Posts Tagged ‘genY’

Imagine the 13MGE have been prolonged and more delays and some say the 13MGE must be done latest deadline by July,2013!

Why the delays and waiting game?

Of course the ruling government ie.BN are uncertain of their chances of winning good or winning like 12MGE and worst still losing the 13MGE?What will be the outcome then?

So naturally.BN strategy is to “overhaul” the rakyat’s mind especially the Gen Y (voting for the first time after turning 21 years old) with all kinds of facts and myths about BN and Pakatan Rakyat(PR) status.

For not seasoned voters they now become confused with all the facts and stories about what actually happening in Malaysia and what really are the performance of BN and PR?

PR now are in control of 4 states (Kelantan,Penang,Selangor and Kedah-while Perak have been taken back by BN at the courts).Will PR win more states in the 13MGE?IF PR win more states maybe they will become the New Ruling Govt in Power and tossle out BN?

So,the Rakyat are now “bombarded”with lots of goodies,promises,election gimmicks and what have you!Some people say”just take lah what the parties want to offer but nobody knows what I am voting on polling day?”

The Gen Y love goodies and more excitement ahead of them!Can they think rationally and smartly or wisely who should lead Malaysia?

Maybe no because they have lived in an environment of fear and more fear where freedom of speech is well contained at Universities,ampu bodek culture is alive,rasuah is rampant and cronysm is alive also.The Gen Y need constant govt support via PTPTN,subsidies and what have you because life is just too hard nowadays!

So economic wealth and money promises can become a key factor in the `13MGE and which party can emphasised well their economic plans then the voters may vote for them?Islamic values is also a major factor in the Malays but how many % of Malays Muslims are so concerned with Islam at her Best?

So with confusion at all corners of the Rakyat esp the Malays (who are 60% majority race) then this 13MGE may create voters who may land or vote without proper indepth analysis of the Real Situation and just voted more out of emotion rather than deep thinking and proper study?

So,can Malaysia progress better and grow more prosperous after the 13MGE?Maybe yes but what kind of quality of people do we really possess and whether we still live in fear or ampu bodek style and all those sickening thoughts and values like what we may have now?

Islamic Way of Life or Ad Deen must be established well and good thats a solemn duty of all Malays  Muslims at least!

The Painting

By: Ben Coomer

You walk along the forest floor
After years of grief and strife
You walk to the edge of the path
And see the painting of your life.

The scattered sunlight transforms the tree land hues
As you study the colors the painter could choose
Marveling at its brushstrokes both old and new
Learning the techniques that are best to use.

There are shades of red and splotches of grey
That you wish would just disappear
And rainbows that could brighten anyone’s day
But for some reason they never seemed to stay.

You take a glance one last time
It seems so historically old
But the painting is unfinished
The full story is yet to be told.

You stare into the dense wilderness
On your face you feel the morning dew
You step off the man made path
Cause you realize the painter is you.

(this poem send by my good friend in Indonesia -Tuty)


By: Claude McKay (1889 – 1948 / Jamaica)

To clasp you now and feel your head close-pressed,
Scented and warm against my beating breast;

To whisper soft and quivering your name,
And drink the passion burning in your frame;

To lie at full length, taut, with cheek to cheek,
And tease your mouth with kisses till you speak

Love words, mad words, dream words, sweet senseless words,
Melodious like notes of mating birds;

To hear you ask if I shall love always,
And myself answer: Till the end of days;

To feel your easeful sigh of happiness
When on your trembling lips I murmur: Yes;

It is so sweet. We know it is not true.
What matters it? The night must shed her dew.

We know it is not true, but it is sweet —
The poem with this music is complete.

Cakap tak serupa bikin!

Itulah ungkapan yang boleh di tuju kepada Top Mgmt di UMNO dan PAS dan PKR dll…

Peratus Melayu Islam yang lebih cenderung pada tanggung jawab mereka seperti solat 5 waktu,tak main(ambil skim) riba’,bermoral dan nilai murni nampak nya dalam porak puranda.Sungguh banyak cerita benar Melayu Islam yang buat hal dan kes jenayah setiap hari.Penceraian antara muda mudi dan tua bangka pun makin menjadi.Di Selangor DE dianggarkan berlaku perceraian 5-10 pasangan setiap hari.Bayangkan jumlah setiap tahun dan itu Selangor DE sahaja!

Ramli ingin syorkan agar Islam di ambil berat dan TRANSFORMASI kan lah sebaik2nya.

Jadikan peratus Melayu islam ramai kan masjid dan surau.Penuhkan saf dan solat waktu sama ramai seperti solat Jumaat!Boleh Ke?

Apa guna kita berekonomi tinggi tapi perangai dan iman macam “setan” atau macam bukan orang Islam pulak nampaknya.

Biar kita hidup penuh kesederhanaan tapi ilmu,iman dan amalan yg terbaik,istiqamah dan terbaik di “pandangan” Allah SWT!

Fikir2lah dan Renung2lah.Jangan berangan2 sahaja tapi REVOLUSI AKSI untuk kecemerlangan hidup sebagai orang Islam.


Jika berminat,hubungi Ramli di hp:+6019-2537165 atau email: