Posts Tagged ‘dustbins’

Do you realized that World Class Companies have this Policy that among others “any food that are not eaten or consumed at their F&B Outlets like Restaurants,Buffets,Functions,Events will or must be THROWN INTO THE DUSTBINS,Why we allow or tolerate this wastefulness?

Many reaons are given like:

  • Its company policy
  • we only want FRESH food to be seryved at all times to our guests or customers
  • we do not want our staff to bring back our hotel food back home and may cause dishonour to others by way of hotel left over food also consume by outsiders
  • we want to keep our Brands or reputation intact and do not allow for reseller at any levels or locations
  • and many other “stupid”reasons or “just cannot understand” reasons as far as Ramli is concerned….

So,whats the Big Deal or Problem actually?

At times hotel unconsumed food due to accesses or not consumed well by Guests will become Big Wasters and just plain wastes of the worst kind!

Like in some Fast Food Companies if their doughnuts are not consumed by end of the day the F&B Outlet Manager must discard the unconsumed doughnuts to the dustbins and do not allow any staff to take away or bring back home.Why they practised like that day in day out everyday?many people are still poor and they surely can consumed those left over food and still consider to be eatable and good to eat!

Even unconsumed Roast Chicken can be dumped into the dustbins if they are not sold or consumed when business hours end.Can you name such organisatiions that you have relazed practise this kind of Food Keeping Policy?

So what can we do to make our Living more Realistic,Ideal,Fair,Justice,Tolerable and Non Wasters?

Sure we can!We need to revisit these Unkind Policies and Become more humane and Good Citizens to the World not as it is but the way it should be like or practised with RESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOUR.

Hotels and Fast Food Companies as part of the CSR Movement MUST Meet Welfare Homes,Old Folks,Poor Communities so that a System of Handover of Unused or Unconsumed Food & Drinks can be rightly or fairly distributed or handed over to them as and when available even if its an everyday affair!Can we do it?

So many more things to thnk and do on this matter of importance and urgency.The Faster and Rightly we act the more we SAVE and not become BIG WASTERS or do discredit to our Food and Drinks where others or those in need can consumed well and with great satisfaction!

Lets see if we can change all these Negative Ways to More Positive Ways of Living and Doing Business the Right Way that Allah SWT or God Almighty expects from us all human beings….

Contact Ramli at HP:+60192537165 / +60355450975 and email: for any suggestions or assistance on the above subject.

Have a Great Positive Life!