Posts Tagged ‘ABC’

Berdikari or being Self Reliant is Great!

We need to “stand on our own feet” and perform excellently ourselves!

Our knowledge and wisdom can enable us to know whats right for Malaysia and Malaysians.Some say why do all the manual work or sweat when we can hire lots of foreigners to work for us and they can also produce what we want?

Yes,its good to work smart but Malaysians must know what it takes to get things done ourselves especially when we cannot depend anymore on expats or cheap foreign labour or talent.

The construction of the Petronas Twin Towers (PTT) was done by the Japanese and Korean construction companies and many Malaysians were hired to work for these 2 giant world class construction companies.The PTT is now well known all over the world but Malaysia cannot be so proud to say we build them with “our own people,hands and sweat” but we hired foreigners to help build for us the PTT same also like the Penang Bridge etc…

Malaysia need to Build Quality People to help unleashed her hidden talents and also discovering all the infinite possibilities that Malaysians can perform to the best!Who’s responsibility are these ?

Ramli learned also that we need to possess these 3 Consciousness if we want to build a Quality Malaysia.What are these 3 Conciousness?

1.Quality Consciousness

2.Problem Consciousness

3.Improvement Consciousness

If only all Malaysians possess these 3 Consciousness and become a habit of doing things everyday then Malaysia have no problems to proceed with all the 10MP and ETP,GTP etc…because the basic requirements of getting things done are met or realized ie.Right Attitude,Good Behaviours and Correct Skills are there and all the investments will not be wasted,have great errors and uncompleted projects or not met to budget or targets!

Revolusi Mental atau Minda sangat perlu dan kemudian di teruskan dengan Revolusi Aksi untuk mencapai kegemilangan atau hasil (outcome yang terbaik)

Tanpa aksi tiada hasil!


Contact Ramli at hp:+6019-2537165 or emailed at: