The Malays (abt 60% of Malaysia’s Population) MUST be in control of their Malay Land aka Malaysia and to do that UNITY in minds,in hearts,in actions is KEY to the Malay Survival & Prosperity anything lesser is DOOM for Melayu!Believe It?

Posted: October 9, 2011 in All about Malaysia, all about ramli's writings
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The coming of the 13th Malaysia General Elections (13MGE) anytime from Nov 2011 is key to the Malays especially.Why?

The Malays being about 60% of the Malaysian Population of 28 Million people MUST get their act together sooner the better.The current situation witness the following traits of the “destruction” of Malay Unity such as:

  • Breakup of Malay Unity with existence of UMNO,PAS,PKR especially
  • Breakup of Malay Mindset,Hearts and Actions as a result of philosophies of UMNO,PAS and PKR
  • Wasted resources like money,time,opportunities,people and so many others as a result of different decisions and actions of these 3 Puaks of UMNO,PAS and PKR
  • ISLAM is the Unifying Factor and luckily we have a common Muslim Cemetery if not YOU will be buried in a UMNO,PAS or PKR cemetery!
  • ISLAM MUST be the KEY REASON for Malay Muslim Unity and to achieve that we need some creative and innovative solution that can satisfy this 3 Puak!
  • Malays are now breaking up their  60% majority and that means 20:20:20 and that equals to the Chinese 20% and Indian 11% population (as the Msian stats indicate)
  • Malays are Muslims and only Real Islamic Practises can protect Malaysians from more sinful crimes,build quality ummah,Blessed by Allah SWT and many more that Islam can offer and assure.Inshallah
  • Malays must take the lead in making Malaysia a Blessed,Prosperous,Peaceful,Harmony and Intelligent nation together with almost 1.4 billion Muslims all over the world.
  • Melayu Tak’an Hilang DiDunia is the key message by our Forefathers and lets make sure we upkeep those Words of Keramah and also our future generations.Inshallah.
  • Malays must love each other and only with this love thy brother can Malays hope for continuity of Power and Prosperity and anything less is Doomed for the Malay Race!
Hidup Melayu,Bersatu Melayu,Melayu Islam,Melayu Tak’an Hilang di Dunia dan Tanah Melayu Tanah Tumpah Darah Ku!
Building 1Malaysia is never easy -why?Ramli’s next article….please follow this blog always….

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