Discipline -the key to human survival as of today!

Posted: March 2, 2010 in corporate university, parenting, revolusi aksi
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In Ramli’s book “Revolusi Aksi” or Action Revolution you can see the 4 Elements in the Revolusi Aksi Cycle of Actions and they comprised of:

1.Thinking (Pemikiran)

2.Doing (Tindakan)

3.Measuring (Pengukuran)

4.Discipline (Disiplin)

In these 4 elements there are also their own  7 factors and together they will act in harmony as to produce the right results when we apply this Action Revolution Cycle of Actions.Please do read this book to know more before you act for results.

Today,Ramli wants to futher stressed the importance of Discipline.

The moment our kid starts growing up,we must teach them the importance of discipline.LIke in Islam,we are advised to teach our children at the age of 7 how to pray 5 times a day and when they reach the age 10,if they dont pray you must beat them with the “rotan” or cane so that they are discipline enough to know the punishment of not praying since they been taught about praying 5 times a day when they were at age 7 already.

This reflects in our growing up years where if  you are late to school the discipline teacher will record your name and send you later to detention class as a punishment for non obedience to the rules of the school.Same goes when you start working in a company and when you are late to work you too will be given a show cause letter from HR Dept as to why you are late many times or not improving your performance even ample warning are given to you by the company.

So,discipline is a key factor to teach us the values of being obedient,steadfast,good leadership,time management,persistence,quality and so many other good attributes that a person must possess if they want to be Excellent People.

Nowadays,the parents are slacking in discipline and “too polite” with their children and based on Ramli’s analysis maybe thats why we have so many juvenile crimes,mischiefs,indiscipline and worst still child murderers in our own backyard!

Children if not taught the importance of discipline then they will become rude,impolite,no patience,lazy,easily give up,poor leadership,poor grooming and etiquette,and so many bad character that is a liability to human society rather than add great value to us all.

The many “mat rempits”,”bohsia or bohjan”,”kaki lepak”,bullies,drug addicts,smugglers,snatch theives,gangsters and others are the outcome when a child is not given the necessary discipline and not enough mental strengths to face life with courage,honesty and patience.

As all of us know,the SATAN or DEVIL is always beside us to “make us be like them” and when you behave like the Satan or Iblis family then discipline is not your priority anymore maybe the discipline to be bad or evil is your priority now!

How to instill discipline in our life?If you read Ramli’s book the 7 factors that constitute in the 4th Elements of Revolusi Aksi Cycle of Actions clearly spelt out the 7 areas of focus that you can concentrate and act upon.

Please read Ramli’s book but at this time around Ramli only have the Malay edition and need to get this book translated to the English version for all those non Malay readers.

Some pictures of Ramli’s book: Revolusi Aksi

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