2013-Ramli’s business on Training & Consultancy under his company (RAHTC) wants to help Top Mgmt to identify their types of ERRORS made by Mgmt and Staff and what’s the Cost involved in these errors (mistakes,do not do right first time or just careless work etc..)Hopefully after identification of all these errors,projects can be executed to eliminate or reduce these errors and help SAVE money for the Company!If interested call Ramli +60192537165/+60355450975 or email:ramlipromoter@yahoo.com

Posted: January 2, 2013 in business, qc tools, quality company, world class performance, ZD, zero defect
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—Good Problem Solvers-what type are YOU?
—Type 1: The self negating,despairing type
—Type 2: The someone else’s fault type
—Type 3: The “ostrich” type
—Type 4: The Problem Solving type
—What is a Strong Workplace?
—Tackling more challenging problems!
—A strong workplace is one that recoqnizes problems and can take steps to solve them.
What is a Problem?
—Narrowing the gap between the ideal and the real!
—A problem is a matter that must be resolved
—A Project is a Problem scheduled for solution (Dr.Juran)
—The QC Problem Solving Approach
—The QC problem solving approach is a method of solving problems rationally,scientifically,efficiency and effectively using
—1.The QC Viewpoint
—2.QC 7 Step Formula
—3.QC Tools
—The 10 Commandments for becoming a Competent Problem Solver
—1.It is a lie to say “we have no problems.Problems are everywhere.Actively search them out.
—2.Use accurate data,not guesswork.Observe the workplace carefully and grasp the facts accurately using data
—3.You cannot win empty handed.Study the QC Tools well and apply them thoroughly and effectively
—4.Skill is important.Improve your techincal ability by studying specialist skills,techniques amd tricks
—5.It is no good trying to do everything at once.Advance steadily by faithfully following the QC Seven Step Formula
—6.Do not be beguiled by apparently attracting solutions.Analyze the possible causes rigorously and only act after identifying the true causes
—7.Computers are useful but not creative.Exercise your ingenuity and originality
—8.Without a rational approach,things will come to a dead end.Move ahead using the QC viewpoint
—9.It is no good standing back and telling your subordinates to get on with it.Tackle difficulties yourself
—10.Never give up.Be determined and fight to the last.
—The QC Viewpoint-vital for QC Type Problem Solving
—1.The QC Mindset-Total,Statistical,Quality,Control,Improvement factors
—2.Quality First-above all produce good quality
—3.Consumer Orientation-make the products the customer really wants
—4.The Next Process is Your Customer-never send defectives or mistakes on to the next process
—5.The PDCA Wheel –Rotate the PDCA wheel deligently
—6.Priority Consciousness- Pounce on priority problems and attack them mercilessly
—7.Management by Fact-speak with facts and data
—8.Process Control – control working methods not results
—9.Dispersion Control-pay attention to dispersion and identify its causes
—10.Recurrence Prevention-institute radical countermeasures to ensure that the same mistake is not repeated
—11.Standardization-Formulate,observe and utilize standards
and many lessons to learn on this Art & Science of Elimination of Wastes (Money) due to Mgmt and Staff Errors!

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