Posts Tagged ‘lose money’

Ramli have received so many telephone calls especially nowadays from Sarawak wanting to know this familiar 3AIG or GPLF or whatever scheme this nonsense people introduced till today is true or can make money or not?

Ramli as always informed them that for almost 8 years since this 3AIG was introduced especially in West Malaysia and also Sabah Sarawak NOTHING or No Result is seen or benefitted to all investors big or small amount of RM.

So,PLEASE DO NOT JOIN since no result is seen and just waste of money,waste of time and make your life miserable only!

For those involved as promoters and owners of these scheme/s of course they make a good profit of your stupidity and ignorance by all the investments you put in their schemes.

So as a Friend and Concerned Malaysian ,Ramli hope you stay away from all these Get Rich Quick Money Scheme and just invest in all those Offcial Investent Schemes like ASN,Bursa Stocks & Shares,Unit Trusts or maybe get a Pasar Malam or Pasar Tani Stall to do some small business that many have now become RICH (in fact really rich with great sales all the time)

So maybe no more disturbing telephone calls to Ramli wanting to know all about this nonsense money schemes but we can talk about Real Business or Opportunities that is not nonsense,proven,real and make us happy investors or buyers of products and services where we get value for our money…Inshallah.

Call Ramli at +60192537165 or email: for real business and good relationships that last and benefit all involved.Salam.Fear Allah SWT and those that do harm or no good to humanity Hellfire is your destination,for sure!