Posts Tagged ‘comapines’

The recent financial announcement that MAS may have recorded a loss of about RM2.5 Billion for Financial Year 2011 is so SICKENING AND GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT! WHY?

Almost all of MAS People seem to work very hard at every business process everyday BUT still MAS recorded great loss and wonder when she will make good profits again?

Some of Ramli’s friends have worked with MAS many decades already and what Ramli heard from them that many “foreign workers even engineers” are now in MAS and local Malaysians seem to be at lost and wandering around with no specific directions or mission to make MAS a NO.1 Airline of ASEAN what more the world.”Air Asia” people are also now infusing into MAS processes but still the impact of Air Asia smartness and passion is still not effecting MAS performance or bottomlines?

Ramli having read about Steve Jobs(SJ) iLeadership Ways and Best Practices was just asessing the SJ Ways if introduced in MAS Business and what real impacts or outcomes can MAS expect?

Lets see:

  • Focus on products -MAS need to focus on domestic or overseas travels.Which is the Top Priority and MONEY Spinner!
  • Talented People hired to work with MAS -sorry to say the current CEO is not an airline expert so understanding 100% of the airline business may not be so airline savvy.SJ was Tech Genius and knows the Tech Business like 1000%
  • People at Apple are willing to sacrifice their time just to achieve the Top Player award no tidak apa attitude or dont disturb me during my off time unlike SJ who expect his Team to be ready for answers anytime he called them even at home!
  • SJ will reward and recoqnise all good work and results by personally meeting his people and congratulating them!
  • Never rest on past achievements even though the cash flow is rolling high but keep on improving the products all the time..
  • Always ask “what will the customer’s expereince be” if they open up our apple’s packaging?Same like what will MAS customers’ feel when they are in MAS Air Terminals like KLIA?
  • Talent Recruitment not the work of HR Director or Manager only but like SJ (CEO) he will also identify TOP Talents and invite to work with Apples.Can MAS CEO also do the same?
  • Teambuilding is KEY to Apple’s Great Success and SJ really “turun padang” and meet his Team to identify their problems,help eliminate the problems and find new areas of improvements…
  • and many more what SJ’s Way can also help MAS to be Great Company like Apple (as today is the richest company with biggest market capitalisation above USD500Billion in value!

Lets hope MAS will be GREAT again but to do that the Leadership and People at MAS must think right,act fast and get results at all costs.Focus is key,passion to the mission to be top airline is also important.Making profits and improving the Cash Flow is also KEY and like SJ never say no or give up and lose out to all opponents and distractors!

MAS have been a Top Airline before and MUST now become TOP Again not by wasted efforts,poor leadership and lose focus!

If only Steve Jobs is around maybe MAS can have a new passion and mission to get things done the SJ Way?

Contact Ramli (if interested) at hp:+6019-2537165 or emailed at