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Itulah ungkapan yang boleh di tuju kepada Top Mgmt di UMNO dan PAS dan PKR dll…

Peratus Melayu Islam yang lebih cenderung pada tanggung jawab mereka seperti solat 5 waktu,tak main(ambil skim) riba’,bermoral dan nilai murni nampak nya dalam porak puranda.Sungguh banyak cerita benar Melayu Islam yang buat hal dan kes jenayah setiap hari.Penceraian antara muda mudi dan tua bangka pun makin menjadi.Di Selangor DE dianggarkan berlaku perceraian 5-10 pasangan setiap hari.Bayangkan jumlah setiap tahun dan itu Selangor DE sahaja!

Ramli ingin syorkan agar Islam di ambil berat dan TRANSFORMASI kan lah sebaik2nya.

Jadikan peratus Melayu islam ramai kan masjid dan surau.Penuhkan saf dan solat waktu sama ramai seperti solat Jumaat!Boleh Ke?

Apa guna kita berekonomi tinggi tapi perangai dan iman macam “setan” atau macam bukan orang Islam pulak nampaknya.

Biar kita hidup penuh kesederhanaan tapi ilmu,iman dan amalan yg terbaik,istiqamah dan terbaik di “pandangan” Allah SWT!

Fikir2lah dan Renung2lah.Jangan berangan2 sahaja tapi REVOLUSI AKSI untuk kecemerlangan hidup sebagai orang Islam.


Jika berminat,hubungi Ramli di hp:+6019-2537165 atau email:

2010 will be a year of positioning for all of Malaysia’s Politicians since 2012/2013 will be the Next 13thMalaysian General Elections (13MGE)
If they want to be reelected and stay on as MPs’ or ADUNs’ then they must be popular and satisfy the Rakyat!
They must work harder,smarter and maybe be more “cleaner and humble” in the eyes of the Rakyat.Any politicians with bad criminal records or have tarnished their image may not get the nod for reelection since now each Minister and their Ministries have the NKRAs and MKRAs plus all the other KPIs agreed earlier.Anyone performing excellently well with their KPIs will definitely get the nod from the PM since his/her track record is good and deserve for reappointment but in politics as they say it “be prepared for any surprises or eventuality” you may never know whats next!
The Rakyat is watching closely and keeping their eyes open,their ears also and maybe their hearts will tell them who they like and who they dont like anymore.So either they come from the BN or BA they must show their true performance and the Rakyat have benefitted very much from the current tenure of service as MPs or ADUNs’.May Malaysia have the best rightful Politicians to administer our 1Malaysia to Greater Heights of Prosperity,Peace and Harmony.
note: this is Ramli’s thoughts only.