Posts Tagged ‘orang asli’

Listen to this song as sung by Allahyarham Datuk Zainal Alam -Malaysia’s “Bob Hope” as some called him and this song is very remarkable and important because it was sung in Malay,Chinese,Indian and English…
How many Malaysians can really speak what more write in this 1Malaysia components of people,language,beliefs etc…Diversity but In Unity…..
1Malaysia is a noble mission and everyone who loves Malaysia including all the “Foreign Aliens” legal or illegal must understand what 1Malaysia really means….A Peaceful Malaysia will be the result of 1Malaysia and Peace we get Prosperity,Harmony,World Class Performance,Trust and Become Greater Malaysians…..Inshallah…

My Friends and I made a trip to Taman Negara a long time ago and from the video/s you can see how wonderful mother nature is and everything was clean,pure and so refreshing.Here in this video you can see Chemetong being interviewed and also his children surrounding him.Wonder where are they now?
Hope we have many more Taman Negaras’ for our future generations to enjoy,live prosperously with sustainable development and
safe environment.

For more infos,contact: Ramli at +6-019-2537165 or email: