Posts Tagged ‘malay archipelago’

The Malays must become a POWERFUL FORCE in this 21stCentury!Why?How?

Since the great days of the Malacca Sultanate and the Malay Powers(including Indonesia & Philippines) in Nusantara or Malay Archipelago,Malays have travelled all over the world and have made their presence felt even up today!

Malays are now in South Africa,Europe,all over Asia,Americas and many of the Islands of the World!

Malays were seafarers and explorers and they travelled afar in search of new lands,opportunities and spread their culture and religion.

Now the Malays are weak,tidak apa attitude,never explore and lead the diaspora lifestyles like the Chinese or Indians and not many are Rich or become Billionaires!

Why all this things happening?

Unlike the Chinese and Indians they too have travelled afar and build their wealth through many generations and are now a great force in their new found countries!In fact in the last Forbes List of Richest Person many Indians especially are among the Top 20 Richest Individuals in this World like Mittal,Ambani families.

Ramli attended the 3rd Global Business Summit and the theme of that summit was “Global Diaspora Business Summit” and this summit held in Kuala Lumpur was well attended by Business Leaders from India,Singapore,Philippines,China,Pakistan,Australia,Indonesia,Thailand,Iran and Malaysia.

The word Diaspora was the key element here where most of these business people are the generations of their forefathers who travelled from their original country like China,India and Great Britain to seek new opportunities to become Entrepreneurs from scratch with no money,no contacts and nobody to finance them in this new lands BUT with the spirit of Business and Passion for Success they become knowledgable in their trade,seek many opportunities,possess best characters and values plus their never give up attitude and zest for greater life!

The tales of their success stories through their generatons as diasporas were shared at this summit and hopefully the new generations of entrepreneurs can study,learn from the best and worst and make their own companies better today than yesterday and the best tomorrow!

The Malays also need to be a Greater Race than today as what their forefathers have shown when they controlled the Straits of Malacca and the Malay Archipelago.They controlled the businesses and trade in their countries until the evil minds or intentions of the Portuguese,Dutch,British and Japanese that came to conquer their lands and make them like slaves and lose their power base for quite a long time till the Malays with help from fellow Chinese and Indians  including the Natives got their Merdeka (Independence) on 31st August,1957!

The Malays must learn a lot from successful Chinese and Indians business people based in USA,UK,India,China,Singapore,Hong Kong and elsewhere including Malaysia as to their best practices,business secrets,kinship,networkings,values and financial expertise and many more…

The Malays must become Good Muslims that adhere to the Quran and Hadiths as what Prophet Muhammad pbuh have shown and made Islam a dominant force in this world.

The Malays must now make their plan and work their plan to achieve all this great mission to become a Greater Race,Nation and Super Power as what their forefathers have shown 700 years ago when they are Kings of Straits of Malacca and the Malay Archipelago!Inshallah more will be written of this subject in pramleeelvis blog.

Contact Ramli +6019-2537165 or email: for further enquiries and feedbacks.

some YouTube videos for you to see,ponder and get new ideas as how the Malays can become a Greater Race,Nation and Power!

some notes on Nusantara:


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nusantara is an Indonesian word for the Indonesian archipelago.[1] It is originated from Old Javanese and literally means “archipelago“.[2]

The word Nusantara was taken from an oath by Gajah Mada, as written on an old Javanese manuscript by Negarakertagama.[3]Gajah Mada was a powerful military leader and prime minister of the Majapahit Empire who was credited with bringing the empire to its peak of glory. Gajah Mada delivered an oath called Sumpah Palapa, in which he vowed not to eat any food containingspices until he had conquered all of Nusantara under the glory of Majapahit.

Ancient concepts of Nusantara


Nusantara is a Javanese word which appears in the Pararaton manuscript. In Javanese, Nusantara phrase meaning “outer islands” (from nusa, “island”). Based on the Majapahit concept of state, the monarch has the power over three areas:

  1. Negara Agung, or the Grand State, the core kingdom. This includes the capital and the surrounding area. In the context of the Majapahit empire, this area covered East Java and its surrounding area.
  2. Mancanegara, areas surrounding Negara Agung. These areas are directly influenced by Javanese culture. In the context of Majapahit empire, this includes the entire Java island,MaduraBali, as well as Lampung and Palembang in South Sumatra.
  3. Nusantara, areas which do not reflect Javanese culture, but are colonies where they had to pay tribute. In the context of Majapahit empire, this includes the modern territories ofIndonesiaMalaysiaSingaporethe PhilippinesBruneiEast Timor and southern Thailand.

The first appearance of Nusantara concept in 20th century

modern Nusantara as exposed by Setiabudi

In the year 1920, Ernest Francois Eugene Douwes Dekker (1879-1950), who was also known as Dr.Setiabudi , introduced a name for his country (Indonesia) which didn’t contain any words etymologically inherited from any Indian languages.[4] This is the first instance of the term Nusantara appearing after it had been written into pararaton manuscript.

The definition of Nusantara introduced by Setiabudi is different to the 14th century definition of the term. During the Majapahit era, Nusantara described vassal areas to be conquered. Setiabudi didn’t want this aggressive connotation, so he defined Nusantara as all the Indonesian regions from Sabang as far as Merauke.

Palapa Oath (where the term Nusantara was first used) is in reality the embryo of the modern unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia, notwithstanding the fact that the territory of Majapahit was then even much wider than the current territory of Indonesia.[5]

Malay Archipelago

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the large island group. For the book, see The Malay Archipelago.

The Malay Archipelago refers to the archipelago between mainland Southeastern Asia and Australia. The name was derived from the anachronistic concept of a Malay race.[3]

It has also been called the Indo-Australian ArchipelagoEast IndiesIndonesian Archipelago, and other names over time. The term is largely synonymous with the term Maritime Southeast Asia. Situated between the Indian and Pacific Oceans, the group of over 25,000islands is the largest archipelago by area, and third by number of islands in the world. It includes Indonesia, the PhilippinesSingapore,BruneiEast Malaysia and East Timor.[4] The island of New Guinea or islands of Papua New Guinea are not always included in definitions of the Malay Archipelago.[4][5]

Etymology and terminology

The common name was derived from the concept of a Malay race,[3] which included the peoples of modern-day IndonesiaMalaysia, most ofEast Timor and the Philippines. The racial concept was proposed by European explorers based on their observations of the influence of theethnic Malay empire (Indonesia), Srivijaya.[6]

The 19th century naturalist Alfred Wallace used the term “Malay Archipelago” as the title of his influential book documenting his studies in the region. Wallace also referred to the area as the “Indian Archipelago” and the “Indo-Australian” Archipelago.[7] He included within the region the Solomon Islands and the Malay Peninsula due to physiographic similarities.[7] As Wallace noted,[8] there are arguments for excluding Papua New Guinea for cultural and geographical reasons: Papua New Guinea is culturally quite different from the other countries in the region, and the island of New Guinea itself is geologically not part of the continent of Asia, as the islands of the Sunda Shelf are (seeAustralia).

The archipelago was called the “East Indies[9] in the European colonial era and is still sometimes referred to as such,[4] but broader usages of the “East Indies” term had included Indochina and the Indian subcontinent. Indonesians use the term “Nusantara” for the “Malay archipelago”.[10] The area is also referred to as the Indonesian archipelago.[11][12]


The land and sea area of the archipelago exceeds 2 million km2.[1] The over 25,000 islands of the archipelago comprises many smaller archipelagoes.[13]

The major groupings are:

The six largest islands are New GuineaBorneoSumatraSulawesiJava, and Luzon.

Geologically the archipelago is one of the most active volcanic regions in the world. Tectonic uplifts have produced large mountains, including the highest in Mount Kinabalu in Sabah with a height of 4,095.2 m and Puncak Jaya in Papua at 4,884 m (16,024 ft). The climate throughout the archipelago, owing to its position on the equator, is tropical.


Malay Archipelago (or Indonesian Archipelago) is often referred to as the largest archipelago in the world, but this is meant by area and not by number of islands. This title aptly represents its 25,000 – 30,000 or so islands which span 5,400 kilometres (3,400 mi) eastward from Sabang in northern Sumatra to Merauke in Irian Jaya. If you superimpose a map of Indonesia over one of Eurasia, you will find that it stretches from Eastern France to Western China; compared to the United States, it covers the area from Eastern California to Bermuda. If includes New Guinea, it was even span 6,400 kilometres (4,000 mi), it stretches from Eastern Spain to Western China; compared to the USA, it covers the area from Eastern California to Western Iceland.


Wallace’s line between Australian and Southeast Asian fauna. The deep water of the Lombok Strait between the islands of Bali and Lombok formed a water barrier even when lower sea levels linked the now-separated islands and landmasses on either side.

Wallace used the term “Malay Archipelago” as the title of his influential book documenting his studies in the region. He proposed the “Wallace Line“, a boundary that separated the flora and fauna of Asia and Australia. The ice age boundary was formed by the deep water straits between Borneo and Sulawesi; and through the Lombok Strait between Bali and Lombok. This is now considered the western border of the Wallacea transition zone between the zoogeographical regions of Asia and Australia. The zone has a mixture of species of Asian and Australian origin, and its own endemic species.


Over 350 million people live in the region, with the most populated island being Java. The people living there are predominantly from Austronesian subgroupings and correspondingly speak western Malayo-Polynesian languages. This region of Southeast Asia shares more social and cultural ties with other Austronesian peoples in the Pacific than with the peoples of Mainland Southeast Asia. The main religions in this region are IslamChristianityBuddhismHinduism and traditional Animism.

The cultural identity of the region is seen as part of ‘Farther India’ or Greater India as seen in Coedes ‘Indianized states of Southeast Asia’ refers to it as ‘Island Southeast Asia’ [14] while other authorities see it is as partly (or in the case of Singapore heavily) Sinicised, and yet the further other ones suggest its own identity within Austronesia or Oceania[15]

See also

They are the stars of the Malay Archipelago (Nusantara) who have lots of admirers,their talents are well respected and most of all loved “like mad” by all….

here are some of them “Nusantara Beauty”

What is Nusantara Beauty?

Yes,the Nusantara Region (or better known as the Malay Archipelago Region) have tremendous potential economically,politically,socially and of all things good that life offers!
From the aspect of Women,Ramli dream of the “Nusantara Lady” that signify the ultimate beauty,charm,love,care and most of all good hearted person that any Man want to possess preferably as his legal wife/wives.
Who can be the Nusantara Woman of 2010?Maybe a blend of all the good attributes and beauty from nations of ASEAN like Malaysia,Indonesia,Philippines,Brunei,Singapore,Thailand and the rest……
Watch these videos from YOUTUBE and see whether you find the Nusantara Woman that Ramli & U may like!