Final Countdown to 13th Malaysia General Elections (13MGE) – Who Should Win (Be in Power) ? They say Politics is “Dirty” so can we get the Best (Quality,Clean & Responsible) Party to WIN in this 13MGE?

Posted: December 1, 2011 in All about Malaysia, all about ramli's writings, Leadership, politics
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The coming 13MGE is or maybe just a few days,weeks or months ahead!

Like PM Najib said “those who are non performers better quit and allow better ones to lead” and so too the other Political Parties all of them want to ensure their Party win this 13MGE.

The Opposition with their Pakatan brand wants to takeover Putrajaya and form the New Federal Govt while the incumbants BN wants to maintain their stronghold and be in power esp the Federal Govt.Losing the majority in PARLIAMENT will see the “goodbye” of BN as the Ruling Govt and allow Pakatan to elect the New PM and Cabinet!Can it happen?

Yes Pakatan can if they have the RIGHT MOVES and No if they make “stupid blunders” with the WRONG POLITICIANS AND DISLIKE BY THE VOTERS!

Maybe its better to have a clear majority winner in this coming 13MGE than a 50:50 winner where the management of the Federal Govt will see many “unnecessary” stoppages or hiccups due to political debates,arguments and all those non productive and non proactive actions from the political parties involved.

It goes to say,if a party win by more than 1 seat than the party is a majority winner and not a winner with the slimmest winning seat!Can it be done or accepted?

Why wastes?Why wastes lots of time politiking rather than WORK,WORK,WORK for the country and achieve her many important aspirations to become a Great Nation and Great Prosperity for the Rakyat ?

Ramli heard there are still Malaysians who do not possess clean water,ample lighting and food&shelter to their families and Malaysia already been Merdeka for 54 years ?

Malaysia have many cases or Corruptions as the Highest Levels,Divorces at “crazy” rates daily,sex crimes,CBT crimes,drugs and gangsterism and what have you?Malaysia Boleh as what people all say about Truly Malaysia!

So,who should WIN this 13MGE?

YOU Pikr lah?

for more insights about being a Great Malaysian,contact Ramli at hp:019-2537165 or email:

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