Posts Tagged ‘calls’

Today 4thMay,2013 is history to Ramli,why?

Ramli received more than 10 sms and almost the same of telephone calls from the BN Candidiate vying for the MP seat of Shah Alam which is now held by incumbant MP Tuan Hj Khalid Samad (who is actually Ramli former classmate in Form 6 at Sultan Abdul Samad PJ Secondary School.)

So what the interesting story of this desparate Candidate as MP for P.108?

Ramli became so annoyed after receiving numerous sms and telephone calls as such:

SMS from registration numbers of:












Telephone Calls are:

1.0355204222  and of the same tel number always….


Ramli just top up his prepaid card for RM10 at 11am and by 3pm the prepaid had completely”empty” zero balanced!

How can 1Malaysians do business at a “high level” of commitment,communication and consultation when the costs of the telephone calls esp via mobilephones is so “damn” expensive and really “taxed” the Rakyat.

There is a lot of debate can be made if we are to really discussed on this subject of “high costs of making a telephone call” as compared to other countries in ASEAN and Developed countries concerned!Do you know where Malaysia stands!

The many Telcos’ established in Malaysia may all have the same call charges and Ramli believed strongly their Profits per Call must be many % UP as compared to the actual cost per call?

Why can the Govt determined the best call rates so that 1Malaysians can make this RMK-10 Mission a success since we need to talk,communicate and collaborate with our fellow 1Malaysians all over Malaysia as well as all over the World!

Ramli heard in USA,you can signed up for a fixed rental rate on your mobilephone and speak as much as you want for the whole month and not bothered with extra charges in Malaysia!Can we implement such packages for our millions of mobilephones subscribers?

Maybe thats why people use SMS more and more fearing their credits will finished or their monthy post paid bills will “sky rocket” and hurt their wallets and lifestyles.Please helplah all the 010,012,013,014,016,017,018,019 etc…operators….