If Malaysia “dream” of winning the World Cups of Rugby,Football,Hockey or other sports then start from kids in primary schools and keep track of their performance not “tidak apa” attitude..lots of great talents were wasted due to this attitude!

Posted: October 23, 2011 in schools, Sports, world class performance
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Winning World Championship is “no joke” and need lots of hard work,smart thinking and planning plus all those scientific and careful n dedicated coaching and follow ups.

Sports is no more for “simple thinking or foolish dreams” BUT need lots of leadership,forward thinking and execution plus great passion and dedication by Malaysian Sports Men and Women alike.

Start from Young is the way to do it and we need TDR also.TDR means:

  • Hard Training
  • Good Diet
  • Ample Rest
This TDR Philosophy was made known by Ramli’s Boxing Advisor Mr.Henry Tongmo O from Korea way back in 1997 when Ramli launched the Pro-Boxing Sports in Malaysia and the “Thriller at the Peak” Pro Boxing Championship at Genting Highlands Hotel on 7thMarch,1997.The rest is history.
See some photos of Ramli’s Sporting History starting way back at Batu Road School from 1966 onwards when Ramli was in Standard Four.

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