Posts Tagged ‘united’

As from the population statistics Malays comprised 60% of Malaysia’s 28 million population.

This is important fact and Malays basically have been in power politically ever since the Malacca Sultanate and then lose power to the invaders like Portuguese in 1411 and then to Dutch,British,Japanese,British again till we got our Merdeka on 31stAugust,1957.

Yes the Malays are the majority race and strong politically but no more economically!

The Chinese hold the economic power and the Indians are slowly catching up economically!

Now in 2013,Malaysia have 2 major political Blocks comprising the BN and Pakatan Teams.

The Malays are well repressented in UMNO for BN and PKR and PAS in Pakatan sides.

So with the coming 13MGE which will taks place this year will see the Malay Parties “fighting” each other to try to win the Federal Govt as well as the State Govts which the Pakatan have now taken 4 states and trying very hard to win the Federal Govt and become the NEW Ruling Govt after they “whipped” apart BN (if they can lah..)

So whats the concern or danger now to the Malays (as Ramli sees)?

Basically there are few major points or cautions,that are:

  • Can the Malays produce more MPs and ADUNs in the new Govt from 2013 onwards or same as 2008 results or less?
  • Can Malays be United as usual after the 13MGE or become 2 “warring”parties that can create civil unrest ?
  • Can the Malays become powerful economically and achieve the desired 30% wealth participation of the country rather 18% or less now?
  • and many more urgent issues….

So Malays must seriously agree to disagree BUT finally become United,Powerful,Protect Malay Rights & Priveleges,Islam become Main Agenda and many more benefits to the Malays.

Ramli hoped we dont create civil unrest,disunited,no harmony even at home,Islam become weaker and many more issues..

Hopefully the MALAY AGENDA  is noted and safeguarded at all times while the other races are equally protected,prosper and live in harmony and contribute to Malaysia’s stability,economy and responsibilities.Inshallah.