So many things to do and so many problems we faced BUT we our time are wasted everyday in TRAFFIC JAMS especially in Klang Valley like KL,PJ,Subang Jaya,Shah Alam etc…What to do?

Posted: February 27, 2012 in All about Malaysia, business, public transport system
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In managing a country,company or family we  always need to identify problems,study the causes,take actions and hold the gains (so do not repeat the problem again.)

We need problem solving skills and breakthrough mindset.

We need a project by project approach in managing all these matters.We need a dedicated team to focus and take responsibility to solve the problem/s.

All this things are taught by companies either by the Managers or Consultants hired to help them.

In Malaysia especially in Klang Valley or the new focus of Greater KL,there seem to be no Best Solution yet to end the Traffic Jams madness and escalation?

Millions of commuters in cars or public transports like buses or trains are caught in this traffic jams and if you add these time wasted of all people involved it can totalled up to millions of hours everyday and if you multiply by wastes of time in Ringgit it can become Billions of RM ?

How many billions of RM do we lose due to these nagging problems eversince Ramli lived in Shah Alam 26 years ago till today?

The MRT solution is still underway underconstruction and underperformed till now and the NKRA for Public Transportation is still in progress and yet having a clear definite solution or action?

Millions of people get annoyed,frustrated and disappointed with the flow of actions to get this Traffc Jams solved once for all!

The sale of cars is always aiming for the peak like 500,000 cars a year and the finance companies are giving out car loans at even ZERO deposit payment and you can drive your new car?Roads and highways are being built rampantly that you at times do not know that these highways existed until you start paying the TOLLS?

So we keep on WASTING OUR PRODUCTIVE AND QUALITY time everyday till some get immune and say “thats life in KL”?

No,thats not KL life or quality living!We need to solve these massive traffic jams and get our priorities right and meet our mission.We need to spend minimal time on the roads and spend maximum time on our work and produce results!

We need to achieve all our KPIs and GTP and ETP but if we are not working right and in our cars or trains and buses wasting our time than we will not achieve all these grand goals and targets just dreaming and more dreams!

Lets eliminate all the wastes of waitings or traffic jams and get our time savers working right all the time.

How to do?

Contact Ramli at +6019-2537165 or

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