Posts Tagged ‘7 sins of muda’

Ramli have actually written on this waste elimination subject in his earlier postings in this blog and still feel this subject need to be seriously dealt with as Malaysia is really experiencing lots of wastes coming from bad decisions at Govt,Corporate and Rakyat levels.What are they?

At the Govt levels,the Top Leaders are to be blamed since their decisions have effected many people and many decisions have also become “bad” and did not produce the results as expected.The decisions to invest or appoint Top Mgmt for Govt Agencies have at times become bad and these corrupt leaders have effected billions of RM to be lost and can never be recovered again!There are also decisions made where our investments turn “sour” and no OUTCOME are realized just wasted efforts,time,resources and opportunities better spent elsewhere!

The study of eliminating waste is serious business,why?When we study all these Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) we realized the importance to think,plan and act well plus our monitoring system.When we have done our PDCA well we can at least reduce or even eliminate the chances of errors happening!We make many errors everyday and some errors we do not know that we have made it,why?

Errors are a result of many reasons and the most important of all is our mistakes due to reasons like did not understand the subject or situation well or errors made due to poor judgement and no detailed planning.In quality we called it making quality at the design stage where we think quality right from the start of our product initial stage not when the product is almost completed and need final inspection.Like in the manufacturing of cars like Proton or Perodua,they need to ensure quality is important at the early stages and not ensuring quality at the final inspection stages!Thats dangerous thinking actually.

When we want to produce a ZD Car we must ensure all throughout the supply chain knows what is Zero Defect!The many vendors of Proton or Perodua MUST guarantee a ZD status of their products before supply to their Main Customer!So that means quality input will result in quality output!

Many people think quality is the Quality Manager’s job and others have only secondary responsibility!This is wrong and everyone is responsible for quality of their products and services.

When we have almost 28 million Malaysians and if everyone of us think quality is important then the whole country can realistically become a Quality Nation and that also means quality output and minimal errors or defects.When we work or do it right first time (DIRFT) we will produce error free work or actions!Errors caused wastage and wastage in terms of time,lost opportunities,wasted resources like manpower used and raw materials used can be curtailed and put to better use.We need to work rightly  and producing what we have planned for and not making mistakes and piling up lots of wastages in the dust bins ready to throw as wastes or recycle for recovering what we can again.

Every hour Malaysia will lose millions of RM as a  result of poor decisions,poor conditions and errors made!Our Klang Valley transportation woes or problems also caused lost of thousands of hours of productivite time for all commuters when they should be quick to their destination but with all the “crazy” jams around KV,people get caught in the traffic and this situation seems to go on day after day,week after week,month after month and worst of all year after year without SERIOUS determination to STOP THE PROBLEM.

WASTE is so important to stop especially when a country or company find so difficult to make profits by sales or new product or service introduction.So,all the efforts to use the “head” to stop all wastes in our location is the best thing or action to take.When we do it right the first time we reduce or eliminate to call our people via telephone or memos or sms about our meeting dates or to attend a training programme scheduled in the month or quarterly scheduled.All these extra work of trying to make it right are WASTES!This must be curtailed or best STOP.

There are many ways to eliminate waste and among them are understanding the 7 sins of MUDA..Ramli will write on this subject later in this watch out for the next posting….

For enquiries or training contact Ramli at 019-2537165 or emailed at