What can happen in the coming 13MGE so scheduled in 2012?What all Malaysians can experienced or be ready for?

Posted: December 3, 2011 in All about Malaysia, all about ramli's writings
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This 13MGE so scheduled in 2012 will be a Great Battle for BN and Pakatan!Why?

In the last 12MGE in 2008,BN lost many states but still maintain hold on the Federal Govt by virtue of having  majority seats in Parliament.The Opposition now branded as Pakatan Rakyat have gained much ground since the last 12MGE by winning states like Selangor,Kedah,Perak (now taken back by BN),Penang and Kelantan (been with PAS for many terms already)

For this coming 13MGE,we all know that Pakatan are “gunning” for Federal Power and want to be incharge at PutraJaya (Malaysia’s Capital),Can they achieve it or BN will still be in PutraJaya?

What can happen in this 13MGE?

Ramli’s Toughts (Theory) based on many facts and factors are:

  • Malays make up about 60% of the Voting Population in this coming 13MGE -who will they vote?The Malay Party or Malay Candidate?
  • Gen Y (people below 25 years but will be 1st Time Voters make up about ? % Voting Population – who will they vote? The BN or Pakatan Party/Candidate?
  • Will people favour and vote for Important National Agendas like Eradication of Poverty,Malaysia for Malaysia,1Malaysia,Jobs for all,every home live in comfort etc…?
  • Will people refuse “Bad Politicians” with Bad Records and Greedy Type?
  • Will people vote against Old Politicians -whose time have come to “pencen”
  • Will people vote for “New Politicians” for their good performance or “bagi peluang” for them to show their “colors”?
  • Will Anwar Ibrahim be the New PM?
  • Will after the 13MGE,Malaysia become Better and Prosper?
  • Can Malaysia expect a New Federal Govt ie.Pakatan or still want BN to rule not with a slim majority but a “good enough” majority?
  • Do Malaysian Voters “Know how to vote correctly,rightly” ?
  • Will Malays,Chinese,Indians still possess a “race preference” in voting their MPs or ADUNs?
  • and many more issues?

Lets hope this coming 13MGE will educate all eligible voters to vote rightly,correctly,without fear or favour and be a Responsible Malaysian Voter for the sake of Malaysia’s Great Future and Generations.Inshallah.


Contact Ramli at hp:019-2537165 and email: ramlipromoter@yahoo.com for your comments and suggestions.Ramli also need cash and kind sponsorships to continue his mission to write and work to make Malaysia a Truly Great Nation.



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