangan khalayak media, ‘stake holder’ pemilik media dan rakyat.

18. Mengarus-perdanakan konsep ketelusan media amalan dan operasi media massa untuk meningkatkan kebijaksanaan rakyat bagi mengamalkan serta membudayakan politik berteraskan pengetahuan.

19. Menjamin penubuhan sebuah Majlis Perundingan penganut agama-agama (selain Islam) oleh Kerajaan bagi mempastikan hak-hak setiap kelompok penganut agama untuk melaksanakan tuntutan upacara ibadat dan budaya masing-masing.

20. Merangka dasar perpaduan yang diperkukuhkan dengan sikap saling hormat-menghormati atas dasar saling mengetahui tuntutan agama terhadap penganut agama masing-masing.

21. Mencadangkan penubuhan satu Majlis Dailog ke arah memperkukuhkan permuafakatan dan perpaduan nasional merentasi semua kaum.

22. Melindungi ‘Pendemokrasian Pendidikan’ dengan kewujudan pilihan sekolah-sekolah termasuk pendidikan Islam (SAR), serta bahasa ibunda (Cina dan Tamil).

23. Mengembalikan pengajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Ibunda masing-masing. Memberi sejumlah peruntukan kepada SAR dan sekolah swasta jenis Cina berdasarkan jumlah pelajar.

24. Menjana iklim akademik di ‘menara gading’ bagi menghasilkan ciri-ciri graduan: ‘berdaya saing’ dan berdikari -competitively enterprising’, ‘bermoral-bersahsiah mulia’- ‘morally-spiritually vibrant’ dan berintelek tinggi-‘intellectually superior’.

25. Memansuhkan beberapa peruntukan Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti (AUKU) yang mengongkong hak dan kebebasan mahasiswa dan tenaga akademik.

26. Menghapuskan sistem Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan (PTK) dan menggantikannya dengan suatu sistem baru yang dipersetujui bersama dengan Kesatuan Sekerja.

27. Memastikan kakitangan kerajaan boleh mengikuti perkembangan politik termasuk menjadi ahli mana-mana parti politik pilihannya tanpa kongkongan selagi mana kualiti kerja tidak terjejas.

28. Menghapuskan Akujanji di kalangan kakitangan kerajaan.

29. Mewujudkan dasar pertanian sebagai industri yang menjamin Dasar Makanan yang memelihara ‘Kemerdekaan dan Keselamatan Negara’ supaya tidak terdedah dan terjejas kepada manipulasi kuasa dunia dan ‘kartel’ atau pakatan konglomerat besar tempatan dan antarabangsa.

30. Menolak sebarang bentuk Perjanjian Perdagangan Bebas (FTA) yang mengancam pelbagai industri khususnya pertanian dan pelbagai aspek urus-tadbir pemerintahan dalam negara.

31. Meneliti kembali pemberian Permit Impot (AP) bagi barangan makanan (foodstuffs) utama seperti gandum, gula dan beras supaya tidak berlaku Monopoli dan Pakatan (Cartels) yang mencekik pengguna dengan pelbagai kaedah manipulasi seperti penyorokan, pengedaran, pengangkutan kepada peruncit.

32. Menghapuskan Tol dan kerajaan mengambilalih lebuh raya-lebuh raya dengan pampasan yang menasabah bagi menjamin kebajikan rakyat dan kepentingan negara. — aba.


Based on many surveys,the Gen Y (those ages 16-30 yrs old) have shown an indication of not favouring the BN and even the BA! How come and why?

Gen Y are the new “kids on the block” and they are basically first time voters (in Malaysia one can vote when they are 21 years old)

Gen Y live in the era of Digital and Knowledge Revolution and life is centred on ICT and their culture also revolves around all things digital!

The Gen Y are fast moving people with their own preferred way of life (culture) and they are most comfortable with leaders and management that understand their culture and likes and dislikes.

Gen Y Group and also estimated to comprise the more than 3 million new voters can help determine the new govt in power come 13th Malaysia’s General Elections which maybe on in 2012 or earlier?

If BN or BA are not infavour by Gen Y,then they must have a new Political Party to represent them?Which party is/are in existence can assist them?

These are new developments  and only the fast,smart and active people can make this happen for the Gen Y and also subsequent Gen Ys’ !

Some Videos to better understand all about People,Generation Groups,Science of Genomics etc…


The  12thMGE which was held on 8thMarch,2008 saw many new MPs and ADUNs both from the BN and BA taking control of the Federal Govt as well as the State Govts.

The BA (Opposition to BN) won many seats and also took control of the states like Selangor,Penang,Kedah,Perak (later won back by BN-long storylah) and maintained their stronghold of Kelantan.The BN actually suffered a great loss in terms of Parliamentary seats and State seats as compared to the results of the 11thMGE which really favoured the BN.

So,what’s going to happen this coming 13thMGE?Are they going to meet “Paul the Octopus” to know the results or some Malaysian Parrots to pick the right cards (either BN or BA)?

Ramli being an active voter since he turned 21 (in 1977) have always cast his ballot as a responsible citizen of Malaysia like many more millions of Malaysian come Election Day!Have all of you above 21 years of age registered as a Voter with the SPR?

If we study the demographics of the Malaysian population,we will realized the growth of the GenY especially ( ie.Malaysians above 21 and below 30 years old) and with Gen X (above 30 to 45 years old) their votes will actually help determine the winning Political Candidate either on the BN,BA or just an Independant candidate?

The Baby Boomers (above 50 to 65) and Senior Citizens (above 65 years old) of Malaysia will also be a force to determine the winning party to become the New Govt either at Federal and State levels.

Who will win this 13thMGE?

Will Malaysians vote for the quality political candidate or quality political party?Can Independant become the chosen one of the Rakyat?

Malaysia is still a long way towards 2020 (almost 10 years more..maybe with 2 more General Elections the 15thMGE) so hoping that Malaysians become knowledge voters who “fear no one” and “will vote for the right person with great values,character and personality” may not be the case yet but who knows,Malaysians can create that Change,Malaysia Boleh!

Now is the time for all incumbants Politicians to start reviwing their progress since 2008 and make a detailed study and assessment of what they have done,what are the results,what are their strong points and also weak points so that come 13thMGE they are ready to inform their constituents of their SCORECARD based on their last Manifesto and all the promises they made along the way to the Rakyat esp their voters.

However maybe not all Incumbants MPs or ADUNs will be reselected for reelection due to decisions made by Top Party Leaders and also due to their poor performances as seen in the SCORECARD!

Who can be the real political candidates for the coming 13MGE?

For the Independants aspirants,they must ready with lots of CASH and loyal supporters and campaigners.They must proof their worth and able to deliver results as good or even better than those from BN or BA!Any Independants so far have shown this Great Performance in Malaysian Politics?Any Independants around the World have shown this political success to help govern their constituencies?

Maybe the focus and impact still come from the Big Boys of Politics like BN,BA or any other political entities?

Ramli do not know yet whats coming ahead this 13MGE but Ramli hoped Malaysians will elect GREAT LEADERS who are HONEST,BRILLIANT,SINCERE,BRAVE,CHARASMATIC,NON CORRUPT,WILLING TO JIHAD FOR MALAYSIA and many other values and professional skills and knowedge….(is it a dream to get these kind of Leaders or is it realistically possible?)

Ramli hoped more excitement will come in the coming days towards this Journey of 13MGE and most important Malaysia will become greater especially by the rise of knowledge voters and greater progress,prosperity,peace and harmony of all Malaysians and anyone living in Malaysia…


You can contact Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or email:

note: Ramli only belief in the Powers of Allah SWT and not Paul the Octopus since at anytime Paul can become a great menu for all that love to eat squids and seafood dishes…

As of today,we hear voices,leaders and all things from the government in power ie.BN and also Pakatan Rakyat and the opposition ie.the Pakatan Rakyat and BN….

The NGOs maybe in between of the 2 Power Blocks but some or infact many NGOs are also pro Govt and pro-Opposition.

Hot Issues like “using the word Allah” by non muslims,churches being damaged(slightly),selling alcohols drink like in shah alam shops and many more need also the VOICE of the Rakyat who are neither pro Govt or pro-Opposition!

Ramli called this the 3rd Voice or Force that will help many ways in Malaysian Politics or Harmony in Malaysia like:

1.The 3 rd Voice can be free to support or oppose any of the 2 main factions ie.govt and opposition side if they think neither is right in making a good Govt “think” the opposition is responsible for the problem happening but the opposition thinks the govt are the culprits to the problem!So,here the 3rd Voice will state the facts and how they recommend to fix or solve the problem rightly,in time and in full….

2.Everyone can join the 3rd Voice including all Govt and Opposition members…as long as they are in the 3rd Voice status or mode of operandi

3.The 3rd Voice is independant force and should have no worry of others or fear to speak up and make their stand…

4.and many others (to be informed)Inshallah

This is Ramli’s thoughts about how he thinks life in Malaysia must be managed and the ultimate benefit is for all MALAYSIANS to live in peace,harmony,prosper,respect,responsible and think rightly as people of “world class values” and have integrity and respect for each other beliefs…all good things are from Allah SWT and any bad doings are the weakness of ourselves as humanbeings….so we must learn well and reduce the “kurang ajar” as well as being a hypocrite and living in greed all the time.

The World is Enough for People in Need BUT Not Enough for People in Greed!

Wassallam 1Malaysia


shah alam


2010 will be a year of positioning for all of Malaysia’s Politicians since 2012/2013 will be the Next 13thMalaysian General Elections (13MGE)
If they want to be reelected and stay on as MPs’ or ADUNs’ then they must be popular and satisfy the Rakyat!
They must work harder,smarter and maybe be more “cleaner and humble” in the eyes of the Rakyat.Any politicians with bad criminal records or have tarnished their image may not get the nod for reelection since now each Minister and their Ministries have the NKRAs and MKRAs plus all the other KPIs agreed earlier.Anyone performing excellently well with their KPIs will definitely get the nod from the PM since his/her track record is good and deserve for reappointment but in politics as they say it “be prepared for any surprises or eventuality” you may never know whats next!
The Rakyat is watching closely and keeping their eyes open,their ears also and maybe their hearts will tell them who they like and who they dont like anymore.So either they come from the BN or BA they must show their true performance and the Rakyat have benefitted very much from the current tenure of service as MPs or ADUNs’.May Malaysia have the best rightful Politicians to administer our 1Malaysia to Greater Heights of Prosperity,Peace and Harmony.
note: this is Ramli’s thoughts only.