6 Traits of Champion Entrepreneurs!Are they the same all over the World or Different like in Malaysia?

Posted: November 30, 2012 in business
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Six traits of Champion Entrepreneurs


Naomi Simson

November 29, 2012

National Winners Ernst & Young Entrepeneur of the Year 2011 (Matt Barrie fellow blogger)

Last year I was a national winner of the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year program – and tonight is the 2102 event where the crown gets passed to the next chosen one. One of the best things about the program is that you get to hang out with some amazing people who have created phenomenal businesses. And the lessons learned are useful even if you are not in business.

Jack Cowin one of the judges shared “An entrepreneur needs to be a cross between a microbiologist and an astronomer.” He believes that true entrepreneurs are special in that they can be both detailed and visionary.

As a judge Jack had attended the EY Global Entrepreneur event in Monte Carlo. It was a delight to have him in the room sharing his insights.

Jack believes true entrepreneurs are special in that they can be both detailed and visionary, and offers the following Six Traits of Champion Entrepreneurs:

  1. Entrepreneurs have a fundamental curiosity – they want to explore things.
    My favorite word is ‘Why?’ I always have books piled next to my bed, blogs to read, conferences to attend. I like to know everthing.
  2. Entrepreneurs are persistent beyond reason.
    Hmm, yes, I have been accused of stubbornness. Once when I told the tale of waiting the 2 months and 4 days for redballoon.com.au first order to come in, someone asked me why I didn’t give up? This persistence was what motivated me to keep going even though I wasn’t seeing immediate results, even when my then husband was telling me how much money I was losing. Most importantly, I knew my WHY and it never entered my head that I’d fail on a purpose I was committed to and passionate about.
  3. Entrepreneurs search for better ways to do things – they agitate for change.
    As I like to say, are you simply building a new mouse-trap, or changing the game of rodent management forever? When I started RedBalloon there was nothing else like it in Australia and New Zealand; a totally new way of aggregating a new range of experience gifts. The traditional gift retailers probably still don’t view us as competition – we played outside the field.
  4. Entrepreneurs are endlessly positive in every part of their live
    A woman once asked me if she could have whatever ‘I was on’. I admit, I can be overwhelmingly positive. I am blessed with a tendency to look for the best in things and wear rose-coloured specs. I believe every problem is an opportunity.
  5. Entrepreneurs are focused and able to run lean and mean
    I believe focus and persistence are two-sides of the same coin. When you find your purpose, the ‘Why’ you are in business, the easier it is to maintain your focus. Running lean and mean offers the ability to be nimble – to be a little dog with a big dog attitude.
  6. Entrepreneurs have exemplary people skills – they understand leverage and that it cannot be done alone.
    I’ve always said RedBalloon has been about the team of people who have built it into the business it is today. My purpose as an entrepreneurial leader is to focus on WHY we do what we do and mentor people to share that.

What other lessons have you learned from champions?


  1. tolayskie says:

    I thought I was some kind of a weird but when I read this I feel relieved, I think I could be a champion, if I pursue and never disturbed by negative criticism.

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