Posts Tagged ‘zaid’

Read this article from Star Online about Sultan Selangor decree to make Masjids to be free from any political purposes or campaigns.

Tuesday May 11, 2010

Sultan Selangor snubs Zaid


PETALING JAYA: Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah is unlikely to grant PKR leader Zaid Ibrahim an audience.

“At present Sultan Sharafuddin sees no reason to grant Zaid an audience as the latter is not an elected representative in Selangor or a Datuk from Selangor,” a source said.

In that context, there is no reason for the Sultan to grant an audience, the source said.

“So far, the only indication from Zaid is through the newspapers and no formal request has been received and also, according to the newspapers, Zaid only wants to explain and not apologise,” the source said.

Zaid courted controversy when he questioned the Sultan’s directive to disallow mosques in Selangor from being used for political purposes.

He drew more flak from various quarters when he posted in his blog ( a claim that the Sultan’s order for mosques not to be used as a political stage was the Sultan’s personal opinion and was not a decree.

Selangor Islamic Religious Council Chairman Datuk Mohamed Adzib Mohd Isa had said in statement that the directive by Sultan Sharafuddin was a decree.

He referred to Section 12 of the Selangor State Syariah Crime Enactment which stated that an order by the Sultan was a decree and was effective and could be implemented without first being gazetted.

The Selangor Islamic Religious Council (MAIS) had on Oct 6, last year issued a circular to all mosques in the state about the directive by Sultan Sharafudddin barring the use of mosques for political purposes.

Last year, the Sultan of Selangor had consulted MAIS, JAIS and the state Mufti’s office before the circular was distributed.

The circular (MAIS Bil 4/2009) also states that no ceramah is allowed by any unauthorised persons without first obtaining accreditation from MAIS.

The circular also stated that MAIS would not hesitate to enforce the provision of the law against anyone who disobeyed the Sultan’s directive