Posts Tagged ‘income’

Life is short really and in Islam we Muslims are advised to look forward to life after death or our place in Heavens (Jannah)!We must not be greedy of wealth,power,status and all things earthly!Why?

The life in the Hereafter is extremely blissful and like a hadiths of Prophet Muhammad pbuh have stated that Allah SWT have like 100 hidayah to offer Muslims and 99 of them are all reserved in the Hereafter!Wow!

We humans can expect a life expectancy of above 70 to 80 years nowadays with all the modern advancement and health management we developed all these years and as today Malaysians working in the private sector are now alllowed to retire at age 60 rather than 55 years old in the old scheme!

Living to a great old age is good if you have enough money,energy and love!

Death is a certainty! So be prepared anytime because like Allah SWT Commands when your time have arrived to go then go to the Hereafter!However we must go with good deeds,great obedience and obey all orders of Allah SWT and produce pious children who will all pray for our souls and safe journey to Jannah!

The coming 13 MGE or 13PRU are just events in our lives where we must elect the MPs and ADUNs to lead and manage the Federal and State Govts.We spend many millions or billions of RM just to get these 13MGE@13PRU going on and produce the winning candidates and parties!

To measure rightly our progress or advancement is all about Outcomes!

Is the Ringgit a strong and favoured currency?Before and many years ago,RM was at par with SGD like 1:1 status.Now RM and SGD have a variance of RM2.44 to SGD1.00.So how come Spore have “beat” us in the value of money?Maybe we can say they have these outcomes so far like:

  • Greater Leadership qualities
  • minimise corruptions
  • good systems in place and they all work well
  • great education system
  • better public transport
  • good exports
  • effective and efficient govt agencies and depts
  • greater participation from citizens
  • foreigners love to live,work and play in Spore
  • More innovations and creativity
  • and many more

So,the results or outcomes are there to see,feel and enjoy.

Malaysia is approaching the 55 years of Merdeka and still not improving like World Class?Lots of talk and cheap talk BUT no great results or outcomes to be a model to the Modern World!

The Politics of Malaysia based on Ramli’s analysis is “dumb and numb” and not behaving gentlemanly or with great wisdom,rights and all things humanely good and tolerable!Why?

We argue on issues or agendas of nonsenses and of no value added to the country or people.We argue about not important issues when the country are facing tantamount problems of poverty,natural disasters,crimes of all kinds,corruption at the highest levels and no great focus to educate and get out the much needed talents to help enrich or propel Malaysia to World Class levels just like Singapore have done all these years?

Ramli is now 55 and can Ramli still be working at peak levels till 65?Ramli Doa and Hope so for the best especially in mind power,energy levels and critical analysis,problem solving and innovations ++.Most important now is be 100% Islamic and there is no better reward in living in this short brief world than to worship Allah SWT and abide to the teachings of Prophet Muhammad pbuh.The learning of Quran and Hadiths must be the based of all things all the time.So many things to learn,discover and benefit.Inshallah.

Contact Ramli at +6019-2537165 or email:

Klang Valley as Ramli found out is considered to have a 50km radius around Kuala Lumpur as her centre and all inhabitants of Klang Valley have to understand the best kind of lifestyles to suit a suitable and comfortable living especially with the Cosmopolitan and Busy cities of Klang Valley like Kuala Lumpur,Petaling Jaya,PutraJaya,Shah Alam,Klang and others..

Many “kampung” folks that have decided to live in Klang Valley locations cannot maintain a lifestyle or pace of living like where they originated or used to that kind of lifestyles…

In Klang Valley the pace is faster,more aggressive,all things “instant”,more risks taking,at times dangerous,people are not necessary kind or like you and others that are uniquely happening in Klang Valley locations only.

Like if you are to commute from point to point in Klang Valley ,you need to walk faster,be focus of your directions and be careful at all times (danger is just a 1 feet away!)Many cases of people being late to work due to miss the trains,buses or even taxis!People also being made to look like “fools”due to no proper planning or actions taken.In KL especially,we need to know which Taman or Building to go and if you think you want to find your way around and take your time then you need to increase your time to a further 3 times to meet all the wrong entries or lost of directions.

Life in Klang Valley also means spending more money since everything here are not free like your breakfast,lunch or dinner.At times you maybe lucky if there are F&B promotions in the city corners or also at Masjids due to events or Tazkirahs or Baca Yassin on Malam Jumaat!

If you are earning RM1000 or below a month and you need to pay for your room rental,food&drinks,transport,prepaids for mobilephones etc…then you are in “deep trouble” because all that expenses need mofe than RM1000 if you live in KL!The Govt of Msia is trying hard to pay a minimum basic wage of RM1,500 to all eligible  since they realized that anything less for an individual is living in poverty!The family household income all in should be about RM3,500 a  month or else they live in poverty or hardships especially when expenses include house installments or rentals,food for a family of 5,car installments,school money for kids,and so many others,,,

Maybe the aspirations to increase the income of all 1Malaysians to a higher income level will be a great move by 2020.However as the income grows so too the expenses!So,its back to square one and maybe we become worsts!

The real important mission for all Klang Valleyites (folks of Klang Valley) is to build their personal excellence and noble values.People must be smart,fast worker,discipline,trustful,caring,frugal,no Kiasu kind of behaviors,good savers,live within their means,etc…

When we become a high income economy and with all these noble values then living anywhere in Klang Valley or this world will lead us through a successful living full of bliss,peace,no unnecessary debts,caring and become Great Citizens love by all our family especially.

Ramli have lived in KL from 1960 to 1970 then in PJ from 1970 to 1986 and now in Shah Alam from 1986 to today!Love being a City Boy to City Teenager and City Adult but managing and leading a Great Life in Klang Valley is always challenging all the time BUT thats LIFE!

see these videos: