Posts Tagged ‘army’

some highlights of the Fall of Malaya (including Singapore) to the Japanese.

The Japanese Invasion of Malaya (also called the Battle of Kota Bharu) began just after midnight on 8 December 1941 (local time) before the attack on Pearl Harbor. It was the first major battle of the Pacific War,[11] and was fought between ground forces of theBritish Indian Army and the Empire of Japan.

Kota Bharu, capital of Kelantan Province on Malaysia’s northeast coast, was, in 1941, the Royal Air Force‘s (RAF) and Royal Australian Air Force‘s (RAAF) base of operations in Northern Malaya. There was an airstrip at Kota Bharu and two more at Gong Kedah and Machang. Japanese losses were significant because of sporadic Australian air attacks,[12] Indian coastal defences, and artillery fire.[13]

The Battle of Singapore was fought in the South-East Asian theatre of the Second World War when the Empire of Japan invaded theAllied stronghold of Singapore. Singapore was the major British military base in South-East Asia and nicknamed the “Gibraltar of the East“. The fighting in Singapore lasted from 8–15 February 1942.

It resulted in the fall of Singapore to the Japanese and the largest surrender of British-led military personnel in history.[2] About 80,000 British, Indian and Australian troops became prisoners of war, joining 50,000 taken by the Japanese in the Malayan Campaign. BritishPrime Minister Winston Churchill called the ignominious fall of Singapore to the Japanese the “worst disaster” and “largest capitulation” in British history.[3] In just seven days, Singapore, the “Impregnable Fortress”, had fallen.

So,can Malaysia defend her land well and effective nowadays?

Will she fall or be defeated so easily like what the Japanese did on 8thDecemeber,1941?

Maybe the nature of Modern Warfare will be in a different style and tactics?More ammunitions or weapons of mass destruction willo be used instead of hundred of thousands of soldiers by way of land,sea and air like they did in the World War 2?

Singapore now have amassed huge weaponries or stockpiles of missiles,artilerries,aircrafts,ground assault army and what have you?Singapore dont want to experience the way they lost to the Japanese in the wars lasting from 8 to 15 February 1942 anymore?

They want to better defend,protect and ensure all Singaporeans are safe and assured of their sovereignty of their land!

Malaysians are better prepared or worst of in defending their homeland?

Ramli dont know whats the Malaysian Army,Navy and Airforce strenghts now?Maybe they are sronger and higher fighting abilities,skills and determination to win if there is any war to happen?

For all the younger generations like Z,Y and X its best to get prepared for War anytime it comes!More military training like Spore’s National Service must be initiated and everyone knows what is self defence,use of weapons and what to do in times of war?Be Prepared like the Scouts mottoe must be used and adhered all times.

Are we ready for war and what is our present war ready rating?

Wars are existing because Wars asisst the Super Powers business of Military Might as well as an important economic component for providing employment to millions of people in the army,navy,air force,special forces as well as civilians in the Military.Wars are also important to ensure the manufacturers of military armaments are busy at the factory floors to produce tanks,bullets,jet fighters,bombs,military uniforms,food for the military,air craft carriers,R&D work and so many others….

So to end all wars is BAD for the Military!They will be out of business and need to move to new areas of work like agriculture,education or medical etc…

So,Leaders or Stakeholders of the Need for Wars will always ensure troubles are created in most corners of the world and if possible made them prolonged wars or unrest where Military Might or Presence are needed most!

So as of today 4thMay,2011 we see many wars,civil wars and troubles happening everywhere including the threat of Terrorists,Nuclear Wars and “Crazy Mad Leaders” who will ensure wars are happening and the need of Military is always needed and armaments of all sizes and capabilities are bought,used and purchased again without the slightest thoughts of WASTE OF PUBLIC FUNDS,DESTROYING THE WORLD’S ENVIRONMENT,ENDANGERING PEOPLES LIVES ALL THE TIME,NO HOPE FOR AN EVERLASTING PEACE IN THE WORLD AND WORST OF ALL LIVING WITH NO BLESSING OF ALLAH SWT (GOD ALMIGHTY)….is that what we want?

Every Human Being will DIE sooner or later,so lets have peace in the world more so for our KIDS and Future Kids (Children) .They too have a right to live with PEACE,PROSPERITY AND HAPINESS…

Ramli can be contacted at +6019-2537165 or

Ramli loves the programmes like Discovery,Nat Geo,Science,History and all things documentary because they are all about living both past,present and the future.Movies or entertainment are also good but like all movies they are man made so those are fiction to Ramli.Entertainment is also good but maybe nowadays these entertainment shows are a bit too much gossipping,revealing the naked body or human torso and also getting the kids to do more like adults when they should be allowed to enjoy playing marbles,kite flying or hide and seek (those are good children games) rather than allowing them to sing like rock stars,dress like adults or do things that normally adults love to do…

As far as privacy is concerned,the more you are connected to all the millions of websites with all your IDs and PWs,you will be exposed to the Billions of human inhabitants or Nettizens (as they called the citizens on the Net).You may not know it at all but you are being watched,monitored and studied upon if you are planned to be UNCOMMON or  THREAT TO ANYONE’S INTERESTS.Are U?

So,never have secrets when you are on the NET or better still be prepared for anyone to know your hidden or unhidden secrets since all digital datas can be captured,stored and retrieved by people who controls such datas or provide the platform or websites for such datas to exist.

Sometimes it is a Great Wonder how Osama bin Laden is never detected on the WWW or maybe he use another name or have many disguises or proxies that even the NET Masters are unaware since trillions of datas are generated every hour on the NET around the world!Now with the linkages of all digital equipments like computers,mobile phones,machines in manufacturing or even service sectors are able to “talk to each other” our digital content is so accessible to anyone and what you say or do or hear maybe be made known to all interested in you or especially your enemies concerned!

Maybe this early 21st Century the real warfare is not having all the nuclear bombs or battle ships BUT the knowledge in our heads that can quickly know whats going to happen the next second in our lives which can best be found out through DIGITAL BREAKTHROUGH OR ESPIONAGE.It shows that having smart people is the best weapon that human can profess and these smart people are the ones that can either build or destroy nations and prosperity that originally have been vastly provided for by Allah SWT (God Almighty).Beware to anyone that creates mischiefs on this world since these are the so called smart people who will be “flung into” the HELLFIRES with the Satan (Iblis) forever.Allah SWT KNOWETH’S ALL.

In Ramli’s book “Revolusi Aksi” or Action Revolution you can see the 4 Elements in the Revolusi Aksi Cycle of Actions and they comprised of:

1.Thinking (Pemikiran)

2.Doing (Tindakan)

3.Measuring (Pengukuran)

4.Discipline (Disiplin)

In these 4 elements there are also their own  7 factors and together they will act in harmony as to produce the right results when we apply this Action Revolution Cycle of Actions.Please do read this book to know more before you act for results.

Today,Ramli wants to futher stressed the importance of Discipline.

The moment our kid starts growing up,we must teach them the importance of discipline.LIke in Islam,we are advised to teach our children at the age of 7 how to pray 5 times a day and when they reach the age 10,if they dont pray you must beat them with the “rotan” or cane so that they are discipline enough to know the punishment of not praying since they been taught about praying 5 times a day when they were at age 7 already.

This reflects in our growing up years where if  you are late to school the discipline teacher will record your name and send you later to detention class as a punishment for non obedience to the rules of the school.Same goes when you start working in a company and when you are late to work you too will be given a show cause letter from HR Dept as to why you are late many times or not improving your performance even ample warning are given to you by the company.

So,discipline is a key factor to teach us the values of being obedient,steadfast,good leadership,time management,persistence,quality and so many other good attributes that a person must possess if they want to be Excellent People.

Nowadays,the parents are slacking in discipline and “too polite” with their children and based on Ramli’s analysis maybe thats why we have so many juvenile crimes,mischiefs,indiscipline and worst still child murderers in our own backyard!

Children if not taught the importance of discipline then they will become rude,impolite,no patience,lazy,easily give up,poor leadership,poor grooming and etiquette,and so many bad character that is a liability to human society rather than add great value to us all.

The many “mat rempits”,”bohsia or bohjan”,”kaki lepak”,bullies,drug addicts,smugglers,snatch theives,gangsters and others are the outcome when a child is not given the necessary discipline and not enough mental strengths to face life with courage,honesty and patience.

As all of us know,the SATAN or DEVIL is always beside us to “make us be like them” and when you behave like the Satan or Iblis family then discipline is not your priority anymore maybe the discipline to be bad or evil is your priority now!

How to instill discipline in our life?If you read Ramli’s book the 7 factors that constitute in the 4th Elements of Revolusi Aksi Cycle of Actions clearly spelt out the 7 areas of focus that you can concentrate and act upon.

Please read Ramli’s book but at this time around Ramli only have the Malay edition and need to get this book translated to the English version for all those non Malay readers.

Some pictures of Ramli’s book: Revolusi Aksi