The London Olympics 2012 have started and many nations have started winning Gold,Silver and Bronze Medals BUT Malaysia still did not win any medals of any color,why?The ROI on this London Olympics for Malaysian Sports is going to be a Major Agenda and Need to be answered by all Malaysian Sports Leaders and Mgmt…

Posted: August 2, 2012 in Sports, world class performance
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When will Malaysia start winning an Olympic Medal especially the GOLD Medal?Its already a few days the Olympics have started BUT Malaysia still have ZERO Medals?

Why it is so difficult to win an Olympic Medal?

Sure lah,to win an Olympic Medal means YOU are among the TOP 3 sports person in the World!

With over 200 nations taking part YOU are the Best 3 in the World,not easy but can be done with the RIGHT strategies,execution and follow ups.Yes YOU Can!

Poor Countries like Ethopia,Kenya,and others have all won Gold Medals plus Silvers and Bronzes Medals so why Malaysia cannot do the same feat?

The money we pour in for the Olympics since we participated from 1957 as a souvereign independant nation is mind boggling!maybe many Billions of Ringgit already especially in these later years…If Malaysia failed again to win her First Gold Medal at this London Olympics then what?

Will we see new Leaders in the many sports associations in Malaysia or the People Managing MOM at national and state levels leave the scene and get new capable leaders take over and plan for better results in the next 2016 Olympics?

Malaysia NEED Gold Medal asap,otherwise many nations will “laugh” at us and disbelief that a Great Nation like Malaysia with almost 1st Class Sports Infrastructure and Investments made STILL cannot win her 1st Gold medal?

Lets see the Final Outcome soon?

You can write to Ramli at email: or call at hp:+6019-2537165



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