Posts Tagged ‘arabs’

In the recent days Muslims all over the World can see how Israel as a nation and Jews as the main people have inflicted mass destructions of the Palestinian homes,families,lives and environment!What can Muslims do or take actions?Nothing much actually!Why?Muslims are NO MORE United as a Powerful Force on Earth like the time of Prophet Muhammad pbuh and his 4 Pious Caliphs!It is a sad story and a fact that Muslims must realized unless they take Great Actions NOW! How?

To understand this hatred by the Jews towards Muslims not only the Palestinians (who are mainly Muslims) but all other Muslims around the World is to really study and understand the Jewish Existence and History!

There are many books made available on this study of the Jews,their history as describe in the Quran and other books plus their actions that saw the Jews being ousted from country to country and all mainly to their behaviours and attitude of the worst kind,most evil and repeatedly ignore Allah SWT Commands although at one time Bani Israil (Jewish decendants)have produced many Great Prophets with Jewish Origins until the Last Islamic Prophet Muhammad pbuh which origin from the Quriash famly (non Jew origin) which really infuriated the Jews!Please read the books on this Jewish History and all the events that occured till today..

From some of the books that Ramli have read about the Jews and mainly from the book titled “Jewish Conspiracy and The Muslim World” by Misbahul Islam Faruqi with complete text of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” Ramli now realized the Great Threat to Muslims (who maybe unaware like Ramli) of the Jewish Conspiracy and what have been happening around the World (the way it is not actually seen or realized by Muslims.It is this urgent need that Muslims MUST be made to realized the facts and datas of this Jewish Conspiracy and what MUST seriously be done or take action (one step at a time but surely realized)in order to safeguard Muslims from further “bullied”by Jews especially Israel and her accomplices all over the World and the Jews “clones” that Muslims cannot tolerate or be intimidated because Allah SWT have assured many times in the Quran and further enforced by Prophet Muhammad pbuh that “Islam is the perfect religion and Allah SWT is the Greatest Power and Protector of all Muslims forever till end of time.”Fear no one,all Muslims must believe this fact and just abide to all the teachings of Prophet Muhammad pbuh the Messenger of Allah and stay or refrain from all evil doings that Allah SWT forbids.

Some of the important facts all Muslims must take note are:

  • England was prepared to grant political freedom to all her colonial possessions as soon as a generation of intellectuals and politicians imbued through English education with the ideals of English culture  were ready to take over,but under no circumstances would the British Government for a single moment tolerate an independant Islamic State.(Lord Cromer,in Modern Egypt,1908)
  • Scattered Tribe (Jews) has been a history of fraud and deceit,criminality and cunning,sabotage and destruction.
  • for the last 2000 years the Jews have been engaged in all sorts of crimes against humanity and the worst sufferers have always been those nations who committed the blunder of opening their doors to this highly insidious cabal.
  • the Jews were turned out of Portugal and Spain.They driven out of England in 1290.They were twice pushed away from France in 1306 and 1394.They were exiled from Belgium in 1370 and from Czecholavakia in 1380.Holland drove them our in 1444 and Italy turned them out in 1540.Germany pushed them out in 1551.Russia exited them in 1510.But why so much degradation and humiliation has become part of their destiny?After all what is wrong with them?
  • Without going into details,if we look at their national character,their social behaviour,their basic beliefs,thinking and attitude and the manner they behave in practical life,there remains no wonder if they are hated,cursed and condemned.
  • We need not to go to other sources to understand their mental make up because TALMUD itself is explicit on the point.It declared -1.the wealth and property of non-jews is permissible for the jews.if they get hold of anything belonging to others it would be legitimately belong to them.2.jews have been chosen to exercise control and authority over the life and property on non jewish  people. 3.just a man is superior to animals,the jews are superior to all mankind inhibiting the earth since with the exception of jews all others have animality and rascality in them. 4.the jews have been ordained by God that they accept interest from non jews and it is prohibited to advance loans without charging interest.
  • and many others

based on all these factual explanations,Ramli realized that all Muslims must now take actions to:




Ramli just saw,heard and felt the power of Maher Zain songs and lots of them are about worshipping to Allah SWT and how Allah SWT have Blessed and Grant Mercy to all of us!Alhamdulillah and Allahuakbar!

Here are the songs…Inshallah YOU too will hear,see and feel your hearts with the POWER OF ALLAH SWT.

Ramli is now reading the book titled “Islam,Black Nationalism and Slavery” -a detailed history written by Adib Rashad.

After reading the early chapters,Ramli was really amazed at the factual accounts of how Black People especially the African Muslims help to develop USA to become a nation where trade is made popular,people become more socialised,intermarraige being promoted among African Muslims and Native American Indians as well as great conversions to Islam by Native Americans.

The book also stated that “the available evidence also shows that Muslim navigators arrived in the New World from Africa and Spain.This is supported by Arab coins found off the coast of South America dating back to 800 AD.These voyages,over time involved about 2,400 ships.”

Once these Muslims reached the Americas,they established trading posts.They also introduced the West African gold trade into the Americas as well as the art of alloying gold with copper and silver.Furthermore,they introduced the cotton trade and the art of making cotton into the Americas.Most important,they always exhibited an Islamic demeanor.Many of them settled in the Americas and attempted to name or rename the areas in which they settled after important localities in West Africa which were under the reign of the emperors of Mali.

African Muslim explorers and traders under the guidance of Emperor Mansa Abubakari Muhammad,the monarch who preceded Mansa Musa,explored many parts of Americas,including the area now known as the United States.

and many interesting stories about how Black African Muslims managed to attract Local Indian Natives much earlier before Columbus set foot to USA!

Islam have been introduced to USA many hundred years ago by the Black African Muslims and it is timely now Islam helped saved USA from further deterioration of human values and greed which only destroy the nation further and bring back the spirit of worshipped to Allah SWT and  helped the people build greater brotherhood and love from whatever color your skin is since whats important is your heart not the color of your skin either black,white or brown!

Ramli hoped to write more on the above subject later on…Inshallah.

First we had Tunisia then Egypt and now Libya,Bahrain,Yemen,Iraq and whose next?

Old Leaders who have ruled their nations on “political tickets” for 20,30 and even 40 years without change now are feeling the great opposition from their own people!Tunisia and Egypt have now made the CHANGE but the rest are in great turmoils and like Libya many are killed in this so called civil wars of the ruling power and those who want changes to happen.Who will be the winner at the end of this events?

For sure this is a lose-lose situation because Muslims are killing Muslims only Allah SWT Knoweths who are the True Muslims and who are the Bad Muslims!

True or Good Muslims are those that follow the path of Prophet Muhammad pbuh and his Pious Prophets of Abu Bakar,Umar,Othman and Ali ra.True Muslims follow the Quran and Sunnah!

Wealth is not a priority for a Muslim personally but Wealth for the Good of the Ummah and all in need of money is IMPORTANT MISSION FOR MUSLIMS.Wealth of  a Muslim Person is not important if he/she just amassed and hoard wealth “like mad” but when his/her wealth is given out as zakat and to people in great need of help will be of utmost important and blessed by Allah SWT.

Like Ramli have written before the 3 important things that YOU and I will be assessed by Allah SWT in the Hereafter are:

1.YOUR good deeds to Allah SWT

2.Your acts of charity for Islam and all human caring

3.Your pious children whom you have brought up and given good education and their prayers for you in the Afterworld.

The next 3 TAs that Ramli also have written to be avoided by us Humans are:

1.HARTA ie.wealth.Dont be in greed of wealth

2.WANITA ie.Women (your lust for them) Dont be in great lust of women or doing sins

3.TAKHTA ie.Positions ie.status (you must not be obsessed with attaining high positions with ill gotten ways or evil ways)

So,like Malaysians the Arabs also want to live with PEACE,HARMONY AND PROSPERITY.Leaders must not be in power too long and live like “kings or dictators”.Leaders that are elected by the political process must adhere to their political framework and allow the necessary political process to happen periodically with clean,honest and dedicated government.


Are we still adhering to these democratic definitions or just PLAYING POLITICS INFACT DIRTY POLITICS  to still stay in POWER for their own selfish needs,political advantage and to all in sync or in tandem with them?

The need to Jihad for Change especially fighting among our own people is the worst thing we Muslims must do BUT to the Arabs they feel that what must be done and only by civil wars they think CHANGE CAN HAPPEN!

Only Allah SWT KNOWTHs whats RIGHT and what will be the FUTURE like!

May The Arab Nations be in Peace and Change happened with minimal lost of Muslim lives and properties!

some photos from Huffington Post:


The Muslim Men are allowed to have 4 wives at one time but to do that they must act fairly,caringly and lovingly to all their 4 wives.Can they do so in these 21st Century?Maybe the financial strength of a man will also determine his physical strength or ability and capability to “service” 4 wives and help raise a Great Happy Family like 29 children,countless of grandchildren and great grandchildren.Yes,we have such families in this world and some are so happy and live happilly ever after.

In this period where the rate of divorces or broken marriages happening as fast as actual marraiges are made,the need for the single married women to have a new replacement is critical to help them shover the burden of raising the young children without a proper father and guidance in their growing up years!So,whats the best solution?

Marry again,stay a single married mother or what?

Ramli’s thoughts are Muslim Men with the permission that Islam allows them to marry upto 4 wives should take this challenge to have a great family where they must learn to be Great Father and Husband as well as Great Lover to all their 1,2,3 or 4 wives all put together…Its not about why marry 4 wives BUT it is more about having the best approach or formula to make this Great Happy Family really work like what Prophet Muhammad pbuh and his Sahabats,Tabiin,Tabiin Tabiin have shown in their glorious and meaningful lifetimes…

Marriage is not about SEX only but it is more to that…to know more..marry 4 wives soon….hahaha


Ramli Abu Hassan

(note: still with 1 wife now…)



here some views from Wikipedia:

Polygamy in Islam

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Islam, polygamy is allowed and practised under certain restricted conditions. Muslim men are allowed to practise polygamy and can have more than one wife at the same time, up to a total of four.

Although some Muslim-majority countries have Islamic law (sharia) which permits polygamy, certain elements within Islam, including Islamic feminism, challenge its acceptability[]. See this discussion on the extent to which states can and do recognize these forms as valid.

Polygamy for Muslims, in practice and law, differs greatly throughout the Islamic world, where polygamous marriages constitute only 1–3% of all marriages. In some Muslim countries, polygamy is relatively common, while in others, it is rare or non-existent. Tunisia, for example, is a predominantly Muslim country where polygamy is not legal.

Historical context

Further information: Muhammad’s wives

Unrestricted polygamy existed in pre-Islamic Arabia.[2] It was practiced by Hebrew patriarchs in the Old Testament such as Abraham, Jacob, and David (See Polygamy in Judaism).

Polygamy was the standard practice of most Muslim world powers until the 20th century.Most famously, the Ottoman sultans had an extensive harem of wives and concubines which ensured the biological continuation of the dynasty.This helped prevent the dynastic struggles and wars that plagued western European monarchies when no legitimate heir was produced. It did, however, contribute to intense rivalries between the women of the harem, each seeking to promote her own son to the throne. For individual examples see Hurrem, Kösem and Turhan Hadice.


The single passage in the Qur’an dealing directly with the topic of polygamy is in Surah 4 Verse 3:

And if you fear that you cannot act equitably towards orphans, then marry such women as seem good to you, two and three and four; but if you fear that you will not do justice (between them), then (marry) only one or what your right hands possess; this is more proper, that you may not deviate from the right course.

The Qur’an instructs the guardians of the children of widows, which it refers to as orphans, to marry the widows, where this is lawful, if they fear that they would not otherwise be able to fulfil their obligations to protect the children and look after their wealth and property. Men are allowed to engage in polygamy with two conditions:

  1. Even for as noble an objective as the welfare of the children of widows, a man cannot take more than four wives.
  2. If a man is unable to deal justly with all four wives he should not marry more than the number he can be just with. Justice is a value that has to be maintained at all costs and cannot be sacrificed even for such a noble cause.
  3. Qur’an encourages wives to adjust and adapt to the situation, but in spite of the wife’s efforts, if the family does not remain intact then it is not her responsibility. As the Qur’an says.

some argues that it apply only to the case of the orphans mothers or widows.[5]

As with any other conditions on an Islamic marriage contract, a woman may, before marriage, state a stipulation that the husband not marry any other women. A subsequent second marriage by the husband invalidates his first marriage.


Islamic feminists such as Shukria Barakzai oppose multiple marriages. Barakzai is a member of the House of the People or Wolesi Jirga, the lower house of the National Assembly of Afghanistan. In 2004, 12 years after they were wed, her husband took a second wife without telling Barakzai, and she admits to feeling “disturbed and hurt” and “a victim of tradition” because of his decision.[6]

See also


  1. ^ The New Encyclopedia of Islam(2002), AltaMira Press. ISBN 0-7591-0189-2 . p.477
  2. ^ Khadduri, Majid (Spring, 1978). “Marriage in Islamic Law: The Modernist Viewpoints”. The American Journal of Comparative Law 26 (2): 213–218. doi:10.2307/839669.
  3. ^ Javed Ahmed Ghamidi, Mizan, Chapter:The Social Law of Islam, Al-Mawrid
  4. ^ Amin Ahsan Islahi, Tadabbur-i-Qur’an, 2nd ed., vol. 2, (Lahore: Faran Foundation, 1986), p. 400
  5. ^
  6. ^ “Successful Afghan politician still victim of tradition” 8 March 2009 Taipei Times